Great expose. Martin is a dyed-in-the-wool globalist and a Freemason.

Mikki Willis is, amongst other things, Judy Mikovits' handler.

She admitted he coaches her in media delivery.

I watched a very odd show with Judy Mikovits and a few Info Wars standards when the Malone-Peters-Ruby-Breggin lawsuit kicked off. The upshot was: 'the boys' wanted her to heal the wound:

On 9/23/22 panel on Info Wars that included Mikovits, Owen Shroyer and the "Plandemic" documentary film maker Mikki Willis hosted by Owen Shroyer. Patrick Byrne appeared via video link with "A Message of Unification."

This episode laid out the 'division between the doctors in the movement.' It had all the hallmarks of an 'intervention'. The conclusion seemed to be that we should stop the infighting; we are all on the same team...i.e it's all divide and conquer; Circle the Wagons; lay off Malone; and for God's sake stop asking questions.

Willis: We are in the same fox hole. We gotta stop putting the rifle to the back of our team mates' heads.

Mikovits: We know who wins. God wins.

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It doesn’t look to me that dr martin is a globalist ...

His history does contain first hand connection with the machinery of globalism ..

But I could say that about many components in daily life ..

Dr martin and Judy mikowitz and Michael yeadon all have been exposed to and part of the matrix..

They are not sock puppets of the global regime in any way and in these times they are staying their opposition to the globalist agendas.... and very noticeably dr martin was in the uk recently with one of the only independent politicians called Andrew bridgen. They and a few other matrix dissidents were showing the facts of the criminal enterprise that stretches back many years thst has led to the current global disaster we call the covid 19 scamdemic or plandemic..

And the interlocking directorates that have generated this global plague of totalitarian Democide are very clearly presented by dr David martin at any of his presentations of which there are many and all of them reveal the stark reality of corruption , collusion and the resulting death and destruction.

Dr martin has been following and the trails of these globalist operatives for over 20 years and has been trying to raise awareness of there interlocking directorates..

Judy mikowitz has been doing much the same from the perspective of someone that worked in the now infamous labs. She tried to show the nefarious nature of the projects she was working on when she realised the nature of the projects...

She tried to bring the truth of it into the light and was challenged by her employers.

She refused to retract her revelations and was fired and defunded and was falsely arrested and put in prison...

So you see these people are people of integrity who are challenging the globalist agendas. I do not see how that is not very obvious..

We all owe them our thanks..

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Martin has been involved in and profited from the same 'globalist' enterprises..

Martin claims -and you agree- that he has been "following..these globalist operatives for over 20 years"..yet he didn't speak out until later in 2021.

By that time, the majority of the population had already been jabbed with the B-weapon vx 'at least once'.

What a hero.

Martin claims: "COVID was pre-meditated domestic terrorism. First isolated in 1965 more than 50 years ago, it was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race."

As Martin undoubtably knows, the dread virus has NEVER been isolated.

Both Martin and Mikovitz are still promoting The Agenda: fear of a non existent virus.

He is a Freemason.

I owe him nothing.

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That saying that we shouldn't have different opinions or that it means we are conflicted is bunk. Everyone has different opinions. Ok so if you don't want different opinions, then give up your opinion, hey. But who wants to do that? What we could do is hold different opinions and not get so bent out of shape because of them.

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We concur 💚

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Martin is one shady character!

Fyi, this was actually written by Omar Jordan and has been circulating for quite a while:



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That’s not suspect at all 😂

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I paid $35 for Martin's speech at the Arlington Institute. It was full of unsupported hyperbole. I lost faith in him then. Next, I started doubting Willis since he "found" Martin. And now that RFK Jr is pro Isreal with no nuance and Bigtree is supporting him, I'm starting to doubt most of the "leaders" of the movement.

I fell asleep in Plandemic 3, but it seemed to be about the horrible everyday people who are Marxists. Willis flat out lied and said that Marx wanted to end families. I used to be a Marxist, and I believe they are our most likely allies on the left. However, the "hate the Marxists" psyop keeps us from even talking them.

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That's one thing we need to learn as we go into the new awakening - we don't need leaders. We need initiative and collaboration with our peers. We need to stop looking at larger-than-life characters who are scripted for the big screen and large audiences. This actually keeps us like ants, always looking at the greater ones. Now it's time for us to become great.

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Why do you assume RFK Jr being pro-Israel has anything to do with it?

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I don't understand your question. Has anything to do with what?

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The article.

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I still don't understand what you're saying except that perhaps that I am an anti-Semite. My family is Jewish. However, regardless of my Jewish status, I can question Israel's policies without judging Jews just as I can question US policy without judging Christians.

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You seem a bit thick tbh. Cya

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Oh you can't tell?

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So no answer then?

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Look I cannot remember to give you "proof" because I keep my eyes and ears open. Just listen to him - he tells you quite clearly without saying it straight. It is so obvious he is an apologist for genocidal Israel. RJK is a politician anyway and they are all beholden to AIPAC. have no beef with any country and all of them kill but the sadism that Israel engages in really needs to world to stand up and speak against it and give them a good public schlapping so that it is quite clear that genocide and ethnic cleansing is UNACCEPTABLE, period. While we stand mute, it gives them the message that they can do anything and guess what - they will. And don't think we're not going to be on the menu eventually.

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That wasn’t the question. The question was ‘why do you assume RFK Jr being pro Israel has anything to do with it’? The ‘it’ being the discussion of Dr David Martin. As with many typically unintelligent antisemites you’re just taking yet another opportunity to inject your irrelevant anti-Jewish vitriol into a subject where it has no bearing. I’m not even going to address the rest of the garbage you just wrote because I would require a lobotomy first…

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Thank you so much for all the effort and time you put into this elucidating article !!!👍👍

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Well that was depressing

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I’ve always found the concept of a cyberterror attack being used to convince people to give MORE of their data and access away as a bit counterintuitive. If anything I would think it would serve as a warning to back away?

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So that is an impressive discussion about Dr. Martin. It pretty much confirms what I figured all along. I will say that in one of his early interviews when he popped on the scene he explained how not all rich powerful people get along and some speak up. It's not that I trust him, but this is a good point. Not only do the rich powerful greedy psychopaths who are working together to take control have some rich powerful opposition in the world, but they will also stab each other in the back if they can. One guy pictures everyone in his little metaverse. Another envisions everyone buying stuff from his distribution monopoly and another plans to have the world operate with his software, eating crickets from his farmland and injected with his collections of chemicals. One penetrates zie cabinets and others are of course hiding in the background with their own banks and holding companies and so on. And these guys are about as trustworthy and loyal to each other as leaders of biker gangs, drug cartels and prostitution rings from around the world would be. For example, I'm sure most of the others in the loop agree that Zuck should have kicked me and folks like me who post a lot of truth off his platform long ago but he of course counts on data we generate to pay his bills. So the good news is that a house divided struggles to stand, but the bad news is that a turf war probably puts the toughest psychopath on top. Better than this glass half empty or glass half full perspective, though, is the realization that the glass is refillable. While they of course will resort to violence and trample us if need be, it's so much easier and more pleasant to just crush us with propaganda and obfuscation and so on, and with things like elimination of words and ideas they don't like. We need to fight back by coming up with new words and ideas that expand our narrative. This is why I created the word and concept of coincidism. Coincidists are the opposite of conspiracists, who believe any and all conspiracy theories, even ridiculous ones, even conflicting ones. Coincidists dismiss them all, even the obvious ones. This one is proving to be fun already, with expressions like a coincidemic of coincitards. I also came up with drariged, which is when people are forced to undergo medical procedures against their will. And here's a new one, somnambulicide, which is mass murder of the sleep-walking. The first two are serious things though, actual ideas or concepts that need to be discussed and addressed. Until now there wasn't a shameful name for people who pretend vax injuries are not real. Now we can call them coincidists...

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Yes coincidists - they are good words and somnambulicide. But really what we need to do is totally ignore these actors on the big stage. It really is all smoke and mirrors, a virtual soap opera of magik.

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It’s interesting because I don’t see them being on different sides of the plague and vaxx scamdemic..

I see that they all agree it’s a malevolent scamdemic designed to be used as a means of depopulation. And they all appear to identify the same “ interlocking directorates “ WHO and the big pharma corporations and government departments and ngos responsible for this Democide . David Martins work relative to this criminal collective is only to project the elements of this crime that can stand in the “ justice system” and courts and be invulnerable to arguments as to whether viruses exist or not ..

I suppose in the courts experts of all “religious denominations “ would hijack the themes of “evidence” and spend endless amounts of time and money muddying the waters of truth.

David Martin in one of his lectures made it very clear that he wanted to avoid the hijacking of the bioweapon Democide aspect and death and destruction caused by the usual suspects when placed in the legal system.

This must be imminent .

The “science” of the true nature and function of the virus model as depicted in academia and the corporations etc remains to be revolved.

Many believe that the entire virology platform is based on bogus scientism much in the same way that people argue a flat earth and a spherical earth model..

The fact you have both Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger singing their praises of vaccines and viruses makes the blood run cold.

And the snake like nature of hypodermic needles like fangs is surely a reptilian wet dream ..

Ickean overtones become more and more noticeable.

If one believes in the main stream model of virology or not doesn’t in any way undermine David Martins overarching evidence of bioweapons being researched designed and created by an interlocking directorate.

I remember him tss asking about the nature of so called viruses and dna in one of his talks and he was very clear in saying that the science was very uncertain and that the true nature of these biological forms isn’t well described by the main stream corporate academic cartels or mafias..

What is clear is the psychopathic nature of the whole covid 19 enterprise and from what I have seen or heard Michael Yeadon and Judy Mikovits and David Martin are all on the same page.

I would bet also that they would not allow the virus debate to derail the criminal justice that is desperately needed.’

Another aspect of this horror story is the PCR “test” that was never able to be a test product for anything. The PCR process was from Kary Mullis who won a Nobel prize for his efforts.

He himself was shouting out as loudly as he could that his PCR process was not of any use in any for the diagnosis of illness.’

This “test” was called a test for covid 19 and as stated was part of the gigantic global criminal scamdemic.

It’s bedtime here so goodnight …!

There’s more to say but it’s time for slumber!

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You are a silly boy .....

Just look at the patent trail and the players....

That’s enough !

What we need to know .. look at Mike yeadon and Judy mikovits .. and and the enormous mountain of corroboration and the trail of death and destruction trailing behind the corporations and ngos and and and and ...?

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1st.. I wouldn't put Mike Yeadon and Judy Mikovitz in the same camp... 2nd - If the virus was real then why did they have to result to scams like widescale upcycled PCR tests and Hollywood trickery at Elmhurst hospital? Have you read our investigation: https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics

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I agree, Mike Yeadon is not on the same scale as Judy Mikovitz or David Martin at all.

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