Fortunately I'm not in the dating market and my boyfriend and I are unjabbed. But when looking for new friends, jab status is important, I can forgive those who got shots in 2021 but if they are still getting boosters then I can't be around them. Last time I was in close contact with the recently boosted it took 3 months for my menstural cycle to go back to normal.
I'm uninjected, but my fiance felt pressured by his mom to go with her and get their injections. He can't really say, "I made the best decision with what I knew at the time..." because I'd already done enough research to decline it for my two small boys. I told him I wouldn't sleep with him anymore without protection if he got any more than the first one because I "didn't want that sh*t in my body".
There is the other side of the vaxxed, where one is injured and the other one still believes in the shots. I just ended a 5 year relationship bc my bf did not believe I was vax injured, even as I deteriorated in front of his eyes. He became distant, uncompassionate, and critical. I was a conspiracy theorist and nut bc I claimed the shot injured me. I know for a fact what it did to me and the absolute lack of support and compassion was devastating. As much as I loved him, I had to let him go bc it was more painful to stay in the relationship and pray he would change and wake up.
Thank you Etienne. I appreciate that. The level of damage that these shots have caused is way beyond just health aspect of it, but the psychological and emotional damage on a whole new level. It is understandable that people are on an island so to speak and have absolutely no idea what the hell to do. The one you love is now chronically ill, possibly dying and you did not sign up for being a caretaker. My relationship was just into its 5th year and the first year before I got sick was so amazing. I could not ask him to be my caretaker. I could not ask him to give up his life to be there for me every moment of the day and lose what he worked hard for. But I also did not ask him to be uncompassionate and deny what was happening to me. It is like our government pulled out the most elaborate psychological warfare to condition people and turn them against each other, bc they knew that would further their agenda. But it destroyed love, families, friends and so much more. What is the legal term in court, when you take away the love of another? I can't remember it right now. Alienation of affection.... that's it.
We appreciate all the help that you guys are giving us. We are honestly suffering in ways I have never seen. Physically, mentally, financially, emotionally, etc. We have lost everything and our government has yet to address ANYTHING with us or helped in any way. It is absolutely disgusting how they have abandoned us and continue to call everything we say "misinformation".
Please share our truth and continue to fight hard for us as we continue to fight hard for each other.
Our two support groups are listed in my bio link. Facebook and TrialSite News. We have people from all over the world in there and we continue to see how people all over the world , no matter where they are, are still not able to get any help, treatment or acknowledgment.
This is so sad. As if it’s not hard enough for a traditional conservative young woman to find a husband. Now she has reason to worry that her future partner may be infertile.
I would assume if a young woman was seeking an unjabbed mate, it’s because she declined the Covid mRNA shots. My immediate family didn’t take them and I hope the grandkids marry girls that are also unjabbed.
I’m single. The Clot Shot Question is primary in vetting potential partners. Used to be asking if they’re Christian first, that’s certainly the next question. But if someone took that injection and doesn’t realize it’s a mistake, there’s no point going further - their mind and body is gone.
It's difficult enough right now for young people to find life mates. Watching my 28 yo daughter try to navigate the process looking for a Christian, unvaxxed, and masculine guy to lead a Godly family.
Unmanned and married so not a worry for me. My daughter is dating I don’t know his vax status but I can tell you when she first started to date him she was getting cold sores every month. My daughter has been plagued with herpes since 9months of age ( never been💉 with any drug). I figured her immune system has been hit by being with him. So got her into the Naturopath who is fully awake and we built up her immunity. It’s been six months and no cold sores. This is a terrible time to be a young person looking for their life partner. I work in health care unmanned of course but I am around jabbed people all the time never been sick. I really up my Vit D and try to keep healthy. What else can we do what’s done is done. This is the sad world we live in most people took the poison. I wonder how people can know if someone is jabbed or unjabbed what’s stopping someone from lying? Kind of like the HIV pandemic all over again. Stay safe my friends we are all in this together.
The evidence suggests negative health outcomes will eventually affect all the vaccinated. Immune systems are degraded leading to medium term complications & longer term turbo versions of terminal diseases. That could be years away for some but it seems a very probable outcome for most. Plus there are the impacts on the reproductive systems of the vaxxed, leading to infertility or stillbirths or adversely affected newborns. But if you're unvaxxed & fall in love with a vaxxed person, the risk will seem worth it, & it may be. Perhaps though it's better to avoid dating the vaxxed altogether.
"If you're unvaxxed & fall in love with a vaxxed person, the risk will seem worth it".
Respectfully, I'm not so sure about that.
If someone withstood the greatest propaganda campaign in history, I'm assuming that person feels strongly and is resolute.
I'm also assuming they had educated themselves about why the Covid shots in particular were such a risk.
I imagine something of such intrinsic importance would be one of the first questions, and a subsequent deal-breaker, so I don't even think such a relationship would proceed (let alone reach the "falling in love" stage).
And if you WERE someone so resolutely against it, how could you ever trust your partner to respect your wishes, in regard to future children?
These are the cases that end up in Court, with a judge overriding a parent, in favour of the State.
It's become such a divisive, fraught, topic (as it should be, for any critically thinking adult).
We still have no idea what was in it, but are beginning to see the devastating repercussions of a hasty decision made in a historical moment of madness.
Exactly right. Most of the unvaxxed are awake to what's going on in the world and realize covid wasn't the end of it. Having lived through the prejudice against them and the pressure on them, they know they at least need a partner who's on the same page if they're going to survive the future, muchless raise a family together.
It would be impossible to date someone who isn't awake. Your world view is completely different. I know that from friendships even. What would you talk about? How would you plan for the future?
Well, this is what they want….no one having intimacy, no intimacy equals loneliness, no children, or family, mental health issues, etc….they accomplished what they wanted…and it’s only going to get worse…
Single! Never took that poison and never will! Would rather be dead than inject that garbage! Rarely get a sniffle! Never had a head or migraine my entire life! Rarely take an Advil! My boss who’s also a great friend didn’t take the sauce! But now he’s dating jab chicks! Lol😜💯
Fortunately I'm not in the dating market and my boyfriend and I are unjabbed. But when looking for new friends, jab status is important, I can forgive those who got shots in 2021 but if they are still getting boosters then I can't be around them. Last time I was in close contact with the recently boosted it took 3 months for my menstural cycle to go back to normal.
I'm uninjected, but my fiance felt pressured by his mom to go with her and get their injections. He can't really say, "I made the best decision with what I knew at the time..." because I'd already done enough research to decline it for my two small boys. I told him I wouldn't sleep with him anymore without protection if he got any more than the first one because I "didn't want that sh*t in my body".
"...., but if they are still getting boosters then I can't be around them." I wouldn't want to befriend sheep either. Shedding is very real.
I have read somewhere that if an unvaxxed person has sexual intercourse with a vaxxed person, then both are vaxxed afterwards.
There is the other side of the vaxxed, where one is injured and the other one still believes in the shots. I just ended a 5 year relationship bc my bf did not believe I was vax injured, even as I deteriorated in front of his eyes. He became distant, uncompassionate, and critical. I was a conspiracy theorist and nut bc I claimed the shot injured me. I know for a fact what it did to me and the absolute lack of support and compassion was devastating. As much as I loved him, I had to let him go bc it was more painful to stay in the relationship and pray he would change and wake up.
Thank you for bringing that perspective to the conversation! We are trying to get justice for you! Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at to understand who is behind "The Covid"
Thank you Etienne. I appreciate that. The level of damage that these shots have caused is way beyond just health aspect of it, but the psychological and emotional damage on a whole new level. It is understandable that people are on an island so to speak and have absolutely no idea what the hell to do. The one you love is now chronically ill, possibly dying and you did not sign up for being a caretaker. My relationship was just into its 5th year and the first year before I got sick was so amazing. I could not ask him to be my caretaker. I could not ask him to give up his life to be there for me every moment of the day and lose what he worked hard for. But I also did not ask him to be uncompassionate and deny what was happening to me. It is like our government pulled out the most elaborate psychological warfare to condition people and turn them against each other, bc they knew that would further their agenda. But it destroyed love, families, friends and so much more. What is the legal term in court, when you take away the love of another? I can't remember it right now. Alienation of affection.... that's it.
We appreciate all the help that you guys are giving us. We are honestly suffering in ways I have never seen. Physically, mentally, financially, emotionally, etc. We have lost everything and our government has yet to address ANYTHING with us or helped in any way. It is absolutely disgusting how they have abandoned us and continue to call everything we say "misinformation".
Please share our truth and continue to fight hard for us as we continue to fight hard for each other.
Our two support groups are listed in my bio link. Facebook and TrialSite News. We have people from all over the world in there and we continue to see how people all over the world , no matter where they are, are still not able to get any help, treatment or acknowledgment.
That's awesome!
This is so sad. As if it’s not hard enough for a traditional conservative young woman to find a husband. Now she has reason to worry that her future partner may be infertile.
OR.. Might cause HER to be infertile...
I would assume if a young woman was seeking an unjabbed mate, it’s because she declined the Covid mRNA shots. My immediate family didn’t take them and I hope the grandkids marry girls that are also unjabbed.
I’m single. The Clot Shot Question is primary in vetting potential partners. Used to be asking if they’re Christian first, that’s certainly the next question. But if someone took that injection and doesn’t realize it’s a mistake, there’s no point going further - their mind and body is gone.
It's difficult enough right now for young people to find life mates. Watching my 28 yo daughter try to navigate the process looking for a Christian, unvaxxed, and masculine guy to lead a Godly family.
Your (your family) perseverance will yield good harvest. You’re doing it right.
Unmanned and married so not a worry for me. My daughter is dating I don’t know his vax status but I can tell you when she first started to date him she was getting cold sores every month. My daughter has been plagued with herpes since 9months of age ( never been💉 with any drug). I figured her immune system has been hit by being with him. So got her into the Naturopath who is fully awake and we built up her immunity. It’s been six months and no cold sores. This is a terrible time to be a young person looking for their life partner. I work in health care unmanned of course but I am around jabbed people all the time never been sick. I really up my Vit D and try to keep healthy. What else can we do what’s done is done. This is the sad world we live in most people took the poison. I wonder how people can know if someone is jabbed or unjabbed what’s stopping someone from lying? Kind of like the HIV pandemic all over again. Stay safe my friends we are all in this together.
The evidence suggests negative health outcomes will eventually affect all the vaccinated. Immune systems are degraded leading to medium term complications & longer term turbo versions of terminal diseases. That could be years away for some but it seems a very probable outcome for most. Plus there are the impacts on the reproductive systems of the vaxxed, leading to infertility or stillbirths or adversely affected newborns. But if you're unvaxxed & fall in love with a vaxxed person, the risk will seem worth it, & it may be. Perhaps though it's better to avoid dating the vaxxed altogether.
"If you're unvaxxed & fall in love with a vaxxed person, the risk will seem worth it".
Respectfully, I'm not so sure about that.
If someone withstood the greatest propaganda campaign in history, I'm assuming that person feels strongly and is resolute.
I'm also assuming they had educated themselves about why the Covid shots in particular were such a risk.
I imagine something of such intrinsic importance would be one of the first questions, and a subsequent deal-breaker, so I don't even think such a relationship would proceed (let alone reach the "falling in love" stage).
And if you WERE someone so resolutely against it, how could you ever trust your partner to respect your wishes, in regard to future children?
These are the cases that end up in Court, with a judge overriding a parent, in favour of the State.
It's become such a divisive, fraught, topic (as it should be, for any critically thinking adult).
We still have no idea what was in it, but are beginning to see the devastating repercussions of a hasty decision made in a historical moment of madness.
Yes, but love follows no rules of logic or respect or deal-breaking or ... That's the beauty & insane self-sacrificing glorious lunacy of it. 🥴
Exactly right. Most of the unvaxxed are awake to what's going on in the world and realize covid wasn't the end of it. Having lived through the prejudice against them and the pressure on them, they know they at least need a partner who's on the same page if they're going to survive the future, muchless raise a family together.
It would be impossible to date someone who isn't awake. Your world view is completely different. I know that from friendships even. What would you talk about? How would you plan for the future?
I think more than blood, vaccinated or not is an issue of self-worth, dignity and intelligence.
I must be an incurable romantic. I doubt we really control who we fall for. 😏
Darwinian selection in real time.
But since the bio weapon jabs are self spreading, is she not now vaxxed herself?
Too bad all blood is now contaminated unless you are doing constant chelation…
Well, this is what they want….no one having intimacy, no intimacy equals loneliness, no children, or family, mental health issues, etc….they accomplished what they wanted…and it’s only going to get worse…
Headache. Sorry for the typo. Zero brain rape swabs, zero garbage tests, zero masks, and zero garbage jabs! 💪💯
Single! Never took that poison and never will! Would rather be dead than inject that garbage! Rarely get a sniffle! Never had a head or migraine my entire life! Rarely take an Advil! My boss who’s also a great friend didn’t take the sauce! But now he’s dating jab chicks! Lol😜💯