As long as there is support for the naked emperor of digital 'money', the threat of a Chinese style Social Credit Score system will remain. Mr. Trump's US Digital Reserve can be changed by a future administration.
Blockchain? There is NO WAY anything digital cannot be jacked, hacked & re-programmed. All or most all US Govt firewalls have been penetrated...For now those that are herding populations into a digital 'money' system are content to use credit & debit cards. Once enough people have been tricked into & trapped by a digital 'money' system the cards will be found to be 'oh so inconvenient' & the chipping of humans will be begin. Begin? Actually the chain that links to big brother (the chip) will be expanded & continued.
Those that push this trap crap have already introduced & practiced trans-humanism to some degree or other.
Trump has me very concerned. He wants to have a US reserve supply of digital money. That means he supports or is laying the ground work for a total government controlled money system. SAYING he opposes CBDC is NOT enough! Digital 'money' needs to go !
I knew of Roger years ago and bought his Bitcoin Cash early on because I backed his free market perspective and understood how Cryptocurrencies could begin to get us free of the Banksters.
I went to the page and signed the protest petition to free the politically persecuted Roger. Note: get the link active on your post, you know how yes?
I want to remind fellow freedom advocates there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of persecuted Rogers--political/religious dissidents--in the Chinese Communist Party's China prisons today.
I was thinking how Trump freed another persecuted money freedom advocate, Ross Ulbricht, so I mentioned that in my note when I signed.
It seems to me our Freedom Community, such as it is, can perhaps find leverage in Ross's "Pardon" and Trump's backing of Bitcoin?
Get free, stay free and responsible for your freedom.
Everything Vol.---You said...; "I backed his free market perspective and understood how Cryptocurrencies could begin to get us free of the Banksters."
You don't seem to understand that 'the Banksters' are in charge. THEY run the international deep state. Don't believe that? Find out who owns the 'Federal' Reserve. They own & run all national central banks.
The only way I know of ATM to get free from them is for the US & all other nations take back control of their own money systems. The USA was doing just fine before 1913.
If you are behind the times, read The Creature From Jekyll Island, a book exposing how the dimms sneaked the 'Fed into the USA. Many if not most of the citizens of the world don't understand just how big, old & entrenched the 'deep state' is. Even fewer understand the main 'root' of this ancient cabal; the power source that operates it.
The 'Banksters' need crypto 'money' to be accepted by most of the public. Then the narrowing of financial freedom begins! Their goal is to bring the whole planet under a one world government replete with a 100% government controlled money system like the one Communist Chinese use to control their citizens.
Yes, I DO undertand how the Banksters are, or attempt to be, in charge.
How did you arrive at your erroneous conclusion I somehow know nothing about the Banksters and Deep State? Because I stated I am for the free market?
I read Edward's book many years ago and am well read in the Banksters' agenda.
The U.S. was NOT doing fine before 1913, read among many, the Banksters crimes a plenty countered by say, Andrew Jackson; although after the creation of the Fed things in terms of money got worse with the break away from gold of Fiat money 1971.
You seem to be confusing digital "crypto" money done by governments with self-controlled cryptos like Bitcoin and Monero.
I am well aware of the State attempts to control its slaves through the dumb smartphone money choke-collar--and yes, China is the advance State doing that, ugh.
Self-controlled cryptos, especially like Monero, are the tools to help us become responsibly free.
As long as there is support for the naked emperor of digital 'money', the threat of a Chinese style Social Credit Score system will remain. Mr. Trump's US Digital Reserve can be changed by a future administration.
Blockchain? There is NO WAY anything digital cannot be jacked, hacked & re-programmed. All or most all US Govt firewalls have been penetrated...For now those that are herding populations into a digital 'money' system are content to use credit & debit cards. Once enough people have been tricked into & trapped by a digital 'money' system the cards will be found to be 'oh so inconvenient' & the chipping of humans will be begin. Begin? Actually the chain that links to big brother (the chip) will be expanded & continued.
Those that push this trap crap have already introduced & practiced trans-humanism to some degree or other.
Trump has me very concerned. He wants to have a US reserve supply of digital money. That means he supports or is laying the ground work for a total government controlled money system. SAYING he opposes CBDC is NOT enough! Digital 'money' needs to go !
Thanks, Etienne, for posting this.
I knew of Roger years ago and bought his Bitcoin Cash early on because I backed his free market perspective and understood how Cryptocurrencies could begin to get us free of the Banksters.
I went to the page and signed the protest petition to free the politically persecuted Roger. Note: get the link active on your post, you know how yes?
I want to remind fellow freedom advocates there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of persecuted Rogers--political/religious dissidents--in the Chinese Communist Party's China prisons today.
I was thinking how Trump freed another persecuted money freedom advocate, Ross Ulbricht, so I mentioned that in my note when I signed.
It seems to me our Freedom Community, such as it is, can perhaps find leverage in Ross's "Pardon" and Trump's backing of Bitcoin?
Get free, stay free and responsible for your freedom.
Everything Vol.---You said...; "I backed his free market perspective and understood how Cryptocurrencies could begin to get us free of the Banksters."
You don't seem to understand that 'the Banksters' are in charge. THEY run the international deep state. Don't believe that? Find out who owns the 'Federal' Reserve. They own & run all national central banks.
The only way I know of ATM to get free from them is for the US & all other nations take back control of their own money systems. The USA was doing just fine before 1913.
If you are behind the times, read The Creature From Jekyll Island, a book exposing how the dimms sneaked the 'Fed into the USA. Many if not most of the citizens of the world don't understand just how big, old & entrenched the 'deep state' is. Even fewer understand the main 'root' of this ancient cabal; the power source that operates it.
The 'Banksters' need crypto 'money' to be accepted by most of the public. Then the narrowing of financial freedom begins! Their goal is to bring the whole planet under a one world government replete with a 100% government controlled money system like the one Communist Chinese use to control their citizens.
Yes, I DO undertand how the Banksters are, or attempt to be, in charge.
How did you arrive at your erroneous conclusion I somehow know nothing about the Banksters and Deep State? Because I stated I am for the free market?
I read Edward's book many years ago and am well read in the Banksters' agenda.
The U.S. was NOT doing fine before 1913, read among many, the Banksters crimes a plenty countered by say, Andrew Jackson; although after the creation of the Fed things in terms of money got worse with the break away from gold of Fiat money 1971.
You seem to be confusing digital "crypto" money done by governments with self-controlled cryptos like Bitcoin and Monero.
I am well aware of the State attempts to control its slaves through the dumb smartphone money choke-collar--and yes, China is the advance State doing that, ugh.
Self-controlled cryptos, especially like Monero, are the tools to help us become responsibly free.
Get free, stay free.