Flat Earth Is A CIA Psychological Operation
The CIA has invested enormous resources promoting the Flat Earth psyop to gullible truthers.
Etienne Note: I added the image above and one below to illustrate this article by 009 of The World Is Not Enough. I break down in detail how I believe the CIA is trying to “Smear & Steer” the voluntaryist, anarcho-capitalist and peaceful anarchist movements by creating conferences and media operations like Anarchapulco/Jeff Berwick and then steering those audiences into “The Shemitah,” Flat Earth and Anti-Semitism in my article: Chumped: The Unfortunate Truth About Anarchapulco and HBO’s Series: The Anarchists. I break down how the latest trick is to steer the same audiences into cartoonish anti-semitism which blunts legitimate criticism of Zionism and $100 Billion+ stolen and transferred to Israel using “government” in the article: The Scam of Stew Peters' "Documentary" Occupied
In my last post, about President Elon Musk, I commented at the end that many people from the alternative community have fallen prey to the Trump/Musk trap. It makes it difficult to fight a war against tyranny, when half your army is now working for the enemy. I made an off-hand comment that a significant percentage of the alt community think the Earth is flat.
It is hard to soar with the eagles when you are working with turkeys.
This triggered some Flat Earthers who commented and sent me emails with links to pseudo-scientific explanations about the shape of the Earth. I appreciate that they read all the way to the end of the article, but then again, they are only interested in talking about the shape of the Earth—it is their whole reason for being.
Never in my wildest dreams, before joining the anti-lockdown movement four years ago, did I think I would be debating with people who sincerely believe the Earth is a motionless flat disc, floating in space, (and they do not even believe that there is any “space.”)
Discussing this topic is uncomfortable for many people in the alternative community, and understandably, they distance themselves from it, claiming it does not matter if the Earth is round or flat. Yet, our entire modern science is based on the spherical model of the Earth, since Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler launched the modern scientific era in the 1500’s.
We call ourselves truthers. The truth about 9/11 is very important to the alternative community; the truth about the pandemic, the truth about the mRNA injections and the truth about the World Economic Forum.
However, the fervent and repeated promotion of the Flat Earth theory is a constant on social media, especially on Facebook. The Flat Earth followers are aggressive and generally derogatory towards the “globies,” who in their view are brainwashed by NASA and the media. The secondary conspiracy theory—and let’s call a spade a spade, it is a conspiracy theory—that NASA faked the Apollo missions, is always part of the Flat Earth theory. In fact, the two theories can be said to be one, at least in the minds of the Flat Earthers.
In 2019, the Flat Earth International Conference (that had only American speakers) was held in Texas. A lengthy list of hip-looking speakers were scheduled:
With a pro website, videos, books and many references to Bible verses, this conference looked slick and professional. Tickets were $249, not including flights and hotel. Conference organiser, Robbie Davidson wrote a book called “Scientism Exposed” which is a lengthy rant against all science, and a reinforcement of fundamentalist Christianity.
Several of the speakers from the conference, in their profiles reference 2015 as the year of their “awakening.” Several others are ex-military, and most are noticeably younger.
It is this author’s conclusion, that the recent upsurge in Flat Earth mania, beginning with the first Flat Earth Conference in 2015, is directly attributable to an orchestrated CIA-sponsored psychological operation. And furthermore, the targeted audience is the alternative community. The big spike of interest in Flat Earth has levelled off since 2015, but what has emerged is a much more militant cult of believers:
Most of this interest in centered in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK, the heart of the alternative dissident community.
One of the main leaders of this CIA mind control campaign is CIA agent Eric Dubay, who claims responsibility for the explosion of interest in FE:
“Google analytics shows that since November 2014, the search term "Flat Earth" has enjoyed an incredible and never before seen 600% rise in activity! The reason behind the sudden and sharp increase for this key- word is undeniably the publishing of my "Flat Earth Conspiracy" book and documentary pair which were both released in November 2014. The Flat Earth Conspiracy was the first pro-flat Earth book written in almost 50 years and is rapidly becoming an under-ground best- seller while my documentary, interviews and other flat Earth videos have received a combined 1,000,000+ views and growing. As you can imagine, when exposing a 500 year running conspiracy involving NASA, the U.N. and world Freemasonry, there will be death threats (which I'm receiving regularly) and controlled opposition agents will be sent in to infiltrate and co-opt the growing movement. I'm writing this article to expose the evidence I've compiled that several such government shills are currently hard at work doing just that.”
He even posted a lengthy article, exposed all the “shills and controlled opposition” in the Flat Earth movement, because he is receiving death threats, and “controlled opposition agents will be sent in to infiltrate and co-opt the growing movement.”
What does the CIA hope to gain from this psyop?
First of all, they make the alt community look like idiots. Connecting the freedom movement to people who think the world is flat completely discredits the movement, and ensures that any rational human being with a high school education will refuse to listen to anything the alt community has to say about what is really going on.
Secondly, it discredits Christianity. Totalitarian states have a long record of oppressing religions that are considered a threat to the state. The church or any religion, if it is organised, can create serious opposition to any government.
Thirdly, it creates a smokescreen to keep truthers from prying into what NASA is actually doing in space. One of NASA’s biggest projects, in conjunction with Space X and DARPA, is the installation of 50,000 satellites in space, a giant superstructure to create 24/7 surveillance over the entire planet. This project dovetails with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is arguably the most draconian project in global history.
There were many people who were speaking serious truths at the beginning of the pandemic. Now all they want to talk about is the shape of the earth, something of little consequence compared to the mass murder of humanity with lethal injections.
These people have been neutralized.
As a disclaimer, this post is not going to get into the multitude of explanations of why the Flat Earth theory is impossible, because it would be an enormously long post, and I am assuming my audience is not lost down this rabbit hole. Flat Earth, at best is interesting mythology. It would make for a fantastic sci-fi movie about a strange planet covered by a dome, hovering motionless in some far off galaxy. Captain Kirk and Spock would beam down to the planet and meet the strange race of aliens who do not believe in space.
I would definitely watch it.
Flat Earthers invariably haul out the map below, often pointing out it is the same map that the United Nations uses in its emblem. They claim the flat earth is surrounded by a massive circular ice wall. This supposedly proves the United Nations know the earth is flat, and they are hiding it in plain sight:
However, this map is called an “azimuthal equidistant projection map”, because it is a flattened image of a spherical map, and it is valued for its ability to accurately represent distances and directions from a central point, making it particularly useful for navigation, communication, and visualizing global relationships from a specific perspective. Cartographers have used these maps for hundreds of years.
Here’s another one that the Flat Earthers never mention:
Another talking point, the Flat Earthers rely on, is the claim that Nikolai Tesla, a man whom most people in the alt community revere, was a Flat Earther and he did not believe in gravity. This is based on a quote, attributed to him, but it was actually a Flat Earther named Darrell Fox on Facebook, who quoted himself and then a line from Tesla. Other Flat Earthers then misattributed the whole thing to Tesla, even when the original guy objected and pointed out the mistake.
The original quote by Tesla is from his article “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy with Special References to the Harnessing of the Sun’s Energy,” published by Century Magazine, June 1900.
It was only a figure of speech, emphasizing human togetherness in the energy problem. And obviously, it doesn’t refer to the shape of Earth or its motion. Tesla did adhere to the spherical model of the Earth, and he did believe in gravity. He proposed an alternative theory of gravity in a paper, entitled The Dynamic Theory of Gravity, which is not accepted by the scientific community, who default to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
The Flat Earth psyop is nothing new. The idea that Europeans, during the time of Columbus, believed the earth was flat is a myth invented during the 19th century by two Skull and Bones members to discredit Christianity, as part of what is known as the “Conflict Thesis,” which has also been widely discredited by modern historians, who favor, a complexity thesis.
David Livingstone, talks about this issue, in his book, Black Terror, White Soldiers:
“More anti-Christian propaganda was created in the seventeenth century when historians invented what is known as the "Flat Earth Myth," which claimed that Medieval Christian Europe believed the earth was actually flat, a notion that was supposedly contested by Columbus. The myth was created as part of a campaign by Protestants against Catholic teaching. Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell claims “with extraordinary few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the earth was flat,” and he regards that the myth gained currency in the nineteenth century due to inaccurate histories such as John William Draper's History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1874) and Andrew Dickson White's History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896). Dicksen was member of the notorious Skull and Bones at Yale and co-founder of Cornell University. Draper and White were the most influential exponents of the Conflict Thesis, the proposition that there is an intrinsic intellectual conflict between religion and science and that the relationship between religion and science inevitably leads to public hostility. Draper's book received worldwide recognition and was translated into several languages, but was banned by the Catholic Church”
NASA produced a paper in 1988, which is used as evidence that NASA knows the Earth is flat. In the paper, Derivation and Definition of a Linear Aircraft Model, NASA summarises,
“This report documents the derivation and definition of a linear aircraft model for a rigid aircraft of constant mass flying over a fiat, nonrotating earth. The derivation makes no assumptions of reference trajectory or vehicle symmetry. The linear system equations are derived and evaluated along a general trajectory and include both aircraft dynamics and observation variables.”
The “flat, non-rotating earth” model is a common technique used to generalize mathematic equations, and the report quickly explains that, “These models are widely used, not only for computer applications but also for quick approximations.”
There are 15 such papers produced by NASA that reference a “flat nonrotating Earth,” that the Flat Earth community promote as proof of a conspiracy.
From a USA Today article, debunking this:
Hank Pernicka, the director of Missouri Science and Technology's Space Systems Engineering Laboratory, said this is a common practice for aerospace engineers.
"It makes our modeling equations much easier to manage," he said in an email to USA TODAY.
Pernicka used the example of throwing a paper plane at one of his students.
"I really don’t need to account for the fact that the Earth is spherical, rotating and orbiting the Sun in order to throw the airplane accurately," he said. "For this short-range trajectory, those effects are quantifiable but trivially small."
Don Durston, an aerospace engineer at NASA's Ames Research Center, explained that Derivation and Definition of a Linear Aircraft Model is also focused on short-range trajectories and motions.
"(The authors) are just developing a linear aircraft model using the forces, aircraft motions and accelerations for an airplane in any given flight condition," Durston said about the paper. "(The authors) don't care what the Earth is doing below the plane and there is no need to include terms about the Earth’s rotation."
The cure for the Flat Earth disease is physics. Instead of spending all your time arguing with Flat Earthers, or posting cat videos on Facebook, why not educate yourself about our universe and how it all works? You will become smarter and better able to sort out the truth when people say dumb things on Facebook.
It is sad that everything has become so corrupted and confusing, that many people have rejected all science, as well as all history, politics and religion. Skepticism on steroids, results in denial of everything and belief in nothing, except the most extreme theories possible. Others have simply given up on trying to understand things because the truth is often very difficult to discern. The Flat Earth theory is therefore an escape from reality, and from the discipline of actual physics and actual science.
Physics is difficult and like any scientific discipline, it takes years and years of dedication and study. To become a Flat Earther you only need minimal effort on YouTube. Plus a heaping portion of blind faith.
The Flat Earth theory is basically claiming all our laws of gravity, motion and force are wrong, in fact horribly wrong. Yet the Flat Earthers have neither alternative math, nor any explanation of why our current physical laws are in error. This puts the Flat Earth theory into the belief category—at best, it is speculation. At it’s worst, it is a cult of delusional noobs who got suckered down a rabbit hole by the CIA.
It is true that scientists can be bought, educational institutions can be turned into propaganda machines, and politicians are often in bed with corrupt science. We know this to be true, because we witnessed these things during the last few years of COVID insanity.
However, the solution to corrupt science is not to reject all science—the solution is good science. In order to know good science from bad science, we need a scientifically literate population who would never fall for something like the Flat Earth theory. As Carl Sagan once said, “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.”
Why do people fall for such obvious nonsense? The answer is that people are sheep. They will follow any leader, good or bad, as long as the leader leads them. This should be obvious from thousands of years of human history. If there are good leaders, the sheep will follow to safe pastures and the good leaders will protect the sheep from the wolves. If there are bad leaders (wolves), the sheep will get eaten by them.
The good news is that good leaders are rising up.
For a detailed explanation of the history and science of the spherical model of the Earth, check out this excellent blog by retired science prof, David Chandler.
If you want to prove (to yourself) that the Earth is a sphere, you can do it by simply using a drone. Watch the sun go down, and then send the drone up and film it. You will see the sun going down again. You can do this test also by watching the sun go down, and then taking the elevator to the top of very high building, and watch the sun go down again.
Easy peasy.
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Etienne I think you're articles are awesome but this one, hmm. For starters the only reason you gave that we should believe in a spherical earth is that people with scientific minds and know how to do math, believe the earth is a spinning ball in space. That's not a good enough reason to believe them in my view. And the elevator example, well as you get higher, you can see further so that doesn't really prove anything if the sun is moving further away. Your argument is much like science's flawed method of "peer review" that if lots of scientists believe something then who are we to argue. It hasn't been proven that the earth is going around the sun. By the way, Kepler poisoned Tychos Brahe who had a different model, of the sun going around the earth, and that two planets are actually moons of the sun. The other planets do go around the sun, but the sun goes around the earth and the earth moves but only one mile per hour. And science as far as I know, doesn't say what the sun is doing in their model. Is it just sitting there, motionless? Because that would be funny as nothing is motionless, however that may not be what they are saying, but I've never heard anything about what the sun is doing out of the mouths of heliocentric model scientists.
I think you're onto something though with the CIA fueling confusion, however it's ok, we're allowed to disagree and it's good for us to. But we need to have more evidence than just saying scientists say so therefore, it is so. What makes the CIA ploy successful is when we degrade each other for having different opinions.
I’ve never met a flat earther that votes …..period. This idea that half the people who support Trump are flat earthers is a LIE.