I also wonder how many of the losing candidates, especially those that were running against the 349 representatives and senators who received contributions and won, also received significant contributions from AIPAC. If AIPAC was contributing to both sides of the race, then they weren't even trying to get a particular candidate elected, they were just trying to make sure that whomever was elected would be "friendly" to their agenda.
It’s very simple. Buy politicians, that’ll vote for the Israel terrorist nation by donating to their campaigns. Then have the same politicians vote for legislation that sends significantly more aid to Israel, then was donated. This effectively creates an infinite money scheme.
I also wonder how many of the losing candidates, especially those that were running against the 349 representatives and senators who received contributions and won, also received significant contributions from AIPAC. If AIPAC was contributing to both sides of the race, then they weren't even trying to get a particular candidate elected, they were just trying to make sure that whomever was elected would be "friendly" to their agenda.
So backwards, that's 9/11 They love that number
The 119th Congress, Bought to You by AIPAC.
He who pays the piper always calls the tune!
Looks like it's America Second....and Israel First.
It’s very simple. Buy politicians, that’ll vote for the Israel terrorist nation by donating to their campaigns. Then have the same politicians vote for legislation that sends significantly more aid to Israel, then was donated. This effectively creates an infinite money scheme.
This is exactly why lobbying should be illegal
so... What is the total amount spent?