Not to be a naysayer in the peanut gallery, but I'll hold my "pinch me" moment until we see something like pics of George HW Bush hanging out in Dealy Plaza, or slow mo footage of the towers turning to dust in midair. Maybe some demostrations of free energy and what all those inventors experienced?

Or, more to the point, a detailed exposition of the govt's incessant propagandizing of us including use of "limited hangouts" like my spidey sense discerns even now?

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JFK Assassination: the best info for overall big picture ideas is Michael Collins Piper, ''Final Judgement'', available on UNZ website. Add ''Harvey & Lee'', website by John Armstrong, with months or years of detailed study and presentations of two (2) Oswald's. Judyth Vary Baker's ''Lee and Me'' which documents the creation of a cancer bioweapon in New Orleans during the summer of 1963. With Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie as part of the group. Oswald also knew Jack Ruby ''Sparky'' in New Orleans. ''Dr. Mary's Monkey'', by Edward T. Haslam, detailed info on the cancer bioweapon creation and the death/murder of Dr. Mary Sherman, who was a colleague of Edward Haslem's father. Also the contamination of polio vaccines with SV40. Haslem also has an excellent website ''doctormarysmonkey.com'' with a variety of +/- hour long videos.

Find the stories of the re-filmed Zapruder movie on Sat and Sunday, Nov 23 and 24, 1963 by the CIA at the HawkEye film studio in New York, adjacent to Kodak labs.

Also, hundreds of articles on ''Kennedy And King" by James DiEugenio https://www.kennedysandking.com.

Probably 4 shooters, and none of them was Lee Harvey Oswald not his double.

For 9/11, the best info is already archived on Veterans Today website, many different articles.

Also Christopher Bollyn has produced an incredible body of work on 9/11 https://www.bollyn.com.

Any one who has a real interest, will already know about 90% of what is really true and there is just some missing items of some to most of the players behind the scenes...

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It will be interesting to see if the investigation is real and the folks who do it can be brave enough to point the finger at Israel, if that’s where the evidence leads. Or maybe we’ll have an imaginary plane crash (or something similar) into the national archives. That is my bet

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Came to say something to this effect. Will we see more conspiracies covering the original conspiracies?

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