About the initial note, it took me too long to start considering that the virus might not be real, and then I started researching. I never thought the methods of virology were so dubious. I resisted for a few more months, but what really convinced me was the history. Too much ass covering everywhere, especially with the 1918 flu epidemic. Then I read the Rosenau experiments. I never laughed so hard reading a scientific study. It's incredible: the guy was sad because he used science correctly to disprove what he was hire to prove, and in failing he succeeded.

In the end, people get sick and we don't know what happened. Only unproven conjectures. And many students of medicine believe now that those flimsy theories and experiments are gospel truth. The smart ones see the truth and that's usually the end of their career.

Later I read that the numbers of the 1918 Spanish flu have nothing to do with an epidemic. At his point I don't know what is an epidemic. Are all "true" epidemics (high mortality, new disease) merely a political attack? What about the Plague of Athens that killed Pericles? What if that was a mass poisoning event because the oligarchs couldn't get rid of Pericles through simple assassination?

And the 1665 London plague? Those years were *very* intense politically (the Puritans killed the King using the arguments of the Jesuits, which is pretty funny if you think about it.)

To kill enemies from the rival gangs it's better to use it a huge smokescreen, like an epidemic. And there is no point in waiting for it to happen naturally. Better do it yourself.

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And then there was the 1666 London Fire:


Also, the guy here mentions the 1665 plague followed by the 1666 London fire- he and guest think is was some kind of false flag to get trust law going (apparently, in addition to controlling the masses by getting control over the monetary system, they have also been controlling us via legal trickery, with law of the sea, all caps name/strawman, etc) starts at 11 min: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5fjIzrpBsqO5/

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Great comment and links, thx.

Now I understand why boomers write IN ALL CAPS: it's to get plausible deniability for themselves, LOL!

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In short, Broze, Bigtree and now even Corbett and their ilk are saying:

"It is unimportant to expose this - even if it is a monumental lie. While we grudgingly have to accept that it might be a huge lie, anyone who thinks that it is important is just harming our efforts to expose all the lies that ONLY exist because of what might be that initial, monumental lie.

So, we have no desire to research the validity of that monumental lie, that is at the root of all the lies that followed its unquestioned acceptance. Therefore, we feel entitled to call anyone asking for proof of what has been claimed as people suffering from a sense of entitlement and 'rabid'. We also feel entitled ourselves to only talk about what we want to talk about as we hypocritically accuse them of doing that."

This lot are showing that they are petrified of the prospect of viruses being exposed as a pure invention. They 'need' viruses to exist now because, despite their empty claims, they are not, nor have they ever been, in the business of searching for the truth on this subject.

They are searching for donations!

And viruses being exposed as a pharmaceutical industry myth would end that particularly lucrative, donation gravy train.

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This knowledge if it were to come out will totally dismantle the current medical cartel/industry and they know it. I wonder what they're all getting paid for deflecting. Kudos to you both for pursuing this resolutely.

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Hating work wonders for the other 'side' it separates people beautifully! Try a 'novel' mindset of loving and tolerance and common ground for a change, it might just lead you/us away from the disasters we have all helped perpetrate for donkeys years with our hate and division!

And I don't mean we must trust everyone, we certainly need to have our wits about us. We need to use discernment. From what I can see, all the people mentioned in this thread have managed to open eyes by their various means, each of us has different 'talents'; agreeing to disagree in order to stay on common ground is possibly a necessity at the moment?

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OMGosh I can't love this enough. Yes, Derrick et al need to explain why they don't agree that virology is a lie. They can't just have an opinion without substantiating it. Isn't that what they're asking of government? It's all a big ploy and I saw it early on with Del and RFK - money - they get money and of course it keeps the same system well oiled. Derrick is not so much a money person but i think he's an agent that keeps activists in a holding pattern. I have had some discussions with him and his team and he does the same obfuscations and recriminations. He doesn't address the issue but tries to deflect by calling into question the credibility or applicability of his questioners. What kind of an anarchist runs for mayor? A hypocritical one I guess.

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Only because I had no reason to question James Corbett at the time did I give Brooze a listen, tried the freedom cells. a moderator when I posed a legitimate question called me a "conspiracy theorist' that was the end of that.

Then I later saw where Brooze was called out by Allison McDowell (Wrenching the Gears) on some scheme for poor children in central and south america to get paid to play video games.



This plan of Broozes is also a plan of the WEF.


and you are 100% correct Denise!

and the answer is No!

An anarchist would Never run for mayor of a large city.

When I heard he was running and saw the fund raisingads I wanted to puke.....He is an agent.

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Yes indeed. He is now refusing to speak about terrain theory. So is Del Bigtree (I always have to laugh at that name) and RFK Jr. Of course they are because when terrain theory comes out, that's it for the scientific medical industry. I can't wait. Have you watched this video? It's a discussion about terrain theory and it's very interesting. This is part 2. Part 1 was about Louis Pasteur the fraud. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, let's spread this word. Because this really has the potential to clean house. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R46jzErpM0k&t=2s

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One who'll try anything once???

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Male testosterone at work.?..one man upmanship?...ego?...hey you argumentative guys...slow down, accept that all or most of you, as do we women, sometimes answer fast, without thinking our answers through properly before blurting them out...then ego steps in, or fear or whatever the individuals subconscious motivators are...and VOILA! We have division...please keep that in mind...discussion yes, fear, ego NO, because that way we give 'them' what they desire. Mindset is where it's at! We are many, but we have to gain wisdom in order to overcome the detritus of the many past centuries of mindfuck.

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Are there viruses? I wrote 3 posts on this early in the pandemic.

Are there colds? Ever had one? What caused it? Ever had flu? What would you like to call the cause? SOMETHING caused it, didn't it? What might the cause be?

Several months ago Mike Yeadon was on CHD-TV with me and we had a bit of a debate on this topic. Neither of us changed our position as a result.

I attempted to debate this position with 2 doctors about 2.5 years ago, along with Dr. Sin Hang Lee at the request of CHD, and the 2 docs were unable to deviate from a narrow set of talking points and engage on anything else. It was embarrassing for them, I thought.

I wish there were no viruses and we could treat all microorganisms with antibiotics--that would be much simpler because the treatment works faster and better than viral treatments.

Why don't I keep debating this? I feel like I already said everything that needed saying.

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"I wish there were no viruses"

And I wish that you had proof that there are viruses - but you don't - and to date, neither has anyone else.

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