It's so boring now to keep hearing everything is a CIA operation, or controlled opposition. Anymore, it's like if you don't agree with someone he has to be a CIA agent. With absolutely no proof I might add. Would be so fun and refreshing to have some calm discussions regarding the theories of a globe earth and a flat earth. It would also be so EASY for the globe believers, like NASA, to provide us with some REAL proof of a globe earth. So far it's not been done. Why? That is, to show us real time videos and photos from space showing a spinning marble ball. We'd all be so awed to see this proof. I mean real photos and videos, not CGI images. How hard can that be in this age of super technology. Come on, if President Nixon could talk to the moon landers on a landline (I watched that live), then surely today with all the stuff they send up into space, they could produce real time and even time-lapse movies of a spinning globe!

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Hi Donna,

My favorite CIA quote of all time is:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

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"everything the American public believes is false." EVERYTHING he stated.

The American "public" believes the earth is a globe. The American "public" believes viruses are real things that make us sick. The American "public" believes voting is a patriotic duty and each one's vote counts. Would be fun to see as copy of the "disinformation program."

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Etienne I think you're articles are awesome but this one, hmm. For starters the only reason you gave that we should believe in a spherical earth is that people with scientific minds and know how to do math, believe the earth is a spinning ball in space. That's not a good enough reason to believe them in my view. And the elevator example, well as you get higher, you can see further so that doesn't really prove anything if the sun is moving further away. Your argument is much like science's flawed method of "peer review" that if lots of scientists believe something then who are we to argue. It hasn't been proven that the earth is going around the sun. By the way, Kepler poisoned Tychos Brahe who had a different model, of the sun going around the earth, and that two planets are actually moons of the sun. The other planets do go around the sun, but the sun goes around the earth and the earth moves but only one mile per hour. And science as far as I know, doesn't say what the sun is doing in their model. Is it just sitting there, motionless? Because that would be funny as nothing is motionless, however that may not be what they are saying, but I've never heard anything about what the sun is doing out of the mouths of heliocentric model scientists.

I think you're onto something though with the CIA fueling confusion, however it's ok, we're allowed to disagree and it's good for us to. But we need to have more evidence than just saying scientists say so therefore, it is so. What makes the CIA ploy successful is when we degrade each other for having different opinions.

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I just syndicated the article. I agree that the author could have broken it down better... but...

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

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I’ve never met a flat earther that votes …..period. This idea that half the people who support Trump are flat earthers is a LIE.

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Before commenting on a subject like flat earth, please do the appropriate research so you don’t sound like every other ignoramus who talks out of school. I’m not surprised and I’m starting to think Etienne is controlled opposition

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We can agree to disagree agreeably!

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No, it’s not about agreeing to disagree. NO NO NO…I bought your book and thumb drives and appreciate the work your have done but when you said that you can’t believe you are debating people who believe the earth is a disc floating in space, you exposed yourself as someone who speaks about subjects they know nothing about. It’s extremely disappointing because I can actually prove with a camera or binoculars that boats don’t sail away over a “horizon”. ITS LITERALLY THAT EASY TO DISPROVE the 8 1/2 inches per mile squared curvature that “mainstream science” has brainwashed you to believe. How can you prove the earth is perfectly spherical? It’s amazing to see people who distrust mainstream science…..but totally trust the pseudoscientific lies of astronomy. Neil DeGrasse Tyson says the earth is shaped like a pear….so which is it?? A pear or a ball?

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It might be like the internet and have no shape.

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Jesuit schooling/training of any kind?

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Flat earth major PSYOP for suckers

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Actually, I think NASA is behind the Flat Earth psyop, qui bono? Though it certainly benefits many of the agencies, so probably some inter-agency psychological situation board with occult-oriented psychologists. It's brilliant how it traps minds.

I've wondered if it hasn't been a testing ground for techniques utilized in the C19 scamdemic. Having engaged with many of the FE'ers over the years, along with a geodetic surveyor mate, attempting to get them to cognize a wider range of data to assess their world view upon, I ended up looking into the psychology of cult programming. Neurologist Robert Burton's work on how people believe they are right even when they are obviously wrong is a fascinating path.

There may be no more hope for them than people waving Ukranian flags these days.

Michael Nehls book The Indoctrinated Brain is also a good read in discerning how these psyops can function.

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I engaged with Darrell Fox and many others in that field back in the day. It was a shitshow.

My friend Jesse Kozlowski, a geodetic surveyor with over 40 years experience in measuring the curvature on large scale projects made a series of videos showing how the curvature works, and how the FEers do the 8" squared per mile wrong (it's one of the mind tricks that traps them) as it's for sighting line perpedicular to a plumb line at sighting location, readily seen as divergent from line of sight in theodolites. He came under heavy attack in the forums, he told me they were posting pictures of him from his younger days that he didn't even know existed, would have been scanned from old film prints, along with a wanted poster, etc.

Eric "Dubious" Dubay got his start with a $100,000 reward from the US Vaccine court, for not feeling well after a flu shot. He used that to move to Thailand, many more connecting details, but that should give you a major clue. How many parents with vaccine injured children have gotten paid out like that?

Won't belabor the issue, but I've done a deep dive on all aspects over the years, and there's no doubt this is a high level psychological operation.

I have a few mates who will believe it no matter what info is given them, but they are wise and don't discuss that with me.

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Thank you thank you , I ve said this since I first heard this nonsense . It seems Christians particularly fell for this one . I dont care what anyone says , I have been out of my body many times without NDE and its a sphere. Also it is fact we have had anti gravity , electro propulsion vehicles since WW2 , so why would we not know and have already been other places, UNLESS we are quarantined and NOT WELCOME . HMMM ?

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The technology was from another highly intelligent species who live underground where methane is more abundant and it is cooler. The Nazis were given the technology by them, as now have the US military after Eisenhower made an agreement with the extraterrestrials. Admiral Byrd claimed to have seen a civilization under the antarctic and his plane controls were remotely hacked and controlled by them- around world war 2 days. Nazis then made Swaziland their headquarters, and Hitler and many of his elite were spending their last years there in pleasant leisure. Nazis. of course, had anti-gravity saucers. Admiral Byrds armada to antarctica was soundly defeated and retreated, and every nation made a pact to not venture there again, as the enemy technology was too advanced.

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Im very aware of that and actually had access to the info from Byrd secret diaries from his widow whom was a friend of a women I knew well . But your missing Victor Shauberger s work as well. The Nazis ALSO has his anti gravitational , water vortex powered craft. I think, but cant prove the Nazis had difficulty with the first tech you mention, but because they had Shauberger basically in house arrest to force him to work for them. they completed that first . Im very aware of Operation High Jump and was speaking about it when I did not know anyone else who even knew of it. And met before they died some with actual experience in Ant. with such things.

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The high technology comes from other beings within the earth, so it is highly unlikely that it is us that come from elsewhere and are being held prisoner. At least not me. I do not naturally have this intelligence I now have, it came from being fucked and from lots and lots of study and some really hard obstacles to overcome, as well as being "gassed' in an institution training me to cut through the BS. THey used all kinds of deception and manipulation to train me to focus and not be misled by immunization (I was so attacked with disease of misinformation that it innoculated me to recognize lies)- I have my own theory that is not flat earth and is not earth rotating around the sun. I am not in the mood to explain at this point, but nobody has been able to even attempt to debunk me

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From what I have seen and experienced , this tech has come from BOTH advanced inside and outside . The tech we speak of makes both possible , everything is energy not really solid . EASY for them. SK

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THe military whistle blowers have said that there are many extraterrestrial species amongst us, several dozen. Many are malevolent, and are the source of much evil. They are prevalent in the power families. Pure bloods not mating with humans

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Extraterrestrials amongst us. Phil Schneider talked of Val who was extraterr working with US military... we see so many reptilian eyes and those in power are liars and have an exceedingly high capacity for evil, as they consider us like cattle. I don't think that they are human. But they are amongst us. THe military has said that there are dozens of extraterrestrial species amongst us. I think that is true, and many are not working for our good.

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