Are Jake Paul and Elon Musk Artificially Created "High Status Monkeys" to Steer Perception with Netflix and X?
Did you know that behavior psychology has proven humans and monkeys are biologically programmed to watch what are perceived to be "High Status" Humans and Monkeys?
Did you know that behavior psychology has proven that humans are biologically programmed to watch what are perceived to be "High Status" Humans and Monkeys?
What if this fact of behavior psychology is being manipulated by the monopoly media to create manufactured celebrities who are being used to control what people pay attention to? Is this dynamic being supercharged on platforms like X/Twitter where information is being algorithmically controlled?
Here is a snippet from my conversation with Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner of Alfa Vedic. I break down my educated speculation that Elon Musk is an artificially created “High-Status Monkey” designed to steer human perception with Twitter / X. Find the entire interview HERE.
Let me explain in more detail: It turns out that monkeys and humans have an innate biological desire to see higher-status monkeys/humans. This was discovered/proven in a series of experiments conducted by Duke University Medical Center researchers Robert O Deaner, Michael L Platt, and Amit V Khera. in 2005, who hooked up male rhesus monkeys to a video monitor also connected to a hamster bottle containing cherry juicy juice. The study was entitled Monkeys Pay Per View: Adaptive Valuation of Social Images by Rhesus Macaques. The various images would keep scrolling across the screen as long as the monkeys kept drinking the juicy juice.
At any time, the monkey could stop the image to stare by NOT drinking the juice (delay of gratification), so in essence, the monkeys could pay to see certain images.
It was discovered that the male monkeys would pay to see two different types of images:
Rear female monkey hindquarters/perineum (monkey pornography)
Kinda obvious… but what was even more fascinating is that they would pay to see pictures of:
Higher Status Monkeys!
Monkeys live in a tribe called a troop. Every troop has a defined pecking order where the male monkeys are ranked by their ability to beat up the other monkeys. The researchers found that the monkeys would pay to see pictures of higher status monkeys in the troop/tribe. Monkey #3 would pay to see pictures of monkeys #2 & #1 but wouldn’t pay to see pictures of monkeys #4 - #20.
Was Jake Paul Created & Steered on Cartel Media Platforms like YouTube, where this Jake Paul music video has generated 302,000,000 views.
Because we live in such a mediated world where monopolization of the media means that monied interests can pay to have certain celebrities and alleged business tycoons plastered across almost every single screen, it leaves the population open to a “Brute Force Manufactured Consensus” attack where certain celebrities (Jake Paul, Elon Musk, Trump, Alex Jones, RFK Jr., Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, Jeff Berwick, etc.) and media narratives (the legitimacy of “government,” statism/patriotism, cultural debasement, etc.) are spread across the monopolized media in a weaponized attempt to steer human perception in a wide-spread multi-billion dollar system enabling the theft of trillions.
High status in humans includes the ability to beat up other humans, which is evident with the current societal fascination with the Mike Tyson - Jake Paul fight, where much of the population is having their attention steered.
But human high status is also dependent on celebrity and wealth, which have apparently been given to Elon Musk to create the highest-status monkey on the planet.
Is Elon Muck DARPA’s boy who takes technologies invented on the tax-payer nickel and privatizes the profits for organized crime “government” insiders?
CIA Google/YouTube is Censoring this 5 Minute Greg Reese video exposing Elon Musk with age restriction. Watch on Bitchute HERE without logging in.
Is he a created frontman designed to steer the perception of the masses who are being tricked into giving him their attention using basic behavior psychology?
Does his purchase of X/Twitter supercharge that ability to steer perception with the ability to promote his tweets (Which lower-status humans are willing to “pay” to see) AND the ability to algorithmically promote controlled opposition voices placed into X feeds? In contrast, authentic voices are demonetized, de-indexed, and shadow-banned.
Are Netflix and X Using Behavioral Psychology and Algorithmic Manipulation to Steer Human Perception into Time Wasters, Manufactured Celebrity Political Endorsements, Paid-For-Statism/Patriotism, Addiction, and Cultural Debasement?
Three minute Greg Reese video breaking down the history of Netflix and its connection to Edward Bernays, the father of paid-for political propaganda and its history of cultural debasement.
Time Wasters - CHECK!
Bread and Circus Games - Boxing blood sports
Manufactured Celebrity Political Endorsements - CHECK!
Elon Musk was actually paying people to pledge their allegiance to the Constitution prior to the election, which we made the 17th unethically manipulative cult indoctrination technique used on the tax slaves in our article tracking how the “government” and monopoly media unethically manipulate their tax slaves.
Paid-For-Statism/Patriotism - CHECK!
The Star Spangled Banner - 60 million households shown the “hymn” of Star Spangled Banner sung by another “celebrity” with the artificial holy symbol of the American flag on giant monitors. Another technique we are tracking in our article 15 Classic, "Textbook" Cult-Indoctrination Techniques the Organized Crime "Government" Uses on its Tax Slaves
Addiction - CHECK!
Gambling—This was prominently promoted during the event with an “official gambling partner,” Draft Kings. If the fight was staged, then most who gambled on the outcome were fleeced.
Cultural Debasement - CHECK!
Women (and men) Brutalizing Each Other for Enter-Tain-Mente - I called my 20-something sons and suggested they might not want to watch women beat each other up…
Is this why X's logo has hidden Freemasonic symbolism and numerology?
See our article: Etienne & Jason Christoff - Why is 666 Hidden in Cartel Company Logos, Trump’s OK Sign and Twitter's New Logo?
Other Facts About Musk
Elon Musk Is Not a Renegade Outsider – He’s a Massive Pentagon Contractor
Mentioned in the Podcast
The Federal Bureau of Tweets: Twitter Is Hiring an Alarming Number of FBI Agents
By Alan Macleod, Mint Press News
Flashback National Security Search Engine: Google’S Ranks Are Filled With Cia Agents
Tiktok: chinese “trojan horse” is run by state department officials
About the Author
Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, a startup public policy foundation exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of “government” from a principled voluntaryist perspective. He is the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! – How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia – available at and Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All – available for pre-order at
He organizes the Liberty on the Rocks – International Voluntaryism Conference each fall in Sedona that brings together voluntaryists from around the world at He publishes the Daily News from the Art of Liberty Foundation at and Five Meme Friday, a weekly survey of the best of the alternative media at and all his original writings and research can be found at and
Our IndieGoGo for my new book: Voluntaryism - How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! has raised $1901 from 41 backers or 7% of our $25,000 goal with 28 days left! You can get some great perks for pre-ordering at
I yelled the world is a big stage at the bar that kid won the multi $1 000 000.00 sparing match. Told everyone to fuck off yelled this is BS, jumped in my rig.. I muttered now I have to look at this glam boy goof for the next decade as I drove home drunk and angry.
That rain man Musk act never fooled me.
Guy is a goofy fkr. Shitty actor and now part of the Broligarchy as a SS author dubbed them.
Silver spoon fed idiots I snub them with.
They get status monkey levels now. Please put this trash fire out!
Make things normal again.
High status ... I myself have not been particularly interested in the materialistic face of a status monkey..
Who in their right mind would want to be interested in Bill Gates for example?
Or any of the high status..
bankster monkeys ..?
High status monkeys..?
Mozart or Bach or jimi Hendrix etc..
They are the high status monkeys I like to watch/ listen to!
Van Gogh .. another high status monkey !!
Would you call klaus Schwab a high status monkey ?
It’s an interesting paradigm.?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder .. is status following that same cognitive pathway ?
The beholder ?
Lots of people like to watch sports etc! And there are some very wealthy high status monkeys in the sports field.
I think sports are a great thing but I have no interest in watching it.
Elon Musk you could argue is not unlike the famous Valiant Thor said to be a human from another planet!
If I look at Elon musk .. hhmmm..!!
Valiant Thor would assessed as a high status monkey .
I’m thinking of a soap opera world where people are glued to their screens as ceremonies are performed and status rituals are elevated to god like proportions.
I have heard of the so called god gene that is said to be the gateway to spiritual elevation.
It’s interesting to consider the difference between status and elevation in the ascension sense!
I’m not certain that celebrity engenders blind submission of the observer but I have to say I may have seen such things..