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OK,,, Ha! Red wine? No, no clump of fibres.

Transhumanism is the result of mental illness (those who feel the intense urge to control) and people suffering from arrested development, e.g. those who are still caught up in their teenage era sci-fi comic book, superman, cloud cuckoo land!

It truly shows how damaged our society has become, divorced from nature, living in concrete cities, educated to obey, fooled into thinking this is the only way to be, control from above needed, because of 'human nature', which is what it is because of the circumstances we have all participated in creating, whether unconsciously or purposefully; tied to the grindstone of stupid jobs which only enrich some of the control freaks and the many juvenile mentalities in the tech world. We could easily, if enough of us decided to do so, communicate and create the kind of loving, interesting, challenging, creative world in which most of us would enjoy living; if there aren't enough of us headed in that direction, then the others will have to reap what they unthinkingly sow, and it will take longer to arrive at a better state of affairs, but arrive we shall, and it'll not be trans-human.

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