I don’t buy the official story for one second.

Not sure what to make of the info that Thompson was supposed to testify against Nancy Pelosi and her insider trading the following week. Sounds plausible, but does nothing to finger the current “suspect” in my mind.

The whole setup sounds like an MK Ultra type project to me, conveniently using the ‘scion of a mob family’ as a patsy. The immediate and heavy fingering of an Italian mob family sounds both cartoonish and deeply prejudicial. Was this kid chosen for arrest because he fits the stereotype of wealthy Italians as violent gangsters, so the possibility of guilt and conviction is made easier in the public’s mind?

Last question: have there been any interviews with the family and friends? Usually the MSM is all over this emotionally stimulating “human interest” angle. I rarely have anything to do with MSM, but even so, echoes of such coverage will leak through to other places. So far I’ve heard of no media coverage whatsoever of the “fam and friends” stories. I find that odd. Or am I just completely missing out?

Too many pieces of this puzzle feel very forced together even though they don’t really fit.

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They could have moved Thompson "Off-Stage" the way Ken Lay died mysteriously before he was supposed to go to prison... I think there is an island somewhere where they disappear their actors to when exposed...

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Hardcore, Ashli Babbitt vibes.

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Has anyone asked the question, is Thompson actually dead? Where is he? Is the entire event a ruse?

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I’ve been asking that A LOT… probably at least ten times in various comment sections… haven’t received any responses or the notifications aren’t coming thru… I saw a video of the CEO (or an actor) apparently getting shot then running behind a wall… it doesn’t even look like he got shot. And people have shown videos of the crime scene with no blood on the ground or anywhere around. And the first thing in the note or manifesto or whatever they are calling it, says something about respect for the work of the FBI and I think it said something about ‘working alone’ if I recall. Why even ‘run’ from the scene if you are going to have all this stuff and the clothing and the weapon and such. Why ditch a backpack in Central Park then keep all the evidence. They haven’t been able to find producers and directors as talented as Stanley rubrick these days I guess. The whole Trump thing was staged too… it’s incredulous how people buy into this stuff hook line and sinker. At first I actually believed a man had been murdered… and everything around it was staged… but, I firmly believe there was no actual murder. It looks like he possibly got shot with an airsoft gun in the video. Which is why there was so much talk about a silencer in the beginning.

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Good thoughts. Will keep eyes ears open.

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Patsies have a long history here in America. Over the years, I’ve read many books on the CIA hit teams and whistleblowers who dare to come forward. In the 1960s, the CIA used ten people in a team; they had domestic and international hit teams. In the case of Martin Luther King, there was an eight-man team, four snipers and four spotters. That assassination was carried out by army intelligence and the FBI, along with the Memphis police department, and, yes, your local police is involved in the intelligence network. The lone nut gunman is propaganda they still use today, meaning the corporate ministry of propaganda (your television, corporate news). Turn off your TV! There were more than likely eight individuals involved in Brian Thompson’s assassination. The news on and around the internet is that Mr. Thompson will expose the two top CEOs. They have been stealing from the shareholders, likely a power play that backfired.

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