I agree, Kurt. But it’s a problem going back a long, long time. Ever heard of John Gatto? If you’ve never head of him, you’re missing out. If you have and listened to his incredible lectures talking about Rothschild and Rockefeller’s manipulations of industry, health and education, you’re smarter than 99% of the people on earth—who’ll never understand the whole truth behind their shit “schooling, health & economic” systems. I’ve got two of his most important lectures & interview on my Substack. No paywall.
These tragic events, these shootings, have always been “triggered,” so to speak. Every one of these lost souls are psychologically-driven lab-rats, that is. And, NO, don’t even blame mind-numbing, violent TV, Movies or video games, either. I know, but why would “they,” the government, do that? Well, dah! Just like “creating a FalseFlag Scamdemic to convince sheeple to take the self-arranging nanotechnology tracking OS mind-manipulating Vaxx, again and again. Think 👉🏼 🧠 , damnit. Causing someone to loose it with an assault rifle makes it much easier to get the Vaxxed sheeple to accept new policies to completely disarm them—to make it easier to get the cattle 🐄 & 🐑 on the trains 🚂 for the FEMA death ☠️ camps. I know, shut up, that’s crazy, like that’s never happened before. Um, yeah, right. Bloody Hell, man, I didn’t build the FEMA extermination camps or stock-pile hundreds of millions of FEMA caskets, you fu🤬ng Vaxxed fools.
Our so-called education system is breading a generation of Cluster B psychopaths - by design.
I agree, Kurt. But it’s a problem going back a long, long time. Ever heard of John Gatto? If you’ve never head of him, you’re missing out. If you have and listened to his incredible lectures talking about Rothschild and Rockefeller’s manipulations of industry, health and education, you’re smarter than 99% of the people on earth—who’ll never understand the whole truth behind their shit “schooling, health & economic” systems. I’ve got two of his most important lectures & interview on my Substack. No paywall.
These tragic events, these shootings, have always been “triggered,” so to speak. Every one of these lost souls are psychologically-driven lab-rats, that is. And, NO, don’t even blame mind-numbing, violent TV, Movies or video games, either. I know, but why would “they,” the government, do that? Well, dah! Just like “creating a FalseFlag Scamdemic to convince sheeple to take the self-arranging nanotechnology tracking OS mind-manipulating Vaxx, again and again. Think 👉🏼 🧠 , damnit. Causing someone to loose it with an assault rifle makes it much easier to get the Vaxxed sheeple to accept new policies to completely disarm them—to make it easier to get the cattle 🐄 & 🐑 on the trains 🚂 for the FEMA death ☠️ camps. I know, shut up, that’s crazy, like that’s never happened before. Um, yeah, right. Bloody Hell, man, I didn’t build the FEMA extermination camps or stock-pile hundreds of millions of FEMA caskets, you fu🤬ng Vaxxed fools.