How did debt get this high?

That's easy. In 1913 the FED was created. They can print currency from nothingness.

The Constitution says only gold and silver are money.

But we didn't listen and now we are all debt slaves to globalist bankers.

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Debt under the Fiat system is necessary to create "money" out of nothing. Money that has no intrinsic value but is necessary for empire building and resource control. And the empire they have built is not the American Empire as many are fooled into believing. The global bankers have no borders or allegiances. Keynes and the others who met at Brenton Woods realized in the late 40s that the US was too strong and in order to usher in the New World Order it must me slowly drained of that economic strength. Sooo, they used the wealth of the US to fund their growth strategies and subversion of the rest of the world using the American Dollar ( which they simply created out of thin air) and placed a heavy debt burden on the resource rich 2nd and 3rd world countries which they know would never be repaid. We are closing in on the end game however and they are scrambling to save it or rather shift it to a new scam as the consolidation of power nears completion. I wish I had a suggestion for how to avoid this but they have the power of the purse and whatever they come up with will be accepted by the vast majority of serfs and a new chapter of slavery will commence.

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