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When you start with a mask themed meme, basically calling all who wear such protection 'sheep', then you lose people like me.

I'm unjabbed, unswabbed or PCR tested and have continuously tested clean of all spike/nano (from blood tests and live/dark blood analysis), and I still wear a PPP3 3m Aura medical valved - religiously - when indoors. Never sick. Ever. 5 years and counting..

Also - Freedom goes all directions.

Even if you disbelieve the Frankenstein lab escape theories - shedding from the vaxxed is real as many 'purebloods' have discovered too late.

But unfortunately for all that fell for the other divisive use of 'masks' eg tshirts, open hospital masks, scarves etc - which were also used by those in power to created 'control' and 'division', meant falling for the 'black or white' narratives.

Additionally, Fauchi of all people was first to say "they don't work", that means that by following that narrative is playing his game too...

Being divisive by beginning with that meme means everything else written is just noise, especially as you claim 'medical appeals to authority' as your baseline..

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