good article. WRT what took down building 7 sans airplane on 9/11, a bit of a small point, most likely it wasn't Thermite is was Thermate, a form of Thermite enhanced to create extreme heat and melt steel. I have not been able to prove that nano-particles thermite may be considered thermate, but it may be related. From Wikipedia:

"Thermate is a variation of thermite and is an incendiary pyrotechnic composition that can generate short bursts of very high temperatures focused on a small area for a short period of time. It is used primarily in incendiary grenades........Because thermate burns at higher temperatures than ordinary thermite,[1] it has military applications in cutting through tank armor or other hardened military vehicles or bunkers."

Sounds like the ideal stuff to make molten iron and take down a building. and a country.

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thank you

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Only 3* structural steel buildings "burned" to the ground in the history of man, happened on one day.

All 3* were controlled demolition- able to fall into their own footprint.

How does structural steel turn into a puddle of molten metal and concrete into dust from jet fuel, furniture, carpet, --- and paper found not burned?

*from Microwave Energy Weapons.

*RE: Dr. Judy Wood- "Dustification"!

Thermite was also found. Testimonies of "gangs with torches working nights".

Pre-positioned charges and precutting.

Texas- WH JB video quote: "they had the blue roofs, the right roof" Gov. Abbot "we saw the beams from the sky".

CA Camp forest fire 2015 DEWs on video. Trees burned from inside- leaves remained untouched.

Texas 2024 same evidence.

Maui- how did glass & steel melt from a wood fire?

How do 1/3rd of food plants burn into 100% ashes? Refineries? Oil drilling & heavy equipment companies/garages?


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