My response is full of four letter words and i cannot find adequate synonyms, even with a Thesaurus......

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Vulgar people can really only be described with vulgar language.

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Don’t look now, but the UN has occupied the White House and the pretend US government for decades. Vote for the goddam democrats, because they make no pretense about the hatred they have for America. Bring this simmering cauldron of shit to a full boil and get on with it. Republican “good guys” like Hawley and Johnson are scum actors who make nothing but noise, to the cheering of their constituents who don’t realize that their goodies have done absolutely nothing to actually stop the spread of the UN filth that has infiltrated our country.

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World government.

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Let’s see: there’s a handful of these globalist assholes and how many of us? Hmmm…🤔

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