Chapter 3: Herding Us Into The Needle
UPDATED with Audio Version & Link to Order: My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult-The Book
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Did you know that in the United States there is a National Vaccine Injury Court (the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program or NVICP/VICP) that has paid out over four billion dollars in damages?1 There is also a vaccine injury database for public reporting called VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).2 In my medical coding career, I have never received training on VAERS reporting, even though the CDC has an ACIP program that requires doctors to report to VAERS. Reporting fell squarely into the responsibilities of the medical records department. You’d think I would have been aware of VAERS, but sadly no. At one point, I was head-hunted by Oxford, The Mayo Clinic’s risk management department said, “work for us anytime” and I was recruited to be an educator at Stanford. That generally doesn’t happen to uninformed people in the industry, and I still didn’t know about VAERS until the pandemic.
Audio produced by Number Six at TNP Productions LLC
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed by Congress in 1986.3 It indemnified vaccine manufacturers from being held liable for harms that their vaccines cause. After the polio and DPT vaccines entered the market, vaccine manufacturers were heavily hit by damage claims. Manufacturers wouldn’t remain profitable if they had to keep paying inordinate amounts in damages. President Ronald Reagan was lobbied to sign the act.
This was a golden opportunity to weigh the risks versus reward of using vaccines as a public health measure. The costs of vaccine injury lawsuits proved that a significant number of injuries were caused by vaccines. A track record of damages should have suggested that more research was needed into safer, more cost-effective alternatives. Instead, Congress decided it was too risky not to have vaccines. They acquiesced to the demands of the vaccine manufacturers and signed the act into law.4 It had the effect of shielding these manufacturers from liability if their vaccines caused harm. For the injured, a compensation trust fund was set aside. The money for this fund is derived from a small tax on every vaccine sold in America. Taxpayers are ultimately responsible for the bill, whether they are charged the vaccine tax upfront when they purchase a vaccine or the charge is hidden in military and Medicare funding. Vaccine manufacturers get to claim they pay into the trust fund when it is ultimately their victims who pay.5
When a patient is injured by a vaccine, their medical provider is required to report the incident to VAERS. Alternatively, the victim may file a claim themselves. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is where the vaccine injured must file a claim.6 To qualify, their injury must meet strict criteria listed on the vaccine injury table. The court doesn’t work like any other court, and it is rumored to be rigged by vaccine manufacturers with their overwhelming political influence.7 Claimants plead before HHS and DHHS. Special masters employed by the Department of Defense act as mock judges. Special masters can override medical opinion, including any inconvenient evidence within medical records. There is no jury, it is essentially a case where the offenders regulate themselves.8 More than $4 billion has been poured into the compensation fund despite the overwhelming odds against the claimants.9
Since 1986, major Pharma companies have made it part of their business model to pay fines.10 The act ensures that those fines don’t bankrupt them 11 Pfizer is a repeat offender. Other big Pharma competitors are on their heels, but Pfizer takes the cake for highest criminal fines paid in history.12 The fines paid for criminal acts are in the millions. Things like foreign corrupt practices, off label use, false claims, government contracts, and safety violations are amongst the penalties levied against them. This is not at all what you would want to see in a company that is required to experiment on humans, or one that is responsible for “keeping everyone safe”.
In every Emergency Room hospital queue, there are always hundreds of cases of children with unexplained rashes and other allergies.13 Cases of anaphylaxis are rare, but they do happen. The cases are all similar. Mom and dad notice a sudden and severe reaction, but can’t figure out what the child was exposed to. Most kids had no history of allergies. Doctors ask the parents if the child ate anything different, like peanuts, or shellfish, or if the household changed soaps or detergents recently. Questions are asked that are designed to narrow down a list of common allergens that the child may have been exposed to. Often, parents are stumped about what triggered the episode.
The medical spiel was always something like “there is no way to know what caused the allergy”, “keep an EpiPen on hand”, and “come back to the ER if it happens again”. No allergy consults or testing was ever done. Emergency rooms really weren’t designed for that, after all. According to Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) it is the responsibility of the ER to stabilize the patient only. It is some other part of the Cult’s job to do everything else. Funneling staff into specialized tasks and then passing the responsibility of care onto another party is part of their business model.
One of the standards of care is not to cause harm. Coders were interested in recording the specific allergen for the permanent record. A flag would then be placed to alert future doctors about the allergy. A medication may be contraindicated if the patient has a history of a bad reaction. A contra-indication is a fancy way of saying the drug or procedure will almost certainly cause more harm than good, another important detail to record. Standard hospital procedure was to screen patients for contra-indications such as current infections before administering a vaccine. I never noticed anything on the questionnaire about skin rashes, but according to the package insert, it should have been included on the form.14 A warning about skin rashes was in the vaccine package insert that was not shown to patients before they were vaccinated. The insert would have notified vaccine recipients that rashes are a common and sometimes severe side effect.
I never questioned how many children with unexplained allergies had been vaccinated recently? When children are seen in the ER, parents must fill out a questionnaire. Date of vaccination is one of the questions. Medical coders were not instructed to look at that information. Suddenly, I was seeing how many of those cases were within a few days of the child being vaccinated.15 It was a high percentage and had been hidden in plain sight all this time!
We were never taught anything about vaccine reactions in coding school or in any of our continuing education programs. Training wasn’t focused on it because coding didn’t have the opportunity to report it. Coders rely on physicians to document their medical opinion. If the provider doesn’t document a link between the allergic reaction and a vaccine, coders can’t report it. Nobody would consider a vaccine an allergen. Medical professionals in the Cult are not allowed to think of vaccinations as anything other than helpful shields. That is the spell the Cult has cast over us.
I am not saying all of those ER allergy cases are vaccine related, but the possibility should be considered given the clinical evidence. Don’t you think?
Full Article at
Vaccination status is asked at every maternity visit, and it is taken very seriously. Mothers-to-be are strongly advised to be up-to-date on all of the required vaccinations. If any are needed, vaccines are administered during the visit. Careful notes are maintained throughout pregnancy. Prenatal visits must be skipped almost entirely to avoid vaccinations.
If a pregnant woman with no prenatal history arrived in labor, the hospital would be forced to admit her because of EMTALA law.16 Mom could deliver in the hospital, but she would be pressured to get all of the vaccines on the schedule. If she refused, Social Services could take the baby away.17 Some unvaccinated moms tell me that there must be two red flags in order for Social Services to get involved. One of the red flags is coming up positive on a urine drug screen, vaccination status is another one.
Parents are treated as terrorists by the Cult for making a medical choice for their newborns. 18, 19 When Social Services were instructed to take custody, moms would be discharged before they were ready to go home, usually less than three days after delivery. Their infants were held in the hospital, and moms were refused visitation. The newborn’s vaccines would be provided by the hospital before allowing the infant to be discharged into the custody of Social Services.
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The vials are vile and diabolical. Never can a government know what is best for children, no matter how many biased 'specialists' they employ to back up their demands. A childs needs are best met by its parents, unless it can be PROVED that they are insufficiently responsible and saying no to the injecting of (proven) toxins into a new born is a mothers prerogative and no 'proof' whatsoever that she is being irresponsible. The government department that takes a baby away from its mother because she has said 'no' to a medical procedure is behaving criminally and they need to be restrained, and/or thrown in jail! The best way to overcome this problem is for more and more parents to say NO to the overstepping of authority by people who have decided they know what's best, especially when it can be proved over and again that so many politicians have been lobbied, bought and paid for by the vax industry.
When you start with a mask themed meme, basically calling all who wear such protection 'sheep', then you lose people like me.
I'm unjabbed, unswabbed or PCR tested and have continuously tested clean of all spike/nano (from blood tests and live/dark blood analysis), and I still wear a PPP3 3m Aura medical valved - religiously - when indoors. Never sick. Ever. 5 years and counting..
Also - Freedom goes all directions.
Even if you disbelieve the Frankenstein lab escape theories - shedding from the vaxxed is real as many 'purebloods' have discovered too late.
But unfortunately for all that fell for the other divisive use of 'masks' eg tshirts, open hospital masks, scarves etc - which were also used by those in power to created 'control' and 'division', meant falling for the 'black or white' narratives.
Additionally, Fauchi of all people was first to say "they don't work", that means that by following that narrative is playing his game too...
Being divisive by beginning with that meme means everything else written is just noise, especially as you claim 'medical appeals to authority' as your baseline..