HBO Releases ‘The Truth vs. Alex Jones’ Trailer From Producers Behind “The Anarchists”
Are HBO Producers Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller Serial “Government” Propagandists?
Etienne Note: In our multi-part investigation into Anarchapulco and the HBO hit piece “The Anarchists,” I did a complete breakdown on the executive producers behind what was the most sophisticated hit piece against voluntaryism and peaceful anarchy in the modern age to expose how the intelligence agencies “create reality” by controlling the information that the population receives about events using weaponized monopoly media. Two of those executive producers, Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller, are back to sweep the fake Sandy Hook school shooting under the rug with another hit piece against the truth movement starring Alex Jones.
I had the overview of Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller behind the paywall in the 2nd installment of our investigation, BUT I am opening it up for free. You can better understand their background and the evidence that leads reasonable people to speculate they are serial propagandists for the organized crime “government” and need to be investigated by something like the Church Commission that investigated the intelligence agencies’ involvement in the media in 1976. -
I don’t have time to get into it in depth, BUT here is the basics of what is going down:
Alex Jones is a controlled opposition figure designed to make the truth movement look bad. I call it the “clownification of the opposition.” He is part of what is starting to be called the MAM or “Mainstream Alternative Media” Slick media operations well-financed to dominate the alternative media while authentic voices are shadow banned, demonetized, de-indexed, and de-platformed. Other operations include: Anarchapulco/Anarcast, Tucker Carlson, Tim Pool, Luke Rudkowski, Ben Shapiro, and Hal Turner who was exposed when someone hacked his email and exposed the conversations with his FBI handler.
Alex Jones releases a lot of good information… that is already out there… and then gatekeeps on certain aspects when required by his handlers… Like Israel’s involvement in 9-11, the legitimacy of “government” or what really happened at Sandy Hook. If Alex Jones was genuine, he could have done what we do: Put all the best evidence about the fraud of Sandy Hook in multiple repositories and pointed people to the evidence instead of rolling over… Our evidence of the organized crime government’s involvement in staging Sandy Hook for gun control is on an uncensorable flash drive we call: The Liberator and on both Dropbox and Megaupload. You can find the folders with our evidence on Sandy Hook here: I suggest you start with the excellent documentary: We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook.
Similar to the way they are discrediting the Trump movement in the eyes of the left with fake show trials designed to distract and deceive the naïve… they did the same thing with Alex Jones
To make him seem less credible in the eyes of those who marginally understand what is going on. After all.. he was convicted in a “government” trial, so Sandy Hook must have been genuine…
Make Alex Jones seem more credible as the “leader of the opposition” with the “Patriot Movement” and “Truth Movement,” which does understand much of what is going on.
To have him backtrack on Sandy Hook publicly since people were beginning to look into it and realize it was a scam… Now less folks will look into it “since even Alex Jones recanted on it”
As a warning to the authentic voices of the developing alternative media… We will bankrupt you with a communist-style show trial and multi-billion dollar judgment if you expose our disinformation operation and fake hoax shootings for gun control.
Q. But if Alex Jones and Trump are controlled opposition, then why are they going along with being bankrupted? – A. Because neither one is really being bankrupted… Read the story below where they buried the headline: The family members are going to settle with Alex for $85M over 10 years. The organized crime “government” is going to move $85m from the Alex Jones operation into the Sandy Hook Gun Control Operation… Alex has been broadcasting and gatekeeping the entire time and will continue to to do so… nothing has changed… Trump isn’t really being bankrupted by his judgements… Check out our articles: The Real Scam of Trump’s Indictment was America Wasting Its Time on a Staged Courthouse Drama AND Is This How Wall Street Pays Off Trump? - $4-7 Billion Payday for His Failing Social Media Company? Where we break down how Wall Street is about to hand Trump $4-7 billion for his failing media company that lost $49 million in nine months while generating just $ 3.4 million in revenue.
By James Hibberd @ The Hollywood Reporter
HBO has released the first trailer (below) for its upcoming documentary chronicling the rise and fall of one of the most controversial and disgraced voices in American media: Alex Jones.
In The Truth vs. Alex Jones, filmmaker Dan Reed (Leaving Neverland, Four Hours at the Capitol) shows how Jones built an empire peddling supplements to listeners of his popular InfoWars radio show and then fueled his own collapse by promoting a conspiracy theory that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was staged and its shattered parents were actors.
“With his embrace of Sandy Hook hoaxer theories, Jones discovered that a high-octane mix of conspiracy and politics could set his audience on fire like never before, turbocharging his online supplements business,” Reed said in a statement. “The parents of the children murdered at Sandy Hook confronted Jones in a court of law and exposed his lies. My documentary is about this epic legal battle of the disinformation age. Many more will follow as disinformation continues to go mainstream in America.”
From the official description: “Filmed over four years with unprecedented courtroom access, the story of how families whose children were murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting took on conspiracy giant Alex Jones in two historic courtroom trials, attempting to hold Jones and InfoWars accountable for the lies they began spreading just hours after the tragedy. Bringing Jones to trial involved years of effort by grieving parents and their legal teams and culminated in two jury trials for damages in Texas and Connecticut. The result was America’s largest award for damages in a defamation case, with nearly $1.5 billion awarded by juries in the two states to the families, just as Jones declared bankruptcy.”
Despite the judgment, the Sandy Hook families are still in legal purgatory after Jones declared bankruptcy. The families have offered to settle with Jones for $85 million paid over 10 years.
The Truth vs. Alex Jones had its world premiere at the South by Southwest Film & TV Festival on Monday and has a second screening at the festival tomorrow.
The documentary will premiere on HBO and Max on Tuesday, March 26.
Go paid at the $5 a month level, and we will send you both the PDF and e-Pub versions of “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and a coupon code for 10% off anything in the
Go paid at the $50 a year level, and we will send you a free paperback edition of Etienne’s book “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! AND a 64GB Liberator flash drive if you live in the US. If you are international, we will give you a $10 credit towards shipping if you agree to pay the remainder.
Support us at the $250 Founding Member Level and get a signed high-resolution hardcover of “Government” + Liberator flash drive + Larken Rose’s The Most Dangerous Superstition + Art of Liberty Foundation Stickers delivered anywhere in the world. Our only option for signed copies besides catching Etienne @ an event.
You know, it’s nice to finally have others reporting some of the “truths,” which only a few of us “legitimate independent researchers, investigative journalists & historians” have been writing about for decades. Whether it’s the fraud of vaccines and overuse of antibiotics; the Zionist False Flags such as WWI & II, the Cold War, the USS Liberty, 9/11 NYC or 10/7 Israel; or the energy weapons systems like HARRP, DARPA and 5G; or the Vaxx protocals & BioChemTrails multi-purpose kill protocols cloaked under the guise of “health & security;” or the controlled opposition “actors” within the “Gatekeeper’s” media hierarchy of “Information MaNaGeMeNt.”
Info Wars has always been so obviously a CIA-controlled tool; how they draw the sheeple in with half-truths—stating obvious suspicions & probable conspiracies we’ve all been able to deduce without a deep dive investigation—only to put your brain into a meat grinder, for effect; a permanent state of delusion with never-ending argumentative debates, conflicts and bloody wars. But HBO is also part of this same “monster” of mind controls; an intelligence controlled & managed psychological operation, same as CNN, MSNBC, WSJ, NYT, Fox News, BBC, Reuters…
As I always insist: a fruity punch bowl made of 100% organic fruit with just one-part floating turd💩is still just a huge bowl of pure shit. It’s not about the “concentration of nonsense,” but the use of it; it’s designed function to distract the sheep right off the f🤬g cliffs into their shark-filled pools of gangsters, now 90% AI bots. Bloody Hell, man, we are all so “school-tooled,” and many like John Gatto—a legitimate individual person, researcher, teacher & historian—warned everyone decades ago. So have his “life-long intelligent students” who really care about all life, liberty and real science solutions.
Anarchapulco is controlled op? Oh good Lord… that Corbett presentation was legendary … I think it was at the 2nd meet. But, I usually tell people that all good grassroots movements are highly subject to being corrupted. And usually within less than 10 years of becoming somewhat effective.