The tables have turned against the enemies of Alex Jones in an absolutely stunning turn of events detailed by the man himself during a series of live broadcasts earlier today.
This entire episode - the insane judgement amount, and a fake, secret auction, goes from the ridiculous to the bizarre. How does Alex Jones get bankrupted in a completely over-the-top $1.4 BILLION judgement, yet the authors of a 400 pg book literally called "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" by Jim Fetzer and Mike Palecek, do not?
And what true victim would ever choose to willingly "forgo" a favorable settlement, even partially.
Etienne I think you're right on the money here (pardon the pun).
Sandy Hook was as full of holes as 9/11, but only 1 critic gets sued?
(Maybe I just haven't heard about all the other billion dollar judgements).
Fetzer has said publicly he thinks Alex Jones is in on it and rolled over. He is the giant staged "I was wrong" even when he was right.. We put all the evidence out there and made it uncensorable on the Liberator
Maybe he is a gatekeeper, or maybe he’s just a pawn in the game. We could say so much about the big threat of blind cooperation. Maybe he was just being used. Look at what kind of example this has set?
I’ve heard this about Alex and others… But, what is the evidence for Alex consciously batting for the other side?
It was in the link... You can also search engine his name in the Daily News for more evidence.. BUT.. the fact he is on Team Trump and that he rolled over Sandy Hook should be enough...
This entire episode - the insane judgement amount, and a fake, secret auction, goes from the ridiculous to the bizarre. How does Alex Jones get bankrupted in a completely over-the-top $1.4 BILLION judgement, yet the authors of a 400 pg book literally called "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" by Jim Fetzer and Mike Palecek, do not?
And what true victim would ever choose to willingly "forgo" a favorable settlement, even partially.
Etienne I think you're right on the money here (pardon the pun).
Sandy Hook was as full of holes as 9/11, but only 1 critic gets sued?
(Maybe I just haven't heard about all the other billion dollar judgements).
Fetzer has said publicly he thinks Alex Jones is in on it and rolled over. He is the giant staged "I was wrong" even when he was right.. We put all the evidence out there and made it uncensorable on the Liberator
Maybe he is a gatekeeper, or maybe he’s just a pawn in the game. We could say so much about the big threat of blind cooperation. Maybe he was just being used. Look at what kind of example this has set?
I’ve heard this about Alex and others… But, what is the evidence for Alex consciously batting for the other side?
It was in the link... You can also search engine his name in the Daily News for more evidence.. BUT.. the fact he is on Team Trump and that he rolled over Sandy Hook should be enough...
Which crime family do we route for? Neither.
I’ll look into it. Thanks!