Read the comments at Zero Hedge. This article is just more propaganda for unworkable "green" energy. Don't forget the millions of trees cut down in Scotland and in the U.S. the destruction of the Joshua Trees. In this 3 minute video by Tony Heller at his BitChute channel and his website realclimatescience.com he debunks quickly and thoroughly the arguments for wind power. https://www.bitchute.com/video/T9fIyFoHucM

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Funny.. I had thought about that before I syndicated the story but assumed there was some science behind the claim even if they weren't mentioning the failure rate of the turbines and other negatives... thanks for the value add!!

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I want solar to pair with my Teslas so I have true energy independence. Conservatives think I’m a Green Energy Biden supporter because they even made electricity political like cars. Braindead sheep who I know refer to as retards.

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