Over 50 years, laws have been changed the world over. You have “beneficial ownership” not ownership. This means someone else owns it. Will you fight it?
Hi Tim, I replied to your other comment, which makes the case that syndication is overwhelmingly beneficial. BUT... If Dr. Yeadon doesn't want his content syndicated to our audience, please let me know, and we will honor that request.
Hi Tim, Nice to e-meet you. That is our business model and how we pay for an all-pro daily publication that was able to syndicate your story to 1790+ subscribers where it will be re-syndicated to our Five Meme Friday audience with another 8,000+ subscribers. We always include a link to the original publication, and we didn't take the entire article, so we are directing folks back to the original article, which drives traffic, which I am assuming is how you discovered we had syndicated the article. We publish our own original work on ArtOfLiberty.Substack.com where we allow (and ENCOURAGE) news aggregators to publish the entire article as long as they include our About the Author and About the Art of Liberty Foundation) as well. I don't understand why you wouldn't be happy to see your article syndicated to a high-quality audience with full credit and link back to the original?
I don't see how they can get away with it on a large scale. I mean, if people see what little they have being stolen, including bank accounts, you'd expect there to be riots and more against the criminals on top. People would certainly wake up faster when the stories spread about what happened at this bank, or to your neighbor or family. Then the outcry would demand they answer for these crimes.
All true. Unfortunately....and no good way to combat it.what about stocks and bonds...if held through a broker? My broker doesn't even know which kind he is.
ultimately even your fully paid for house is forfeit..if you can't pay your property taxes cause you've lost your portfolio...and ss is broke as are the pension funds....
This is the use case for self custody of Bitcoin.
And inserting subscription ads for your publication in the middle of our essay is not on!
Hi Tim, I replied to your other comment, which makes the case that syndication is overwhelmingly beneficial. BUT... If Dr. Yeadon doesn't want his content syndicated to our audience, please let me know, and we will honor that request.
Hi You’ve explained well thanks Keep up the good work.
Why copy our post instead of restacking it? I spent days on this. Not happy to see it copied
Hi Tim, Nice to e-meet you. That is our business model and how we pay for an all-pro daily publication that was able to syndicate your story to 1790+ subscribers where it will be re-syndicated to our Five Meme Friday audience with another 8,000+ subscribers. We always include a link to the original publication, and we didn't take the entire article, so we are directing folks back to the original article, which drives traffic, which I am assuming is how you discovered we had syndicated the article. We publish our own original work on ArtOfLiberty.Substack.com where we allow (and ENCOURAGE) news aggregators to publish the entire article as long as they include our About the Author and About the Art of Liberty Foundation) as well. I don't understand why you wouldn't be happy to see your article syndicated to a high-quality audience with full credit and link back to the original?
I don't see how they can get away with it on a large scale. I mean, if people see what little they have being stolen, including bank accounts, you'd expect there to be riots and more against the criminals on top. People would certainly wake up faster when the stories spread about what happened at this bank, or to your neighbor or family. Then the outcry would demand they answer for these crimes.
Thanks for sharing this
All true. Unfortunately....and no good way to combat it.what about stocks and bonds...if held through a broker? My broker doesn't even know which kind he is.
ultimately even your fully paid for house is forfeit..if you can't pay your property taxes cause you've lost your portfolio...and ss is broke as are the pension funds....
Who-the-f—of-us are gonna be there to see whether they enjoy desert ?
Sooner !
Like NOW !
Well, I don't have much, but what I do have, "THEY" will have to fight me for.