And there it is…however few can see it.

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Super video, Greg R. So what I have always warned of can now be seen for the complete lie , betrayal , and scam it is. The worst have just been moved up the ladder into greater power positions Absolutely horrifying so many believe in these liars and support them.

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Nothing good about this... when fauci falls, trump.will b in an unforgiveable position if he goes along w big pharma. We do have RFK in the way. I hope.

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Nope... They are all in on it... Check out the RFK clip towards the bottom of this article where he is now, essentially, back tracking on everything: He isn't going to get rid of vaccines or even "Covid Vaccines" https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/trump-has-been-president-elect-for

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Agreed. He isn’t suddenly a ‘Hero of The American Right’ just because T-Rump made him a Half-Back. Commander Happy Hands will only place ( and keep ) persons in positions of authority and influence who will be ‘Team Zionist Players’. If ‘RuFuK’ will tow-the-line he will be golden with the Klein.

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Absolutely bro ,, we are on the same page

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No we dont just as bad caves in completely the minute he is cornered by any real questions and shows his real colors, dont forget the Kennedy s are newcomer American Illuminati brought in as business partners of the Old line Black nobility when they bought old man Kennedy JFK s election was rigged as well that did not start with Biden.

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If you haven't watched Dr Steven Greer's inspirational, transformational documentary entitled The Lost Century please do it now. It's an informative, exploration of the financial, scientific and political corruption that has kept humanity bound to a course of self-destruction. A sense of urgency builds throughout the presentation which is resolved in the hopeful conclusion that portrays the beautiful recovery of our planet and the unlimited possibilities of liberty and happiness that await us if we act now.

Please help spread this link far and wide across the internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLF3PWieN_8

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I suggest sending information to RFK, Jr., letting him know that government murder will destroy this country. I have sent him info 2x, and I do not see any limit on characters. Please, write him. Overwhelm him. He needs to know that WE KNOW. Fear of God needs to come upon him.

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It smells like RFK Jr. is in on it too... Check out the video towards the bottom where he has started to back track on everything! https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/trump-has-been-president-elect-for

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The one thing you can't argue against is people's need to believe in the goodness of others. It's a testament to their own goodness, since we always judge others using ourselves as a measure, and though its byproduct is gullibility, it's also a source of hope that eventually good will prevail due to sheer numbers.

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Of course he is ,,,, way too close with Soros and his /their ideas of new financial models because the old are "bankrupt" ? You have to be kidding more like its all been looted by them and stashed in tax free havens rigged stock exchanges and corporations with "cooked books" bought all the resources and land built underground bunkers and cities everywhere and who knows what in space..

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