Thank you for reporting on this. Israel is a parasitic welfare state that has completely gone off the rails waging genocide attempting to murder and starve over 2 million women and children. Yes it is hard to face up to, full of complications. But we as a nation need to get out of the business of supporting and enabling atrocities. Right now. Israel is actively attempting to starve all of northern Gaza as I write this- millions of people are dying of starvation - today. The entire world is watching- in horror. The tide is turning on these scumbags- and us as their only enablers- if we remain in bed with them. This is the real swamp- the sewer that every politician is forced to swim in, or else. Judaic supremacists operate by infiltration, bribery, extortion, blackmail, and murder. The Mossad prides themselves on conducting war by means of deception. Zionists are the OG terrorists of the world. We need them out of our country's government at all levels. Cut all aid to apartheid state Israel, cut ties. Imagine how fast our country would recover if we were free of the parasitic scourge of welfare state traitors. Enforcing the existing ban on dual nationals serving in governmt would be a great place to start.

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Good for the US electorate. They side with a tiny Democratic nation that produces good for the world, rather than the Islamo-fascists who surround it, who produce terrorists.

The completely deluded continue to pitch the usual tropes from the Left and from the Islamic world--many that were paid to be written for the Russian Tzar in Protocols of the Elders of Zion--as big a fraud as the Russian Interference fairytale created by Hillary, et al--but always a few new ones.

Why would any Gazan Arab be starving? Food is allowed in without question. Hamas then steals it, sells to whoever can pay, and consumes it as their leisure.

Israel is to blame, of course. Because Jew haters demand Israel not be not allowed to protect itself, defend its citizens, and prosecute a war against illegitimate non-state actors. Of course. While African Islamofascists, and Turkish Islamofascists are carrying out mass murder upon Christians and Kurds, Israel gets the blame for going after Hamas terrorists. While China imprisons and harvests organs from the mostly peaceful Uyghurs, Israel gets the blame for surgically taking out heads of Hamas and Hezbollah.

In honor of the horrific screed in reply to this article, I have donated $100 to the Lone Soldier Project, to aid Israeli soldiers.

From Norwegian ancestry, I am ashamed by the Jew hate my cousins in Oslo appear to swim in, like turds in a bowl of diarrhea.

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