Dating Divide Over Vaccination Status Splits Those Looking for a Partner
‘Pure blood’ parties becoming a thing for unvaccinated singles in the post-pandemic dating world.
PHOENIX—Courtney Furlong, 36, had always considered modern dating a hit-or-miss prospect, even before COVID-19 vaccines, masks, and lockdowns turned the world upside down.
But today, Ms. Furlong said it’s downright “terrible” trying to find a suitable dating partner who isn’t vaccinated.
Having chosen to avoid taking the COVID-19 shots over concerns about their safety, the Phoenix resident now finds the dating market more restricted and challenging than ever.
She said that many vaccinated people refuse to date the unvaccinated, and vice versa.
“I’m at the age now where I want to have children. My situation now is, who should I have a baby with?” Ms. Furlong said, standing at the vegan bar at The Giving Tree in Phoenix, watching 50 other unvaccinated people mix and mingle on a hot Monday evening.
Who knows? Tonight could be the night she'll meet her significant other, she said—or at least make new like-minded friends.
“I’m at a place where I'd like to meet someone and have a child,” Ms. Furlong told The Epoch Times. “A huge factor is: Did you get the vaccine or not?”
Sponsored by the dating website, the informal gathering of unvaccinated men and women took place on July 15 at The Giving Tree.
Other social mixers, dubbed “pure blood parties,” are also planned in Canada, New York City, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
“These unvaccinated mixers are starting to pop up everywhere,” said Shelby Hosana, 28, who launched in the spring of 2021 to bring the unvaccinated singles community together.
She said a person’s COVID-19 vaccination status is “the biggest ice-breaker and deal-breaker in the modern dating world.”
And it cuts both ways—vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.
“Many of our non-vaccinated members will only date other non-vaccinated members,” Ms. Crosby told The Epoch Times.
However, vaccinated members are usually less likely to care whether a potential partner is vaccinated.
In early 2022, a sufficient number of unvaccinated members asked to declare their vaccination status to aid them in finding other unvaccinated members.
Ms. Crosby said Conscious Singles responded by creating unvaccinated and vaccinated badges to post on dating profiles.
In Las Vegas, Ms. Hosana said she was curious to learn about what other people thought about dating and COVID-19 vaccination status.
So she and her marketing director, Scott Armstrong, conducted a random “man on the street” survey that asked people whether they would date a vaccinated or unvaccinated person.

“Some [vaccinated] people said they would never date an unvaccinated person—someone as ’stupid' as an anti-vaxxer,” Ms. Hosana said.
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Fortunately I'm not in the dating market and my boyfriend and I are unjabbed. But when looking for new friends, jab status is important, I can forgive those who got shots in 2021 but if they are still getting boosters then I can't be around them. Last time I was in close contact with the recently boosted it took 3 months for my menstural cycle to go back to normal.
There is the other side of the vaxxed, where one is injured and the other one still believes in the shots. I just ended a 5 year relationship bc my bf did not believe I was vax injured, even as I deteriorated in front of his eyes. He became distant, uncompassionate, and critical. I was a conspiracy theorist and nut bc I claimed the shot injured me. I know for a fact what it did to me and the absolute lack of support and compassion was devastating. As much as I loved him, I had to let him go bc it was more painful to stay in the relationship and pray he would change and wake up.