I’ve been spouting all of this at my family since the 90’s. They are finally getting it, your essay has reinforced my truths-thank you! As you can imagine after reading this today I went on an, “I told you so” rant! 😂

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I am just the syndicator but I will pass this along to Jason!

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Excellent essay and I absolutely agree but I wish people would use the word woman and man instead of female and male. We are women and men not lab rats

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“Females are encouraged to work outside the home and to exchange their dreams of motherhood ….”

No. Not all women want motherhood. And many want a full balanced life where being a parent is part of a greater whole.

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Embedded in the sentence is the addressing of women who DO dream of being mothers. Having a “full-balanced life,” as if putting motherhood - as just a part of that which cannot be completely fulfilling and balanced - may just be part of the programming addressed in this piece.

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I disagree. There are many women who enjoy their lives without becoming a parent. It’s not programming, it’s a choice.

I find it interesting that this very conversation never happens regarding men becoming fathers

That’s because the data of many different studies of the years makes it very clear that men’s lives are more enhanced when married, they don’t change much when they have children. Their salaries actually increase!

The opposite happens to women.

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I am 75 years old. Motherhood lasts a very short time. Kids grow up in the blink of an eye and without loved ones you are left with a very lonely life. My mother said it best. A woman can do anything she wants, but has to take her biology into consideration.

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Thanks. She also taught me to have my own money. I do.

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Respectively, reread my first sentence again. He is talking to those women who do want to be mothers, not to those who don’t. The original text, my first post to you, and now this one, are trying to make that clear.

Hopefully third time is the charm.

You switched from becoming a mother to marriage. Interesting.

Apparently this post is not for you, but many in the comments, including women, find truth in it. Maybe respond to them.

Good luck.

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"and I Females are being conditioned in the exact same way mice were conditioned in what's called The Universe 25 experiment. In the Universe 25 experiment, mice were given a city of never-ending fun, self-gratification and hedonism. Food, sex and entertainment were unlimited. The "come to the big city where all the fun is" human psy-op revolves around this exact same mouse experiment"- finally someone gets it!

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"In short, you can't rule healthy and intelligent people, regardless of gender. Alcohol consumption makes all other mind control agendas easier to initiate because mind control is based on weakening the mind control victim into compliance. Alcohol weakens the body/mind complex on all fronts. Keep them weak, keep them sick, keep them obedient, keep them dumb, keep them slaves."

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True on so many levels‼️ Beyond desperate. We gotta create our own reality❤️💫🌺🦋

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Uh, oh. I’m sensing a man who’s twitterpated because he and his bro’s have lost control of the easy pleasure and free labor that used to handle all the dirty, repetitive mind-numbingly boring and unrewarding work that the men are mostly unwilling to do - because it’s dirty, repetitive, mind-numbingly boring and unrewarding. And sooo taken for granted.

And you know it. But you wrap the goods you won’t accept up in a pretty bow and tinsel and cram it down women’s throats while telling us we either like it, or we’re ugly, angry bitches who have lost our minds (and our souls). And we’re supposed to accept what you tell us about ourselves because…… well, because you’re the men, after all, and aren’t “good” women, “sane” women, supposed to uncritically accept YOUR understanding of what’s going on in OUR pretty little heads, as self-evidently true?

I’m reminded of cowboys who believe that horses are beautiful and useful creatures, but unsuitable in their natural state for the supremely noble and rewarding purpose of being ridden and used by humans. They “require” being “broken” to be rideable, and are happier and better for it. With lots of lip service given to the intelligence and admirable qualities of horses, the reality of their existence at the hands of their “benefactors” is a far cry from what they would choose for themselves. But yet they serve because they have no choice except impotent rebellion, followed by increasingly severe beat downs, and eventually a one-way trip to the glue factory.

The “glue factories” for a rebellious woman used to be either divorce followed by disgrace, social approbation and a truncated life of impoverishment on the streets, or a long visit to the insane asylum, where she was subjected to intense social pressure by the doctors, medicated, given dodgy therapies and even lobotomized if considered incurable from her “derangement”. Because she knew who she was and could not accept being “broken” to serve as society’s pack animal.

Dressage is a completely alternative approach to the relationship between horse and rider that could serve as a model for male and female relationships. In dressage, the rider must master him-or her-self before being able to gain and direct the cooperation of the horse with just the tiniest and most gentle of movements. The inherent intelligence and spirit of the horse are valued , capitalized upon and molded in positive fashion to bring harmony and reward to both horse and rider. Dressage, properly practiced, is a breathtakingly cooperative dance between human and animal, which can easily be seen going wrong if either partner oversteps their bounds. But the key to dressage is the unique combination of relaxation and restraint required for clear and active communication from rider to horse, and the respect given that predisposes the horse to listen and respond. It’s a give and take partnership between enlightened, self-confident rider and fully liberated, spirited, educated horse. If approached or executed imperfectly by either party, the “off” is easy to spot. Not so with the actions of the obedient, but broken, horse spiritlessly performing it’s duties under the spur of the cowboy who is tone deaf to both animal and self.

I would suggest that, for both women AND men, dressage would be a better approach to relationships than the cowboy mentality. But it requires self-control and superior empathy and listening skills, which most men are weak on and definitely NOT interested in learning, especially under the old conservative “cowboy” model of interpersonal relationships. Holding the door for a woman isn’t the same as the apparently much more challenging acts such as taking her seriously when she tries to engage you in intelligent discussion on a topic of importance.

Dressage would also be a better approach to relationships than imposing model of every guy as the White Knight who swoops in to rescue fair maiden from all the dragons. It works for the segment of the male population whose major archetype really is the White Knight, if they hook up with an actual Fair Maiden. For the rest of us, however, that fantasy just doesn’t work. It can even be offensive. But it comes with the unspoken certainty of unquestionable truth for those who hold it, so how do we communicate to you that your truth isn’t universal?

Please either offer some broadly constructive suggestions for getting society onto a new and better track based on genuine equality, respect and bringing out the best in ALL of us, no matter what archetypes prevail in us, or pack up your crocodile tears and retrogressive fantasies of going back to the woman as mousy slave sex toy who believes she exists only to please and serve you and your kids, so you can avoid having to do the grunt work you pay lip service to but desperately want to avoid doing yourself! Thank you!

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I don't think that is Jason's view of how relationships should function and it definitely isn't mine. I provide resources for my fiance, and she keeps me fed, takes care of the household and keeps me in the love vibe. I help out with the chores when I can but I don't think there is anything wrong with the traditional male-female relationship and the overwhelming amount of women agree even under weaponized media.

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"....he and his bro’s have lost control of the easy pleasure and free labor that used to handle all the dirty, repetitive mind-numbingly boring and unrewarding work that the men are mostly unwilling to do"

Women have never worked for free. Traditional relationships where the wife ran the household and the husband earned a wage outside the home (usually down the mine, out at sea, in the shipyard or on the farm) were a division of labour and a sharing of earnings. Admin staff in a traditional business also generate no income, only the sales staff do. But nobody would claim that admin staff work for free. The sales staff generate the income which is distributed between them and the admin staff, who in return support the work of the sales team, enabling them to maximise their skills and income potential. This traditional business model, like the traditional marriage, maximised everyone's potential and was a win-win scenario for all concerned.

The feminists who claim marriage is slavery for women also claim being a single woman is equally unfair due to the lack of a husband! Married and single women are both victims according to feminism because feminism is about stirring up resentment in women (feminist angst). Disgruntled women make the best Trojan horses for the ruling classes to implement their destructive and parastitic social engineering agendas under the banner of 'helping women' ('He for she').

Feminism's insistence that marriage meant 'slavery' (free labour) for women is part of the female demoralisation process, designed to make women want to emulate the lives, identities and careers of men - so that women's labour could at last be taxed by the state (the 'patriarchy').

Before feminism 100% of a woman's labour benefited her and her family. She paid no taxes. Today women are forced to work 2-3 days a week for the state and only get to keep their earnings for the second half of the working week. This is true slavery, but is mislabeled 'female empowerment' by the feminist movement, a movement funded and controlled by the ruling elite who now get to tax both sexes and also take control of the children now that women have been convinced (also by feminism) to abandon the obligations of motherhood in the name of 'fulfilling careers' (working in HR or whatever).

The long list of grievances you describe, like all feminist grievances, have one thing in common. They simply assume women's situation is worse than men's but without ever looking at men's side of the equation.

Nobody disagrees that life was brutal and harsh in the past, but in every age life was always more brutal and harsh for men. Society has always prioritised women's comfort, security, safety and access to resources over men's. Men's role has always been to be of utility to women and children and to sacrifice their own comfort, safety etc and often their lives ("women and children first").

Part of the demoralisation of women has been to encourage women to assume the role of child, rather than that of adult woman. This is feminism's legacy. This new role not only encourages tantrums from entitled women, but also breaks the back (and spirits) of men who now have to be responsible for all of society with no female support, no woman standing by his side - but instead an army of angry feminists moaning like spoilt brats and petitioning the government to undermine his role, status and autonomy even more (while still demanding men 'man up' and take care of women and treat women like princesses).

Feminism turned 'women and children first' into 'he for she' (and to hell with the needs of children!). Now we have a population of mentally damaged, traumatised children indoctrinated by the state, entitled feminists acting like spoilt princesses and men so broken and beaten down they cannot even be bothered dating women any more or dealing with them at all.

Meanwhile government and corporate power continues to expand and move in to fill the crater left behind by feminism's 'female empowerment' bomb.

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Going to have to agree with you here. I was raised with the same feminist bullshit and it, indeed, led my down a road of utter sadness.

I get that not all women want to be mothers or married or stay in the home. Whatever. But I also think to be a woman and gloss over how bad this arrangement has been for women by all ACTUAL metrics (the ones defined by our physiology) is really deaf. The workplace has been terrible for our health and the health of our babies. The health of the next generation should absolutely be a concern for all people, given it will be all of our problem at some point.

I am certainly happy to be able to vote and hold a bank account. Glad that if my husband is a POS I can leave him and not have too much trouble starting a new life. I’m glad for all that the feminism of our grandmothers has provided. However, to look around at society and think things are going fine and to then think this is the fault of men?!?

We’ve lost the plot.

I would even add that what most feminists refer to as “the patriarchy” is actually just the ruling elite as pointed out in this article.

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“Running to the shelter of the mother’s little helper”, as the Stones put it, was no good for our health or the health of our babies, either. But it was better than living with the constant pain of being reminded that what we WANTED, as a group, which was to get out from the mindless joy of the four walls and picket fences, was largely unobtainable. And that we were “bad women” if we desired it.

Does anybody deny that women literally rushed into the factories and shipyards and military (in positions where they were accepted) during WWII, to fill the vacancies left by the men? And that they had to be fired to let the men back in after the war ended? Because they did NOT quit voluntarily to go back to housekeeping? And then Prozac became the best selling drug globally for a couple of decades, prescribed overwhelmingly to women for depression? What do historical episodes like that tell us?

I’m not denying that there’s overshoot and a lot of manipulation going on by the globalists, but there’s ALSO a lot going on by organizations, like religious groups, that see their power fading as women exercise the concepts of individuation and equality. Quiet, uncomplaining women who provided endless labor but whose time, talent and ambitions could be unpaid and confined to the home and male-dominated social structures, kept societies together. At her expense. But as she decided to no longer be taken for granted, the men have not taken her place. Sure there are some negative social consequences of this, as well as positive ones, and strong men have learned to have no difficulty helping the family strike a balance so that both he and spouse can have outside lives and feel fulfilled on multiple levels. Weak men who rely on authority for guidance and who view domestic work as “women’s work” too boring and degrading for them to touch, are the ones having problems with women they can’It control.

It seems to me that the major issues with feminism are coming from both women and men who can’t make adjustments on their own, absent authority. And authority can’t help but declare that’s what’s right for everybody else, too, because that’s how authority maintains its power. And those who follow its diktats, in either direction, feel threatened (and maybe jealous) by those outside the fold. So I see no real peace or resolution for this issue because it’s really about warring parties who all want to claim authority, and the hypocrisy of men who refuse to actually step into the role they pay such effusive lip service to. So I err on the side of allowing men and women all of the same opportunities and choices, and giving individuals the freedom to choose what works for them. Putting all women back into an open-air, drug-fueled prison for the sake of “preserving society” while the men go back to pursuing careers, controlling the money, receiving the accolades and wielding virtually the power, is NOT truthful to the true value of women, as a group, and NOT acceptable!

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Some of what your are saying is accurate, like women breaking free of the rigid gender roles of the 50’s and earlier and finding a place in the greater society. As I say, I’m grateful for my choices and they should remain as such. My bigger problem is with the general hyperbole of what you are saying and the general tenor of it. I don’t subscribe to the idea that women are victim to their families, their households, or the demands that come from raising children. We are totally free to choose that and I don’t see that changing. This is not the 50’s anymore, not even close. To describe running a household and raising babies as “a drug fueled, open air prison” is really ridiculous. I also do not agree that it is somehow single-handedly up to men to step up and fill in. I’m sure there are men out there who don’t step up for their families and, in my view, this is just as much an abdication of responsibility as a woman who leaves her babies to be raised by strangers so she can pursue her “desires”. I’m not against women pursuing their dreams (I’m a heart-following woman!) but we have been sold a bill of goods by whatever iteration of modern feminism we are currently subjected to. The idea of following our whims, our pleasure, our desires is promoted to us incessantly, keeping us in a state of prolonged adolescence. We are steadily moving away from Responsibility to anything more than ourselves. This is incredibly dangerous from a societal standpoint and it makes sense there are attempts to solve that (some better than others). You cannot have a society of adults that only cares about their own fulfillment. It is not how humans work. It is never how humans have worked and if we keep it up it will be our downfall. I think a good metric by which to look at our conceptions of “progress” is to look at human flourishing. Are we flourishing? Not really. Fertility is low. Nihilism is high. Apparently it’s women who sleep with 100 men in a night are worthy of our attention. Apparently it is fine to skip periods with no health consequences (via ACOG). Apparently it is fine to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of men who fetishize being a women at the expense of actual women and children (La Leche League). Men are being feminized. Women are being told lies about our bodies.

I’d like to see women reclaim their sense of Responsibility to the future instead of chasing their own tails in a vacuum.

I think where we agree is that choice is important. I disagree with your take that the patriarchy is somehow controlling women’s lives. The patriarchy does actually exist in some places, to the ruinous detriment of women who live there, and it is an insult to their injury to imagine we live anywhere other than one of the freest nations on earth. I disagree that it is men’s fault society has not recovered or found a solution to women’s absence from the home. This has never been the realm of men and why would it be? Men do not birth and then breastfeed their babies. Men, in general, do not have the same interests or skills sets as far as maintaining a home as women do. This has been our domain since the dawn of civilization and not because of “misogyny.” The division of labor always had to do more with pragmatism and innate physiology. It has been used a weapon before, indeed. But don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. There have been real consequences to women behaving like men; as we’ve been told to do for generations now, I might add.

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And I wanted to add that it’s also not “all or nothing” here like you imply with your comment about “mothers little helper.” It’s not like we have to choose only one or the other. The point is to have choices. And I’d say to be really intentional about who we choose to marry and/or conceive children. There are shitty men out there. Don’t start a life with them.

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Blah, blah, blah. Here’s the REAL bottom line: the woman who refuses the terms of the traditional relationship is an existential threat to the man who likes the arrangement because she leaves him with the impossible choice: either admit that, for a lot of women, the traditional role of wife and homemaker rather sucks and needs a makeover, or DO IT HIMSELF!!!

All the chest-thumping, foot-stomping, and angry pouting from the men bout how women who want why they have are bad and crazy, is just cover for the truth: that YOU DON’T want what WE have! And you know that if you can’t cajole, brow beat, mesmerize or force us back into doing what you refuse to stoop to doing, things are going to get interesting. Because relatively few people, male OR female, actually want the Norman Rockwell idealist fantasy that is the “blissful” traditional marriage. There are actually a fair of men out there who really don’t like what it gives THEM, either, but until they feel it’s OK to not want it, they just go along with social expectation and perform as required, but do so with no particular joy or enthusiasm. You focus on the men who feel demoralized by women who want “more”, but turn a blind eye to all the men who welcome women in their lives -wives, colleagues, friends - who have something to offer besides kids, housework and idle chatter. Many men have brains too, you know!

If you, as a group, actually believed your own propaganda about how keeping house, raising children and being taken care of in exchange for being passive and obedient is such a fantastic experience, then why aren’t you moving in droves to fill the social vacancy being left by women? And claiming your birthright as the most important, happy and fulfilled people on the planet? The door is wide open, why are you feeling demoralized instead of empowered to finally walk through and show we women how it’s done?

Check, and mate, Bub! 😉


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Your assumption is that men want women passive and obedient which isn't true.. It is a partnership... My finance provides as much to our relationship as I do... I view her as an equal.

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I was just going to point this out. Who said anything about passive and obedient?

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Did you say “finance” Etienne? Hey Bumblebee “I’ve never been a “schoolyard bully” but I saw you get fired up & I kinda like that, so I waved the red rag, but you controlled yourself like a professional, so that’s admirable. ( or you can imagine you made “the bully” back down whatevs

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The woman who isn’t passive and obedient generally doesn’t want the job as the traditional man defines it. And the tradition-loving man doesn’t want the woman who doesn’t want the job. He may want to CONTROL her, and/or he may want to USE her for the things she brings to the table that he wants, but he’s not interested in HER for HER OWN sake. It’s a fine, but critical distinction that women have been dealing with forever.

It’s also one that generally falls on deaf ears because men (as a group), instinctively assume they know more, they know better, they’re more rational, they’re more intelligent, etc. Therefore, their view of the relationship is intrinsically correct! What men (as a group) fail to see are your gaping blind spots, which, most frustratingly, include the disinterest in learning that you HAvE blind spots! It’s just easier to castigate women for being bitchy, naggy, crazy or just plain bad when we try to get through to you about having our own needs or being unhappy about something, like dreaming about traveling and having a career, but being told that we’d “rather” have four walls and a pack of kids, instead. For our own good. And to make us “better” people. Because you blindly assume that what you want is a higher good, you understand us more clearly than we understand ourselves. “Father knows best” and all that.

I have no doubt that you consider your future wife to be an equal, but perhaps if you can eavesdrop on her when she’s with her lady friends a few years from now, you might be a bit surprised. Men often either can’t tell when a woman is unhappy, even when we tell you point blank to your faces, or feel upset because you think her unhappiness is unjustified, according to your logic and point of view. Most men aren’t sufficiently introspective to recognize their own blind spots and how they influence social perceptions. Men are generally more emotionally simple and straightforward, women (as a group) are much more emotionally complex. So, it was decided that those with more shallow emotional capabilities should be in charge of those with the more complex capabilities 😂😂

It works until the horses have had enough and decide they’re just not going to tolerate being cinched, whipped, spurred and sawed at the mouth so the cowboys can use their labor without having to learn how to honestly ride. I’m not saying that absolutely everything about the feminist movement is good-as with most movements, it DOES suffer from some “mission creep” that has pushed certain things too far, IMO. And the globalist predators like and will push to inanity to achieve their goals. But they will NEVER encourage the men to pick up the slack in the household, because the idea of masses of men aspiring to do “women’s work” is just too degrading and unpalatable to them - and (collective) you.

For those who genuinely love and want the old-school Leave It To Beaver lifestyle, fine! Knock yourselves out! But, guys, please stop pretending the movement isn’t about putting the old double standard back in place, with you as the prime benefactors. All the attempts to cover up the real issue just makes the whole farce, and those who perpetrate it, look immature, incompetent, and out of touch with themselves, as well as us.

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Lot of psychological thriller here. Seems the big issues for both are based on being programmed that everyone should want to be in the power position and so now both sides go at it back and forth. Reality there are truths from both sides mixed with lots of untruths. But there is no question there is constant programming.

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How much has ‘dressage’ contributed to the betterment of Society as compared to cowboys moving meat into the table to feed actual existent families of human beings instead of intellectual constructs you are postulating here in your analogy?

As a guy who does house cleaning for a living, cooks, launders & all housework for a disabled wife I could take offence at your contentious jibes about men doing “women’s work/ dirty jobs” but as a thick skin Irishman I am also eternally forgiving towards the fairer sex so how about you just try thinking for yourself and not regurgitating what the Ivy League professors stuffed into your brain to circumnavigate your actual personality while you were dreaming about “better dressage ideas” in college

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😂😂 I wouldn’t know since I haven’t engaged in the crudity of eating meat or dressing in skin for nearly forty years, now.

And you DO realize that almost half of the beef raised in the US by cowboys (and giant Wall Street corporate ranchers) is sold to……wait for it………. China? To boost American corporate profits and undercut Chinese domestic meat production? As a tool of political and economic sabotage? Well of COURSE you did, because you understand how things work far better than the idiots who went to school. Yes, feeding real families is the goal of beef products everywhere. And nothing else. So glad we have you to educate us, or we might have misunderstood because of, you know, education.

Speaking of which, the university I attended was definitely NOT Ivy League 😂😂 Not that that would make a shred of difference to a poverty snob like you. I was born into poverty, too, as were my parents, particularly my dad. But he had a dream of rising above and he did! By using his brains, not his brawn. And both my mom and dad gave me a vision that I could do more with myself than keep house, raise kids or do manual labor for a living. Those were the options that traditional, blue collar life had to offer, and once you can see above that, you never go back.

As for “doing women’s work”, your wife is fortunate that you will agree to that. Thank you. Many husbands won’t go that route. Perhaps you should start a campaign to change their minds, by advocating for how worthwhile as a lifestyle it is, to encourage them to voluntarily embrace it as their preferred vocation? Since it’s so rewarding, wouldn’t you want them to know, and to have the opportunity to enjoy it for themselves?

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Blah blah blah you say then you go blah blah blah, but badly. Up yours & read mine, trigger alert

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Mmmmm. Sounds like I hit a sore spot, there. The truth can hurt! The good news is you can confront it and work through it like an adult. Or you can try to deny and cover by hurling taunts like a six year old bully in the schoolyard. The choice is yours.

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Boom. Plato’s Rabbit Cave explodes the “shadow on the wall” & trains the bright light if day on the matter. Furthermore, deification of the “Single Mom heroine mythos” has exposed the children to total tyrannical control of a rampant feminista activism that has created generations of “Beta male” mommy’s boys ripe for the picking by carnivorous opportunists & emotionally crippled young girls on promiscuous treasure hunts for “father figure” partners that seem increasingly scarce but will eventually follow in the Spirit of their mothers indoctrination & settle for an easily controlled,beta alternative.

“Honour thy father and thy mother” simply means, Do Not Resent Your Parents. Tell them you forgive them. That will set you free. It’s a proven method but you gotta have the guts to face them & say it.

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Hey! I used to know a gal with early Alzheimer’s who talked a lot like you. Should I see if she’s still around so I can hook you two up? You’d probably have GREAT conversations with each other!

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😂😂 I wouldn’t know since I haven’t engaged in the crudity of eating meat or dressing in skin for nearly forty years, now.

As for dressage, you DO know it’s origins and purpose, I presume? So give me your argument that the practice “has done nothing” for society. At the very least, it demands the practitioner up their game in terms of understanding and managing themselves to properly manage the horse. But, I can understand that self-management isn’t a particularly highly valued practice for large segments of society, which could go a long way towards explaining why many people are where they are in life. Both for those on top )selfish, ego-driven predators) as well as those below (ignorant rabble).

And you DO realize that almost half of the beef raised in the US by cowboys (and giant Wall Street corporate ranchers) is sold to……wait for it………. China? To boost American corporate profits and undercut Chinese domestic meat production? As a tool of political and economic sabotage? Well of COURSE you did, because you understand how things work far better than the idiots who went to school. Yes, feeding real families is the goal of beef products everywhere. And nothing else. So glad we have you to educate us, or we might have misunderstood because of, you know, education.

Speaking of which, the university I attended was definitely NOT Ivy League 😂😂 Not that that would make a shred of difference to a poverty snob like you. I was born into poverty, too, as were my parents, particularly my dad. But he had a dream of rising above and he did! By using his brains, not his brawn. And both my mom and dad gave me a vision that I could do more with myself than keep house, raise kids or do manual labor for a living. Those were the options that traditional, blue collar life had to offer, and once you can see above that, you never go back.

As for “doing women’s work”, your wife is fortunate that you will agree to that. Thank you. Many husbands won’t go that route. Perhaps you should start a campaign to change their minds, by advocating for how worthwhile as a lifestyle it is, to encourage them to voluntarily embrace it as their preferred vocation? Since it’s so rewarding, wouldn’t you want them to know, and to have the opportunity to enjoy it for themselves?

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Something to consider: humans have always been social creatures. The big difference now is the size of our “village” and the tools used to promote social norms.

Robin Dunbar did lots of work refining what number exemplifies social, village-level groupings, and pins it, at max, 500. In a group of 500, all depending on each other in some way, it’s important for the various individuals -whether they be young or old, male or female, skilled or unskilled, etc.- to be socialized to behave in such a way to promote the success of the village/tribe.

We don’t have this now, and the tech involved is out of the average person’s control. We are at the whim of the creators and owners of the tech, many of whom are not interested in building healthy community, families, nor autonomous village/tribe living within which humans have originally evolved to operate.

Our socialization across the board has been hacked for generations, and has only accelerated with the onset of these powerful tech tools.

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I’ve been noticing all the gambling billboards are now targeting women. So weird.

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ChatGPT when asked to consolidate this came up with:

“The text explores alleged “mind control agendas” targeting men and women, emphasizing behavioral manipulation through media, societal norms, and cultural engineering. Key points include:

1. Male Representation: Media portrays men as weak and unfocused, promoting beta-male stereotypes, which supposedly complement societal manipulation of women.

2. Female Empowerment: Depicts women in traditionally male roles (e.g., superhuman strength) to move them away from femininity and motherhood, allegedly contributing to depopulation.

3. Work and Materialism: Encourages women to prioritize careers and material pursuits over family, often paired with depictions of weak male partners.

4. Substance Use: Normalizes excessive alcohol consumption (e.g., “Wine Mom Agenda”) to dull emotional pain, reduce fertility, and hinder personal growth.

5. Body Image and Surgery: Promotes dissatisfaction with natural appearances, encouraging cosmetic alterations and contributing to broader social engineering goals.

6. Hedonism: Mirrors results of the “Universe 25” experiment, suggesting women are steered toward self-gratification and away from reproduction.

7. Over-Sexualization: Portrays women as hypersexual to undermine traditional family structures and marriage.

8. Low Self-Esteem: Constant exposure to unattainable ideals fosters materialism and external validation, deterring introspection and spiritual growth.

9. Technological Manipulation: Suggests media and technology act as “black magic,” keeping women from realizing their intrinsic worth.

10. Social Collapse: Claims engineered agendas lead to societal decline, weakening both genders and reducing birth rates, with an alleged focus on depopulation and control.

The proposed solution emphasizes education, self-awareness, and resilience through programs designed to empower individuals and counteract perceived manipulation.”

In short, ChatGPT starts out with saying “nothing to see here.” Is ChatGPT the new version of propagandistic information vetting that Wikipedia has become?

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AI is a tool of globalists to psychologically enslave the masses. The end.

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Great work….thank you!

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And it has destroyed generations of women.

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Thank you!

The play 'And Juliet' felt like one was being slapped in the face with nonsense...

Boy meets the, and girl changes her mind to choose obscurity in Paris risen to heights on a crane...

What an empty 2 hours!

Was furious at the force feeding...

The audience were overweight trans boys with their moms

And we were constantly annoyed by the 45 year old girl-lady singing and mimicking the play the entire evening....

Thanks, thought I was isolated with the horror of this new reality!

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Yes feminised males afraid to be men, females who think they need o act like men in order to deserve equal pay, just like Thatcher the old UK PM. Never mind all the mindless time spent by both sexes as they try to be 'acceptable'.

Being the tribal/extended family members we were meant to be, it's not surprising that we desire to be 'acceptable' it's a necessary survival mechanism, which was once of great use, but is now being exploited for profit and control. Very sad, but there are many, (certainly not the majority as yet) who can see what is happening, who were lucky enough to have come across parents or peers, teachers or books that opened their eyes about the reality being created around us by the control freaks and, those with their eyes open speak out many a time and the messages goes out far and wide, so as we say in South Africa 'Moenie worry nie', because people like the message, it's just too bad, but not too late, for those who've swallowed the kool-ade

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Female mind control?? “It’s Myyy Body”

“TRUMP;(“ “We Love G.Floyd to Pieces”

“KAMALA!!” “ Hillary!!!” “Oprah said …”

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