Sounds about right…

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Fuck all your vaccines if this motherfucker is dead by the end of the day, that’s OK with me

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It’s sad watching you guys push every bullshit narrative from controlled opposition puppets.

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Marc, Yep.. Crowder is a Statist clown but one of his viewers got herself into a position to record something that exposes the fraudulent nature of "The Covid" that I believe is legitimate news so I covered it.. If you are going to continue to crap on what I am trying to do here then go elsewhere...

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You’re mad at me for calling you out for promoting controlled opposition. Amazing bullshit.

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It’s staged, enjoy pushing controlled opposition bullshit. You’d rather promote liars and grifters than truth.

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OK, big boy Marc, then who is not a controlled opposition puppet ,come on we want names come on ,you know everything let’s go……..

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I already know you’re a pussy who believes Conservative Grifters at face value.

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That’s what I thought empty sack nothing in it that’s what you are. How’s your plaid driving

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What’s your T-Mobile number again?

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