The actions of October 7th, 2023, brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into the cultural zeitgeist in a way that it hasn’t been for a long time. While acts of terror from Hamas
They have been programmed into this belief for so long it will be hard to break the spell. Maybe seeing the disastrous and disgusting true intent of this GENOCIDE by Trump s and Kushner's own words , might wake up a few . While a supposed cease fire was happening Trump and US already selling NEW shipments of 2000 lb bombs. While claiming to find financial fraud and corruption in America , they just send it to Israel. Uncountable billions disappear in failed Ukraine war , no one prosecuted , all pardoned already . Just how much of this will you take Americans?
I have appreciated and have learned much from you and other anarchists/voluntaryists and was pleased to see a (guest) post discussing spiritual matters, which are (IMO) a critical component for understanding and living free from tyranny (in whatever form(s) it may be manifested) and forming mutually beneficial relationships and meaningful communities based on or at least informed by sound principles and beliefs, even when there may not be 100% concurrence on the finer details of foundational truths to which fellow sojourners may subscribe.
And so I support the author’s contention that all of us can be better informed regarding differing end times perspectives found within believers in Jesus (as well as other belief systems), and especially as they may pertain to the chosen of God. While it’s certainly true that MOST of us are ignorant of history (much of it revised, omitted, changed/distorted or “restated” using contemporary perspectives/references [for example] versus those prevailing at the actual time of the events studied or from source materials applicable to that era or the events in view, etc). For example, in the Old & New Testament(s), “nation” refers to a people, or people group, a family/tribe kinship group descended from common ancestry -- an “ethnic group” not necessarily a place (especially given the dispersions and relocations of the ancient Israelite tribes). And “the nations” came to mean the non-Jewish nations – the Gentiles or even “goyim”. We (today) associate a nation with a country, a charter and a political system, with government structures and defined physical “boundaries” (which as we know are constructs and imaginary lines drawn to claim geographic dominance over an area of land, resources, etc.), which is vastly different and confusing to the uninitiated who equate the biblical with the modern usages.
And I certainly concur that the self-declared nation state calling itself Israel (versus biblical Israel-the descendants of Jacob/Israel, who comprised the 12 tribes that came from him) is an unavoidable elephant in the room that deserves to be viewed, when understood theologically using the bible as a basis for doing so, within context and using proper hermeneutics (which for premillennial dispensationalists is generally understood to be the plain, literal, obvious meaning as conveyed in the original writings – based on a verbal, plenary, infallible, unlimited inerrancy understanding of scripture). In other words, varying theological views tend to view the amount of “license” taken with scriptures (to fit their views) differently, whereas the much maligned and dismissively broad brush stroked away dispensational view is swept away because of disputes over the obvious differences throughout the 66 canonized books between those of biblical Jewish descent and those of non-Jewish descent “(Gentiles”) and their roles and means of relating to God, their obtaining salvation from Him and their relationship to one another and the future revealed in scripture (Old & New Testament) concerning them (and the strict adherence to literal plain and obvious translation and comprehension of what is being conveyed). Dispensationalists see the “new man” in Christ that is the mystery revealed via Paul’s gospel – the church (mistranslated from ecclesia, the assembly of called out ones) comprised of men and women from all nations (people groups not countries) as was promised to Abraham (the Father of ‘faith” which is the operative force to gain access to the LORD – when it apprehends the correct catalyst for its realization – which is Jesus Christ), and simultaneously, the Jews, who will eventually (during the “end times” be a targeted for a “last chance” by God to recognize & embrace Jesus as Messiah & Savior as was attempted in His first advent when He made a legitimate offer of the Kingdom to them in fulfillment of prophetic scriptures, which they en masse rejected – postponing the kingdom) .
Related to this, then is - who are the biblical Jews about which scriptures have been clearly written? Is it those who have “converted” to one of several cult-like systems claiming roots in Judaism? Is it those who follow the Babylonian Talmud (a compilation of Rabbinical commentary that is not congruent in many important areas with the Torah/Pentateuch, etc.)? Is it those who have no direct Jacobian lineage (for example, the much disputed but still valid Zhazarians [ancient Turkish people in Russia, Ukraine, etc.] or Ashkenazi Jews versus the Sephardic Jews)? If lineage/ancestry is truly part of the biblical definition and understanding, then a distinct ethnic group of people (who were still identifiable/recognizable at the time the New Testament was written and addressed by Paul Peter, James, etc.) are who is in view. It is interesting to note that an estimated 80% or more of contemporary peoples calling themselves Jews are white-skinned European or other people groups in origin, not like the Semite groups of brown-skinned peoples (like for instance, the Palestinians!).
Many misrepresentations are made about dispensationalists and their presumed beliefs and critics have attempted to discredit their views for as long as these have been around (one of the criticisms is that it is not historically viable and is more recent, and the proffered primary people through who it came to be systematized are all non-theologically adept rogues, scoundrels and rebels, etc., when in fact the earliest disciples lived in the anticipation of Jesus return). Again, while this can be said of every theological “bent” (that is multiple arguments about the validity of [for example] “spiritualizing,” allegorizing, substituting symbology where none is apparent, or imposing meanings not obvious, plain, literal or consistent with the context and the historic usage and meaning, etc). Many have scoffed at the “wooden literalness” of dispensational bible interpretation since again, doing so produces certain inevitable and obvious conclusions which do not fit with other pre-determined theological notions.
As to the widespread misapprehensions about the modern nation state calling itself Israel and whether it equates to biblical Israel (the true Jews descended from Jacob): MANY of us who claim a premillennial, dispensational hermeneutic do NOT concur with what appears to be a much more prominent, vocal and influential group who have perpetuated (as I was taught when younger, before my own quest for biblical truth in light of current events and developments led me to evaluate everything I’d been taught) the oft-repeated, criticized and maligned (and leveraged heavily in the political realm) notion that the modern manifestation of a country that calls itself Israel (regardless of the occupants true heritage and ancestry) grew out of a (largely European, and especially British) Zionist movement (Zionists do NOT equal Jews – Zionists are actually anti-Jew in nature, even if outwardly they may seem not to be so) is somehow the biblical people Israel to whom promises (conditioned ones, with many specific activities to precede and follow the events around their regathering and eventual offer of the kingdom during a time of worldwide calamity)…which we REJECT. We do not approve of or endorse the ethnic cleansing in process in Palestine that is a continuation of a 75+ year colonization of an occupier group, enabled and urged on by the British empire and other Euiopean nations who wished to rid themselves of a specific group’s influence and participation in their societies and “approved by the vile and anti-human United Nations (League of Nations).
In fact, it is apparent to us that a distinction as referenced previously is essential and what is lacking for our contention, given the “label” placed on we who interpret and understand scripture following the dispensational/premillennial hermeneutic, to mean that 1) only God knows who His chosen people (the true biblical Jews) are today who descended from ancient times 2) that even Paul stated that God has not cast off his people the Jews and 3) the imposters, pretenders and usurpers who formed a country and passed it off as Israel have another agenda altogether based on their true beliefs and loyalties – and these may have the form of honoring and following the “presumed” mandates of the God of the bible but in reality are constructs of Satanic counterfeit and the illusion of biblically-based events staged intentionally to try to manipulate and steal the heritage that God has foretold as part of a larger globalist/Zionist plan to seize Israel as the future headquarters for their antichrist-inspired and directed false kingdom – the one that will use the attempted replication of scripturally defined (or redefined) events in the external realm to try to create a fallen replica of what God has ordained and is yet to come so that it is somehow dominant in the (fallen, dark) counter spiritual realm – an imagined and long-sought after goal of Satan himself – to rule from his throne over God’s creation by corrupting and changing it and by misleading and weakening and even drawing away those who belong to Christ (if that were truly possible with REAL believers).
The corruption of every living thing, every process, truth, and even reality (unmediated by technology or virtual incarnations, black magic, and mind control en masse) – all of creation, by the evil one in order to mislead and to misdirect “if possible, even the elect” in these times when global tyranny is nearer than ever before on a worldwide basis is more evidence for end times when (in dispensational understanding of scripture) a great decline and apostacy of faith is prevalent, when deception and confusion and fear grow and multiply exponentially simultaneous with chaos (ironic that the dark side has as its motto “from chaos, order”) when, like the days of Noah, man’s every thought is only evil continually --- where terror, pestilence (man-made, including weather warfare, bio-warfare, psychological warfare, kinetic warfare, etc.), are increasing and the lines of distinction blurred between the literal (fallen) world and the mystic one (in all its false iterations) prevail.
Many other theological concepts of post-crucified history envision the reign of Christ beginning over the world after 70 AD and the destruction of Herod’s Temple, the dispersion of many of the Jews, persecuted by Rome, etc. and the Church assuming the primary role as God’s chosen (which is partially true with conditions) with either the Jews having been permanently omitted due to their rejection of Christ as Messiah or because the spiritual entity of the church has displaced God’s plan for the ethnic group of Jews surviving into modern times when they believe God is ruling and reigning and Christ’s new kingdom is now in effect. It fails to take into account the very obvious signs of the times we are in when evil is everywhere present, where satanic counterfeits abound in every sphere of life, where truth itself has become relativized, relegated to how you experience it, etc., and even the foundations of humankind are under attack (gender wars, transhumanism, biological retooling, matters of faith, conscience, and governance as examples)…where our “leaders” are conspiring to genetically modify us, control us, consign us to digital prisons while subjugating our minds and taking over the bioenergetic process, using us as a vast network of human nodes for their own desires and ends.
THEREFORE, we do NOT support an “aggressive foreign policy” because IF the U.S. were actually a functioning Constitutional Republic, adhering to the charter that guides it, we would not be using armed forces to interfere with other governments, overthrowing rulers, fomenting color revolutions, recruiting and training operatives and radicalizing extremist groups to do dirty business on our behalf, seizing assets and resources by force, and establishing leave behind armies to retain control over strategic areas for our ongoing colonialization and ownership of power. We REJECT unilateral support for the fraudulent nation called Israel and we earnestly insist on an end to the ethnic cleansing and unchecked expansion of a rogue occupier nation propped up by globalists, and accountability and punishment for those perpetuating these criminal acts of brutality. A return of the land to the Palestinians, an ousting of the nation state calling itself Israel, and true and lasting peace that comes not from conquest but from mutually advantageous negotiation of co-existence on mutually beneficial terms, etc.
Yes, there are MANY mistaken misinformed, misled and misguided souls who have believed the lie that modern Israel is biblical Israel and equate our country with some kind of Americanized “covenant nation” that is fulfilling its obligation to support the Jews…(not sure how if the Old Testament has been displaced by the New that can still be justified?). That does not mean that the method of interpretation or its conclusions are any less valid – just as there are those (especially in the liberal expressions of many of the theological belief systems being promoted today) those claiming certain denominational or theological roots that are inconsistent with their own professed belief systems.
What is needed is to weigh the activities and attitudes, the words and the deeds of those doing harm in the middle east against the totality of scripture and the gospel of Jesus that Paul brought to we Gentile nations to enlist us into a faith that was previously closed to us and a God who had limited His efforts, for a time, to a specific called-out group of people for His purposes, and then decide if they are indeed acting in accordance with the presumed and pretended identity that they claim – and punishment should then be commensurate. Our prayer should be for the gospel of Jesus to reach every tribe, nation, kindred, tongue and person so that no one is left behind when the King returns for His own. And that includes calling out those who are violating the gospel's clearly defined treatment of one another even in the face of hostility and difficulty. IMO we have reached a point where discernment must prevail over historic falsely-drawn lines separating us from one another -- another strategy of the evil one to keep us powerless and unable to truly prevail -- divided against one another and helpless to affect real change in a world that is desperate for truth and righteousness. We have not so learned Christ Jesus.
To clear this global & intentional MEGA-confusion - one should clear & define the word "Christian" to begin with - as Christian comes from Christ, so this and only this refers to the NEW Testament of the Bible. Anything from the OLD Testament - that is what Israel is always referring to - thus can NOT be "Christian" at all . . . !
For dummies in simple words:
Murder & War & that insane western philosophy of "an eye for an eye" & all that crap about "sanctions" is from the Jewish-Zionist OLD Testament & therefore NOT "Christian"!
The closest America ever came to be "Christian" - was happening in & around Woodstock - when young & intelligent America embraced the Hippie-Philosophy of "Make Love, Not War!"
Well you might have a slight problem there . The Jesus you all believe in was supposedly a Jew . Christianity didnt exist for centuries until after that period . The entire story and fake history , was fabricated , forged , mistranslated , and borrowed from past histories by the Unholy Roman Catholic Empire. There are 20 miles of hallways floor to ceiling in the SECRET VATICAN ARCHIVES , holding 500,000 items of 10,000 years of human history. Why is it hidden from the world ? Why or how do they have the power and arrogance to do so. Dont you think we are ALL missing lots of essential info ?
They have been programmed into this belief for so long it will be hard to break the spell. Maybe seeing the disastrous and disgusting true intent of this GENOCIDE by Trump s and Kushner's own words , might wake up a few . While a supposed cease fire was happening Trump and US already selling NEW shipments of 2000 lb bombs. While claiming to find financial fraud and corruption in America , they just send it to Israel. Uncountable billions disappear in failed Ukraine war , no one prosecuted , all pardoned already . Just how much of this will you take Americans?
I have appreciated and have learned much from you and other anarchists/voluntaryists and was pleased to see a (guest) post discussing spiritual matters, which are (IMO) a critical component for understanding and living free from tyranny (in whatever form(s) it may be manifested) and forming mutually beneficial relationships and meaningful communities based on or at least informed by sound principles and beliefs, even when there may not be 100% concurrence on the finer details of foundational truths to which fellow sojourners may subscribe.
And so I support the author’s contention that all of us can be better informed regarding differing end times perspectives found within believers in Jesus (as well as other belief systems), and especially as they may pertain to the chosen of God. While it’s certainly true that MOST of us are ignorant of history (much of it revised, omitted, changed/distorted or “restated” using contemporary perspectives/references [for example] versus those prevailing at the actual time of the events studied or from source materials applicable to that era or the events in view, etc). For example, in the Old & New Testament(s), “nation” refers to a people, or people group, a family/tribe kinship group descended from common ancestry -- an “ethnic group” not necessarily a place (especially given the dispersions and relocations of the ancient Israelite tribes). And “the nations” came to mean the non-Jewish nations – the Gentiles or even “goyim”. We (today) associate a nation with a country, a charter and a political system, with government structures and defined physical “boundaries” (which as we know are constructs and imaginary lines drawn to claim geographic dominance over an area of land, resources, etc.), which is vastly different and confusing to the uninitiated who equate the biblical with the modern usages.
And I certainly concur that the self-declared nation state calling itself Israel (versus biblical Israel-the descendants of Jacob/Israel, who comprised the 12 tribes that came from him) is an unavoidable elephant in the room that deserves to be viewed, when understood theologically using the bible as a basis for doing so, within context and using proper hermeneutics (which for premillennial dispensationalists is generally understood to be the plain, literal, obvious meaning as conveyed in the original writings – based on a verbal, plenary, infallible, unlimited inerrancy understanding of scripture). In other words, varying theological views tend to view the amount of “license” taken with scriptures (to fit their views) differently, whereas the much maligned and dismissively broad brush stroked away dispensational view is swept away because of disputes over the obvious differences throughout the 66 canonized books between those of biblical Jewish descent and those of non-Jewish descent “(Gentiles”) and their roles and means of relating to God, their obtaining salvation from Him and their relationship to one another and the future revealed in scripture (Old & New Testament) concerning them (and the strict adherence to literal plain and obvious translation and comprehension of what is being conveyed). Dispensationalists see the “new man” in Christ that is the mystery revealed via Paul’s gospel – the church (mistranslated from ecclesia, the assembly of called out ones) comprised of men and women from all nations (people groups not countries) as was promised to Abraham (the Father of ‘faith” which is the operative force to gain access to the LORD – when it apprehends the correct catalyst for its realization – which is Jesus Christ), and simultaneously, the Jews, who will eventually (during the “end times” be a targeted for a “last chance” by God to recognize & embrace Jesus as Messiah & Savior as was attempted in His first advent when He made a legitimate offer of the Kingdom to them in fulfillment of prophetic scriptures, which they en masse rejected – postponing the kingdom) .
Related to this, then is - who are the biblical Jews about which scriptures have been clearly written? Is it those who have “converted” to one of several cult-like systems claiming roots in Judaism? Is it those who follow the Babylonian Talmud (a compilation of Rabbinical commentary that is not congruent in many important areas with the Torah/Pentateuch, etc.)? Is it those who have no direct Jacobian lineage (for example, the much disputed but still valid Zhazarians [ancient Turkish people in Russia, Ukraine, etc.] or Ashkenazi Jews versus the Sephardic Jews)? If lineage/ancestry is truly part of the biblical definition and understanding, then a distinct ethnic group of people (who were still identifiable/recognizable at the time the New Testament was written and addressed by Paul Peter, James, etc.) are who is in view. It is interesting to note that an estimated 80% or more of contemporary peoples calling themselves Jews are white-skinned European or other people groups in origin, not like the Semite groups of brown-skinned peoples (like for instance, the Palestinians!).
Many misrepresentations are made about dispensationalists and their presumed beliefs and critics have attempted to discredit their views for as long as these have been around (one of the criticisms is that it is not historically viable and is more recent, and the proffered primary people through who it came to be systematized are all non-theologically adept rogues, scoundrels and rebels, etc., when in fact the earliest disciples lived in the anticipation of Jesus return). Again, while this can be said of every theological “bent” (that is multiple arguments about the validity of [for example] “spiritualizing,” allegorizing, substituting symbology where none is apparent, or imposing meanings not obvious, plain, literal or consistent with the context and the historic usage and meaning, etc). Many have scoffed at the “wooden literalness” of dispensational bible interpretation since again, doing so produces certain inevitable and obvious conclusions which do not fit with other pre-determined theological notions.
As to the widespread misapprehensions about the modern nation state calling itself Israel and whether it equates to biblical Israel (the true Jews descended from Jacob): MANY of us who claim a premillennial, dispensational hermeneutic do NOT concur with what appears to be a much more prominent, vocal and influential group who have perpetuated (as I was taught when younger, before my own quest for biblical truth in light of current events and developments led me to evaluate everything I’d been taught) the oft-repeated, criticized and maligned (and leveraged heavily in the political realm) notion that the modern manifestation of a country that calls itself Israel (regardless of the occupants true heritage and ancestry) grew out of a (largely European, and especially British) Zionist movement (Zionists do NOT equal Jews – Zionists are actually anti-Jew in nature, even if outwardly they may seem not to be so) is somehow the biblical people Israel to whom promises (conditioned ones, with many specific activities to precede and follow the events around their regathering and eventual offer of the kingdom during a time of worldwide calamity)…which we REJECT. We do not approve of or endorse the ethnic cleansing in process in Palestine that is a continuation of a 75+ year colonization of an occupier group, enabled and urged on by the British empire and other Euiopean nations who wished to rid themselves of a specific group’s influence and participation in their societies and “approved by the vile and anti-human United Nations (League of Nations).
In fact, it is apparent to us that a distinction as referenced previously is essential and what is lacking for our contention, given the “label” placed on we who interpret and understand scripture following the dispensational/premillennial hermeneutic, to mean that 1) only God knows who His chosen people (the true biblical Jews) are today who descended from ancient times 2) that even Paul stated that God has not cast off his people the Jews and 3) the imposters, pretenders and usurpers who formed a country and passed it off as Israel have another agenda altogether based on their true beliefs and loyalties – and these may have the form of honoring and following the “presumed” mandates of the God of the bible but in reality are constructs of Satanic counterfeit and the illusion of biblically-based events staged intentionally to try to manipulate and steal the heritage that God has foretold as part of a larger globalist/Zionist plan to seize Israel as the future headquarters for their antichrist-inspired and directed false kingdom – the one that will use the attempted replication of scripturally defined (or redefined) events in the external realm to try to create a fallen replica of what God has ordained and is yet to come so that it is somehow dominant in the (fallen, dark) counter spiritual realm – an imagined and long-sought after goal of Satan himself – to rule from his throne over God’s creation by corrupting and changing it and by misleading and weakening and even drawing away those who belong to Christ (if that were truly possible with REAL believers).
The corruption of every living thing, every process, truth, and even reality (unmediated by technology or virtual incarnations, black magic, and mind control en masse) – all of creation, by the evil one in order to mislead and to misdirect “if possible, even the elect” in these times when global tyranny is nearer than ever before on a worldwide basis is more evidence for end times when (in dispensational understanding of scripture) a great decline and apostacy of faith is prevalent, when deception and confusion and fear grow and multiply exponentially simultaneous with chaos (ironic that the dark side has as its motto “from chaos, order”) when, like the days of Noah, man’s every thought is only evil continually --- where terror, pestilence (man-made, including weather warfare, bio-warfare, psychological warfare, kinetic warfare, etc.), are increasing and the lines of distinction blurred between the literal (fallen) world and the mystic one (in all its false iterations) prevail.
Many other theological concepts of post-crucified history envision the reign of Christ beginning over the world after 70 AD and the destruction of Herod’s Temple, the dispersion of many of the Jews, persecuted by Rome, etc. and the Church assuming the primary role as God’s chosen (which is partially true with conditions) with either the Jews having been permanently omitted due to their rejection of Christ as Messiah or because the spiritual entity of the church has displaced God’s plan for the ethnic group of Jews surviving into modern times when they believe God is ruling and reigning and Christ’s new kingdom is now in effect. It fails to take into account the very obvious signs of the times we are in when evil is everywhere present, where satanic counterfeits abound in every sphere of life, where truth itself has become relativized, relegated to how you experience it, etc., and even the foundations of humankind are under attack (gender wars, transhumanism, biological retooling, matters of faith, conscience, and governance as examples)…where our “leaders” are conspiring to genetically modify us, control us, consign us to digital prisons while subjugating our minds and taking over the bioenergetic process, using us as a vast network of human nodes for their own desires and ends.
THEREFORE, we do NOT support an “aggressive foreign policy” because IF the U.S. were actually a functioning Constitutional Republic, adhering to the charter that guides it, we would not be using armed forces to interfere with other governments, overthrowing rulers, fomenting color revolutions, recruiting and training operatives and radicalizing extremist groups to do dirty business on our behalf, seizing assets and resources by force, and establishing leave behind armies to retain control over strategic areas for our ongoing colonialization and ownership of power. We REJECT unilateral support for the fraudulent nation called Israel and we earnestly insist on an end to the ethnic cleansing and unchecked expansion of a rogue occupier nation propped up by globalists, and accountability and punishment for those perpetuating these criminal acts of brutality. A return of the land to the Palestinians, an ousting of the nation state calling itself Israel, and true and lasting peace that comes not from conquest but from mutually advantageous negotiation of co-existence on mutually beneficial terms, etc.
Yes, there are MANY mistaken misinformed, misled and misguided souls who have believed the lie that modern Israel is biblical Israel and equate our country with some kind of Americanized “covenant nation” that is fulfilling its obligation to support the Jews…(not sure how if the Old Testament has been displaced by the New that can still be justified?). That does not mean that the method of interpretation or its conclusions are any less valid – just as there are those (especially in the liberal expressions of many of the theological belief systems being promoted today) those claiming certain denominational or theological roots that are inconsistent with their own professed belief systems.
What is needed is to weigh the activities and attitudes, the words and the deeds of those doing harm in the middle east against the totality of scripture and the gospel of Jesus that Paul brought to we Gentile nations to enlist us into a faith that was previously closed to us and a God who had limited His efforts, for a time, to a specific called-out group of people for His purposes, and then decide if they are indeed acting in accordance with the presumed and pretended identity that they claim – and punishment should then be commensurate. Our prayer should be for the gospel of Jesus to reach every tribe, nation, kindred, tongue and person so that no one is left behind when the King returns for His own. And that includes calling out those who are violating the gospel's clearly defined treatment of one another even in the face of hostility and difficulty. IMO we have reached a point where discernment must prevail over historic falsely-drawn lines separating us from one another -- another strategy of the evil one to keep us powerless and unable to truly prevail -- divided against one another and helpless to affect real change in a world that is desperate for truth and righteousness. We have not so learned Christ Jesus.
To clear this global & intentional MEGA-confusion - one should clear & define the word "Christian" to begin with - as Christian comes from Christ, so this and only this refers to the NEW Testament of the Bible. Anything from the OLD Testament - that is what Israel is always referring to - thus can NOT be "Christian" at all . . . !
For dummies in simple words:
Murder & War & that insane western philosophy of "an eye for an eye" & all that crap about "sanctions" is from the Jewish-Zionist OLD Testament & therefore NOT "Christian"!
The closest America ever came to be "Christian" - was happening in & around Woodstock - when young & intelligent America embraced the Hippie-Philosophy of "Make Love, Not War!"
Well you might have a slight problem there . The Jesus you all believe in was supposedly a Jew . Christianity didnt exist for centuries until after that period . The entire story and fake history , was fabricated , forged , mistranslated , and borrowed from past histories by the Unholy Roman Catholic Empire. There are 20 miles of hallways floor to ceiling in the SECRET VATICAN ARCHIVES , holding 500,000 items of 10,000 years of human history. Why is it hidden from the world ? Why or how do they have the power and arrogance to do so. Dont you think we are ALL missing lots of essential info ?