A recent study by Japanese researchers published April 8 in the medical science journal Cureus found “significant excess mortalities” for all cancer types after the deceased took a third dose of mRNA-
Mentioned in the first 10 minutes of this Sept 2020 interview.... 1000 doctors in Japan are using the Riordan protocol (Wichita, Kansas) for cancer .............
The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake
Lisa Tamati
14K subscribers
16,400 views Sep 18, 2020
Dr Ron Hunninghake is the Chief Medical Officer of the prestigious Riordan Institute in Witchita, Kansas.
In this episode Dr Ron explains the uses and mechanisms of action of Vitamin C both oral and intravenous Vitamin C and it's uses in cancer, sepsis, pneumonia, shingles, hepatitis to schizophrenia and mental illnesses.
They also discuss the problems facing functional medicine/orthomolecular medicine vs allopathic medicine and the pharmacological model dominant in our system today.
They elucidate the the mechanisms by which intravenous Vitamin C exerts its powerful healing abilities and discuss the latest clinical trials and work by double nobel prize winner Dr Linus Pauling and subsequent research by Dr Hugh Riordan, Dr Barry Fowler, Dr Paul Marik and others.
This is a must listen to episode for those wanting to take control of their health and who want to dive deeper into vitamin c research.
Dr. Ron, as patients fondly refer to Ron Hunninghake, MD, is a native Kansan. He served his medical internship at Wichita's Wesley Medical Center in 1979 and completed his residency at the Smoky Hill Family Practice Program in Salina, Kansas in 1982.
Dr. Ron began his career as a small-town doc in Minneapolis, Kansas where he first started teaching clinic-based wellness. Later, he joined nearby Salina Family Physicians and was instrumental in founding WellPlan, a comprehensive lifestyle modification program. Seeking even greater involvement in helping patients learn innovative ways to rebuild and maintain their health, he joined the Riordan Clinic in 1989 as its Medical Doctor.
Following in the footsteps of Dr. Hugh Riordan after the Clinic founder's untimely death in 2005, Dr. Ron set about articulating the Riordan approach in seven core precepts:
1. The primacy of the doctor/patient relationship
2. Identify and correct the underlying causes
3. Characterize the biochemical uniqueness of the patient as co-learner
4. Care for the whole person
5. Let food be thy medicine
6. Cultivate healthy reserves
7. The healing power of nature
In addition to his full-time practice as a holistic medical doctor at the Riordan Clinic, Dr. Ron has made multiple trips to Japan, Spain, Ecuador, Columbia, New Zealand, Canada and South Korea to lecture on The Riordan IVC Protocol for Cancer. He is a past chairman of the International Schizophrenia Foundation and has been a regular presenter at their Orthomolecular Medicine Today conference that has been held annually in Canada for the past 39 years. Here at the Riordan Clinic, he has presented more than 300 lectures dealing with all facets of nutrition, lifestyle, and optimal health. He has co-authored three books on subjects including inflammation, energy-boosting supplements, and how to stop pre-diabetes.
For the Riordan Protocol for cancer patients visit:
And yet our dept. of defense has just invested Billions in more MNRA research. BILLIONS JUST a month ago
I swear these people now are All delusional...cannot admit they gambled and LOST.......like Ed Dowd says..they are gonna ride this stock all the way down..like Enron.
With our money....we will all be bankrupt and unable to afford food soon.
Can someone please save a hard copy of the Constution along with a record of all amendments that should never have been proposed let alone passed..so that in 500 years or so...if any real humans are left..they might learn from our mistakes?
In the meantime, I am praying for a planetary catastrophe. Something like the Younger Dryas
Mentioned in the first 10 minutes of this Sept 2020 interview.... 1000 doctors in Japan are using the Riordan protocol (Wichita, Kansas) for cancer .............
The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake
Lisa Tamati
14K subscribers
16,400 views Sep 18, 2020
Dr Ron Hunninghake is the Chief Medical Officer of the prestigious Riordan Institute in Witchita, Kansas.
In this episode Dr Ron explains the uses and mechanisms of action of Vitamin C both oral and intravenous Vitamin C and it's uses in cancer, sepsis, pneumonia, shingles, hepatitis to schizophrenia and mental illnesses.
They also discuss the problems facing functional medicine/orthomolecular medicine vs allopathic medicine and the pharmacological model dominant in our system today.
They elucidate the the mechanisms by which intravenous Vitamin C exerts its powerful healing abilities and discuss the latest clinical trials and work by double nobel prize winner Dr Linus Pauling and subsequent research by Dr Hugh Riordan, Dr Barry Fowler, Dr Paul Marik and others.
This is a must listen to episode for those wanting to take control of their health and who want to dive deeper into vitamin c research.
Dr. Ron, as patients fondly refer to Ron Hunninghake, MD, is a native Kansan. He served his medical internship at Wichita's Wesley Medical Center in 1979 and completed his residency at the Smoky Hill Family Practice Program in Salina, Kansas in 1982.
Dr. Ron began his career as a small-town doc in Minneapolis, Kansas where he first started teaching clinic-based wellness. Later, he joined nearby Salina Family Physicians and was instrumental in founding WellPlan, a comprehensive lifestyle modification program. Seeking even greater involvement in helping patients learn innovative ways to rebuild and maintain their health, he joined the Riordan Clinic in 1989 as its Medical Doctor.
Following in the footsteps of Dr. Hugh Riordan after the Clinic founder's untimely death in 2005, Dr. Ron set about articulating the Riordan approach in seven core precepts:
1. The primacy of the doctor/patient relationship
2. Identify and correct the underlying causes
3. Characterize the biochemical uniqueness of the patient as co-learner
4. Care for the whole person
5. Let food be thy medicine
6. Cultivate healthy reserves
7. The healing power of nature
In addition to his full-time practice as a holistic medical doctor at the Riordan Clinic, Dr. Ron has made multiple trips to Japan, Spain, Ecuador, Columbia, New Zealand, Canada and South Korea to lecture on The Riordan IVC Protocol for Cancer. He is a past chairman of the International Schizophrenia Foundation and has been a regular presenter at their Orthomolecular Medicine Today conference that has been held annually in Canada for the past 39 years. Here at the Riordan Clinic, he has presented more than 300 lectures dealing with all facets of nutrition, lifestyle, and optimal health. He has co-authored three books on subjects including inflammation, energy-boosting supplements, and how to stop pre-diabetes.
For the Riordan Protocol for cancer patients visit:
You can find out more about the Riordan Institute at https://riordanclinic.org/
and follow their youtube channel at / riordancliniconline
Once you have finished watching this video make sure to watch 'Pushing the Limits' Episode 167: Curing the Incurable with Vitamin C Dr Thomas Levy MD
• Curing the Incurable with Vitamin C w...
And yet our dept. of defense has just invested Billions in more MNRA research. BILLIONS JUST a month ago
I swear these people now are All delusional...cannot admit they gambled and LOST.......like Ed Dowd says..they are gonna ride this stock all the way down..like Enron.
With our money....we will all be bankrupt and unable to afford food soon.
Can someone please save a hard copy of the Constution along with a record of all amendments that should never have been proposed let alone passed..so that in 500 years or so...if any real humans are left..they might learn from our mistakes?
In the meantime, I am praying for a planetary catastrophe. Something like the Younger Dryas