Imagine how strong we would be if our bodies didn't have to deal with the masses of toxins that are being imposed on us from every direction. What a brown nose this attorney is. So grateful to the court. Yeah really, while we're being poisoned. Does this attorney really believe in his case that people are being adversely affected by having the water medicated? Most people want it out, out, out, of the water. Those who want fluoride can take their own measures but don't inflict it on everyone else. Why is everyone so nonchalant on this? Pressure has to be brought on the courts because these delays are unacceptable.

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Imagine how strong we would be if our bodies didn't have to deal with the masses of toxins that are being imposed on us from every direction. What a brown nose this attorney is. So grateful to the court. Yeah really, while we're being poisoned. Does this attorney really believe in his case that people are being adversely affected by having the water medicated? Most people want it out, out, out, of the water. Those who want fluoride can take their own measures but don't inflict it on everyone else. Why is everyone so nonchalant on this?

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Imagine how strong we would be if our bodies didn't have to deal with the masses of toxins that are being imposed on us from every direction. What a brown nose this attorney is. So grateful to the court. Yeah really, while we're being poisoned. Does this attorney really believe in his case that people are being adversely affected by having the water medicated? Most people want it out, out, out, of the water. Those who want fluoride can take their own measures but don't inflict it on everyone else. Why is everyone so nonchalant on this?

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Imagine how strong and vital we would be if our bodies didn't have to deal with the masses of toxins that are being imposed on us from every direction.

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Am I living in a nuthouse or what? EIGHT PHUCKING YEARS to hear a court case? Why do people put up with this sh!t? We live in the digital age now, has nobody heard? Information gets exchanged in real time, meaning instantly. How can we progress as a people when it takes EIGHT PHUCKING YEARS to hear a case? Why does everyone put up with this? Why aren't these two men absolutely livid? It's quite obvious why the delay, because municipalities want us to be poisoned. They're just doing their job.

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