You know, it’s nice to finally have others reporting some of the “truths,” which only a few of us “legitimate independent researchers, investigative journalists & historians” have been writing about for decades. Whether it’s the fraud of vaccines and overuse of antibiotics; the Zionist False Flags such as WWI & II, the Cold War, the USS Liberty, 9/11 NYC or 10/7 Israel; or the energy weapons systems like HARRP, DARPA and 5G; or the Vaxx protocals & BioChemTrails multi-purpose kill protocols cloaked under the guise of “health & security;” or the controlled opposition “actors” within the “Gatekeeper’s” media hierarchy of “Information MaNaGeMeNt.”
Info Wars has always been so obviously a CIA-controlled tool; how they draw the sheeple in with half-truths—stating obvious suspicions & probable conspiracies we’ve all been able to deduce without a deep dive investigation—only to put your brain into a meat grinder, for effect; a permanent state of delusion with never-ending argumentative debates, conflicts and bloody wars. But HBO is also part of this same “monster” of mind controls; an intelligence controlled & managed psychological operation, same as CNN, MSNBC, WSJ, NYT, Fox News, BBC, Reuters…
As I always insist: a fruity punch bowl made of 100% organic fruit with just one-part floating turd💩is still just a huge bowl of pure shit. It’s not about the “concentration of nonsense,” but the use of it; it’s designed function to distract the sheep right off the f🤬g cliffs into their shark-filled pools of gangsters, now 90% AI bots. Bloody Hell, man, we are all so “school-tooled,” and many like John Gatto—a legitimate individual person, researcher, teacher & historian—warned everyone decades ago. So have his “life-long intelligent students” who really care about all life, liberty and real science solutions.
Alex is there to keep the "Patriot Movement" wasting their time in controlled elections... legitimize the idea of "government" and steal the oxygen from authentic voices while gatekeepers when needed
Anarchapulco is controlled op? Oh good Lord… that Corbett presentation was legendary … I think it was at the 2nd meet. But, I usually tell people that all good grassroots movements are highly subject to being corrupted. And usually within less than 10 years of becoming somewhat effective.
“Voluntaryism,” or the older term “volunteerism is a spiritual activity” (ref. Jerrold S. Greenberg, Ph.D’s “Comprehensive Stress and Anxiety Management, 12 ed.).
You know, it’s nice to finally have others reporting some of the “truths,” which only a few of us “legitimate independent researchers, investigative journalists & historians” have been writing about for decades. Whether it’s the fraud of vaccines and overuse of antibiotics; the Zionist False Flags such as WWI & II, the Cold War, the USS Liberty, 9/11 NYC or 10/7 Israel; or the energy weapons systems like HARRP, DARPA and 5G; or the Vaxx protocals & BioChemTrails multi-purpose kill protocols cloaked under the guise of “health & security;” or the controlled opposition “actors” within the “Gatekeeper’s” media hierarchy of “Information MaNaGeMeNt.”
Info Wars has always been so obviously a CIA-controlled tool; how they draw the sheeple in with half-truths—stating obvious suspicions & probable conspiracies we’ve all been able to deduce without a deep dive investigation—only to put your brain into a meat grinder, for effect; a permanent state of delusion with never-ending argumentative debates, conflicts and bloody wars. But HBO is also part of this same “monster” of mind controls; an intelligence controlled & managed psychological operation, same as CNN, MSNBC, WSJ, NYT, Fox News, BBC, Reuters…
As I always insist: a fruity punch bowl made of 100% organic fruit with just one-part floating turd💩is still just a huge bowl of pure shit. It’s not about the “concentration of nonsense,” but the use of it; it’s designed function to distract the sheep right off the f🤬g cliffs into their shark-filled pools of gangsters, now 90% AI bots. Bloody Hell, man, we are all so “school-tooled,” and many like John Gatto—a legitimate individual person, researcher, teacher & historian—warned everyone decades ago. So have his “life-long intelligent students” who really care about all life, liberty and real science solutions.
Alex is there to keep the "Patriot Movement" wasting their time in controlled elections... legitimize the idea of "government" and steal the oxygen from authentic voices while gatekeepers when needed
I known, Etienne. And it’s maddening.
Anarchapulco is controlled op? Oh good Lord… that Corbett presentation was legendary … I think it was at the 2nd meet. But, I usually tell people that all good grassroots movements are highly subject to being corrupted. And usually within less than 10 years of becoming somewhat effective.
“Voluntaryism,” or the older term “volunteerism is a spiritual activity” (ref. Jerrold S. Greenberg, Ph.D’s “Comprehensive Stress and Anxiety Management, 12 ed.).
Thanks for this #newsOfaDifference.”
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