Food first! Grow your own.

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OK. Here's how it went. Start at the bottom:))). I will find a way to get this info to the House Select Sub-Committee on The Weaponization of the Federal Government...

08/25/23 #7 Called the USDA Office of Inspector General 202-720-8001 // The "Press 1..." greeting options would not work on my phone. there was no way to select anything. I got dumped into a hold cue briefly, and then the cue failed, I was told to leave a message and I did - about the mythic "USDA Office of Customer Experience."

08/25/23 #6 Called 202-720-8732 // CSR=Andrew; He couldn't find another # for "Office of Customer Experience" or Lula Wallace. I asked for the OIG and got these numbers: 202-720-8001// 800-424-9121.

08/25/23 #5 Called 202-407-3650 // CSR=None; "the person you are calling has a voicemail box that has not been set up yet." // Hung up and called the USDA Chief Information Office back.

08/25/23 #4 Called the Chief Info Office Staff Directory 202-720-8732 // CSR=Andrew // Found the number for the Office of Customer Experience and Lula Wallace...(we hope): 202-407-3650.

08/25/23 #3 Called (202) 720-2791 // CSR=Debbie // To get to Ms. Lula Wallace, Manager of the "Office of Customer Experience" mentioned at theend of the USDA Feedback Survey... I have to call the CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICE// 202-720-8732 this call is #1362663.

1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250, Attn: AskUSDA Program Manager/Lula W. Wallace at lula.wallace@usda.gov 202-???-????.

08/25/23 #2 Called APHIS 844-820-2234 //CSR=Jane // ANIMAL & PRODUCE HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE// Jane was dismissive and said everything I was saying was inaccurate and just stories that they hear all day... and that they would not respond to it (said this twice). I explained that she would be demanding a response in here-mail and suggested that she try the magnetic meat test with the coins at the local grocery store - and she said she wouldn't (LOL); Sent the e-mail note.

08/25/23 #1 Called (202) 720-2791 // CSR=Carlos //Case#1362590 // Provided ph# and e-mail for APHIS; a good listener; promised that the APHIS staff are real agency employees and not outsourced; told him about toxic metal poisoning detox with DE, EDTA, etc.

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The public facing staff at the USDA are massively mind controlled.

"Dear USDA:

See the article below. This is reprehensible.

Please advise that this is NOT true - and prove it. Tell me the exact process USDA is using to prevent mRNA contamination of the food sold to taxpayers as "Organic."

Don't waste my time just telling me that it isn't true like Ms. Jane. I demand (nicely) that USDA staff show me how this cannot be true.

* * *


08/25/23 #1 Called (202) 720-2791 // CSR=Carlos // Case#1362590 // Provided ph# and e-mail for APHIS; promised that the APHIS staff are real agency employees and not outsourced.

08/25/23 #2 Called APHIS 844-820-2234 // CSR=Jane // ANIMAL & PRODUCE HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE // Jane was dismissive and said everything I was saying was inaccurate and just stories that they hear all day... and that they would not respond to it (said this twice). I explained that she would be demanding a response in her e-mail and suggested that she try the magnetic meat test with the coins at the local grocery store - and she said she wouldn't (LOL); Sent the e-mail note.

* * *


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As if giving a polite phone call to the government currently trying to find sneaky ways of killing you is going to help. Lol.

Let's get real... #The3Tacks


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I'm a walking psyop:))). When I get done with these folks, they are thinking about metal detoxes, the EMR on their smart phones, and whether or not their agency is doing the right thing... and maybe they should start looking for a new job. And I use the records I create from the calls to rebut the "government is good, rational, and responsive" BS that I get from congressional staff, other taxpayers, etc.

OK. This is from your American Yellow Vest folks link above:

The 3 Tacks were articulated after an international yellow vest discussion from a year ago last March. So to discuss them in greater detail...

1) First Tack: Micro decentralized voluntary direct democracy assemblies, denying any outside authority.

2) Second Tack: Destroy surveillance apparatus.

3) Third Tack: Publicly name, collectively locate, and attack individual billionaires, one at a time.

* * *

Don't forget, good or bad, what you think about you will bring about. I'm really proud of the Yellow Vest protesters in France, and I don't just talk - I act. So I am very aligned with that idea.

But I do not support taking actions that - if UN-successful - will put people in jail without resources to defend themselves. I am hosting groups at my house very soon. I will be inviting my local law enforcement professionals too.

TacticalCivics.com and LocalActivist.org are training taxpayers who have never understood that they have a 'civic duty.'

Tack#2 - How about removing 5G before taking down all the cameras... Broadcast frequencies at 60 Gigahertz will stop your red blood cells from taking in oxygen. So, technically, the 5G masts are more important than the surveillance because they can kill us outright.

Tack#3 - Where ARE our snipers??:)))) I get that sentiment. There are only 8,500 of them (not counting the US congresscritters). But what does the Tack#3 mean "attack"? I do get it that we are at 15 million dead from the Covid injections worldwide and we haven't put a single DOD/DARPA contract officer in jail yet...

I've been on these three "tacks" since I bought my first gun in February 2020 along with a shit ton of toilet paper...

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A beautiful human right here...

Fair warning... the cops, however local, are not your friends....

These people take money to enforce tha machine on all of us... #EyesOpen

Beautiful work you outline... ✊💛

On Lache Rien!

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:)))))) You are correct. I leverage Constitutional Sheriff's & Peace Officer Association in this work. There are an amazing FIVE LE organizations (plus one National Guard Office) that I deliver documents, books, fudge, power bars, organite cell tower busters for in-vehicle protection, too.

When I have packets to distribute, I just look for officers in parking lots when I am running errands. I drive my truck right up next to them and give them the info. I have roughly the same chat with each of them. I also distribute to their headquarter offices too - but not as much.

I remind them that they are the ham in the sandwich and we need them to protect us from the MIIC's concentration camps (The Globalist Purge on archive.org). This perspective has been Officer Richard Mack's assessment for twenty years. In three years of doing these distributionsis, the majority agreed with me. Some of them even come right out and tell me they think all of this is bullshit. When I explain that I am an activist (which is pretty obvious by then) they ALL promise to have my back. These are very short visits. There is no time to really discuss anything in depth, but they all have my business card and I tell them where I live in case they end up coming to one of the meetings.

I also distribute information to the "friends and relatives of LEOs" crowd... who are awesome distributors of into...:)) So, I do have an approach with law enforcement. I'm not blindly trusting them. It's a lot more work to meet with their bosses... but I do that too. Right now, my e-mail distribution list includes several law enforcement staff officers. I approached them for protection on my 5G fight and they are fine with it...

* * *But here's the caveat and why I agree with you 100%.* * * I'm in a rural area of North Carolina. This area of NC was the start of the US Revolution. The Appalachian Mountains are still home to Red Neck Nation and a lot of the officers start there.

Unfortunately, when I was in Lee County, FL, attending their "2015 Citizen's Academy" at the $180 million a year Lee County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) - it was a different story. We're talking huge and fatally corrupt. The FBI had to investigate drug sales on Fort Myers Beach. Civilian witnesses had been killed. The sheriff at that time was quietly retired when he probably should have gone to jail.

When I tried to deliver info to the LCSO at the start of the scamdemic in April 2020, I got banned... I was forbidden to give the LCSO any information on the scamdemic - no more books, no more documents and no phone calls or e-mails.

What happened was that I had dropped off that seminal Rockefeller report where they plan the whole thing back in 05/2010, called "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Intl Development." If anyone possessing a brain at the LCSO actually read it, they would realize that the scamdemic was planned. I was also in the process of moving so I didn't fight it. My primary contact was retiring and I didn't want to screw up his life... I, 2021, I did get an opportunity to let someone at the LCSO HQ know what happened. He apologized for them and assured me it would not happen today... yeah, right....

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Absolutely correct that the "thin blue line" and rank and file military could be the determining factor...

...but having signed up in the first place demonstrates a basement level consciousness that is unlikely to break in our favor.

But absolutely BRAVO to your efforts. Would love to see you in a yellow vest. ✊💛👍

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:))))))) I have two day glo vests:)))))))))LOL Red Neck Nation is alive and well, but I fear it needs an assortment of EMP weapons, versatile long distance drones, and a few active denial systems.

I love that phrase "basement level consciousness"- I have a different set of people I would apply that phrase too.:))) I've met some strong and smart military folks, but I was focused on the Special Forces guys. Had a bad boy thing back then. So, the people with the emotional and mental discipline, will preserve enough mental clarity to make the decisions that need to be made to survive. Everyone else crosses over.

I meet people every day who don't appear to be able to really think. Bells ring on the weekends for the funerals, and the US DoD Chemtrail Teams created a mini-drought (after giving us rain every other day, or every three day,s, for months... Meow.

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Cooking the Hell out of it may work, We Hope

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Go farm to fork and/or buy your meat on-line. Screw these evil grocery store companies...

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