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A year or so ago, I came across a truncated interview with Noam Chomsky. He's lost it. Back when I was a heavily programmed progressive liberal environmental activist, he was a hero... I even have a one line response from him on a card somewhere to one of the letters I wrote to him in the 1990's. Now, I see Mr. Chomsky, and many others, as mis-directionists and gatekeepers. And some, like Naomi Klein ("Shock Doctrine" was BRILLIANT) are utterly mind controlled now. I cannot come up with another reason for Ms. Klein to have gone to work for Klaus Schwab. Even Chris Hedges finally ran into his analytical limitations on a video of a book signing in NY. A participant respectfully thanked him for his in depth work on so many aspects of the destruction of this country - and then asked him, "What do you recommend that we do about it?" And Mr. Hedges was completely unable to respond.

And therein lies my issue with almost all of the fight back up to now. We can drown ourselves in the "what is-ness" of it all, but if we don't start describing HOW we're going to change things and WHAT we want to change them too - a big fat nothing burger is going to be our luckiest outcome. Un-lucky is Readiness Exercise 1984...

I bet there are many intellectuals who were looking for connections that would lead to funding or more prestige by association... who were just social with Epstein. I'd put Chomsky in that category.

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