Only a matter of time until the fully-articulated hands will be capable of finely-tuned torture techniques.
Geordie Rose
Co-Founder & CEO
This fellow is a danger to humanity: "Geordie Rose co-founded Sanctuary in 2018 and is our CEO. Prior to Sanctuary, Geordie founded D-Wave, the world’s first quantum computing company, and was the CEO of Kindred, the world’s first robotics company to use reinforcement learning in a production environment. He has sold quantum computers and robots to Google, NASA, Lockheed Martin, Gap Inc., and several US government agencies. He was named the 2011 Canadian Innovator of the Year, was listed on Foreign Policy Magazine’s 100 Leading Global Thinkers in 2013, and won the 2014 Canadian Technology Leader award."
Geordie Rose of Kindred AI presents Super-intelligent Aliens Are Coming to Earth
This is a nuance we have to understand = the true danger is us. We fund this and we allow this. And what we allow, they will take advantage of. "The People" are doing nothing to counter this and even funding it. So who is really culpable? We know they are deranged. We know they want to enslave humanity entirely. So funding it means to them they can continue.
Bet you it can't tie shoelaces. What unmitigated dangers we are allowing.
Only a matter of time until the fully-articulated hands will be capable of finely-tuned torture techniques.
Geordie Rose
Co-Founder & CEO
This fellow is a danger to humanity: "Geordie Rose co-founded Sanctuary in 2018 and is our CEO. Prior to Sanctuary, Geordie founded D-Wave, the world’s first quantum computing company, and was the CEO of Kindred, the world’s first robotics company to use reinforcement learning in a production environment. He has sold quantum computers and robots to Google, NASA, Lockheed Martin, Gap Inc., and several US government agencies. He was named the 2011 Canadian Innovator of the Year, was listed on Foreign Policy Magazine’s 100 Leading Global Thinkers in 2013, and won the 2014 Canadian Technology Leader award."
Geordie Rose of Kindred AI presents Super-intelligent Aliens Are Coming to Earth
This is a nuance we have to understand = the true danger is us. We fund this and we allow this. And what we allow, they will take advantage of. "The People" are doing nothing to counter this and even funding it. So who is really culpable? We know they are deranged. We know they want to enslave humanity entirely. So funding it means to them they can continue.