Scofield was a member of the LOTOS CLUB - not Lotus

..Joseph M. Canfield suggests, “The admission of Scofield to the Lotus Club, which could not have been sought by Scofield, strengthens the suspicion that has cropped up before, that someone was directing the career of C.I. Scofield.”

That someone, Canfield suspects, was associated with one of the club’s committee members, the Wall Street lawyer SAMUEL UNTERMEYER:

Untermyer was known as "The Man who took on Hitler" and had a lot to do with founding of the Israel Lobby in the US.

From Wiki: Spelled Untermyer

"Journalist Maury Terry (best known for his work on potential links between alleged ritualistic sacrifices at Untermyer Park and the Son of Sam murders) reported that Untermyer belonged to the New York City temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, although the provenance of corroborating evidence remains nebulous.[12]"

The Secret Satanic History of New York City’s Untermyer Gardens

"And, if you still need more to ponder, notice those huge columns to your right? They’re a short climb away. Where the Vista Garden cascades into a circular Overlook, your eyes will naturally frame out the Hudson River and New Jersey Palisades thanks to those two antique Cippolino pillars. Imported from Europe, they conclude the Vista’s homage to a walkway built at the Villa d’Este in Tivoli, Italy. A star-shaped compass is etched into the limestone floor of the terrace below. If you tap it gently, you’ll be greeted by an echo. In fact, the floor of this Overlook is really a roof. As a Yonkers historian notes, a tunnel runs under the “thousand steps” of the Vista that terminates in a chamber beneath the compass. It’s now sealed, but if you could gain access, you’d allegedly encounter “an altar…surrounded by stone chairs set in a circle.” Suggesting the possibility, a local newspaper published a photo of the Overlook in 1979 that bore this caption: “Untermyer’s ruined temple—the site of cult rituals.”


Greco-Roman Focal Points in a Persian Garden

The Untermyer Gardens are no mere imitations of a Persian or Indo-Persian garden. Classical Greek and Roman elements and structures play prominent roles in the landscape. Within the walled garden is the Temple of the Sky amphitheater, where Corinthian columns surround a floor mosaic of Medusa. Among its prominent sculptures are two large sphinxes by Paul Manship. The walled garden also originally featured a ziggurat-shaped Persian pool lined with Greek mosaics. It will be restored in 2022.


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THANK YOU for the Value Add!!

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It's a great story but urban legend...


Manny Grossman spent 3+ years researchin' an' trackin' down folks at Untermyer park an' doin' the research. In brief, a dubious dude named "Billy The Artist" wuz Maury Terry's main source for all this cult info--it's in Terry's book. Recently Billy admitted to Manny & others that he wuz fulla bull. His tales of the ritual stuff goin' on in the park an' the cult there were made up from whole cloth; he used "Conan comics" drawin's from the 1990s an' pretended they were his own creations--then claimed they showed what he said were known cult rituals... an' the cast of characters in the cult...

Billy had a "habit" (pot? worse?) an' Maury the "true crime detective" wuz willin' ta give Billy money for his "cult tales" so Billy had Maury fer a sucker. He got paid fer makin' up stuff....

It appears that 'fore long Maury knew it was baloney (per Manny an' others) an' published the stuff anyway. Manny found testimony from the 1980s (no earlier) that there were some dead bodies of dogs an' mebbe some culty stuff goin' on there but it's just as likely that stuff was INSPIRED BY the Son of Sam association with the park--not a continuation of it. Moreover, it's odd that there were no such tales even ones datin' back from the days where Untermyer lived there.

If ya wanna read "cult" inta the landscapin' and architecture by all means but I've seen a lotta gardens with sun dials an' columns... non-Masonic. Even if Untermyer wuz a mason, it doesn't mean he was conductin' SRA/child sacrifice in his gardens... so I say urban legend. Manny wuz actually bummed it wuz a red herring as it made all his research kinda useless.

As fer Untermyer the man, yup, he wuz a Zionist most "infamous" fer tellin' German Jews here (in the US) an' in German to NOT buy German goods. Can't speak to his involvement in The Scofield, but he wuz a thorn in the side of the Nazi reich as it meant $$$-loss (there's a lotta documentation of that--Untermyers main mission, defundin' the Nazi regime which would set him AT ODDS with the turncoat Jewish Bankers like Schiff & Warburg fundin' it!). Untermyer wuz indeed a Zionist but there's no evidence he wuz a satanist or proof he wuz a golden dawn foll'er'er (Maury said a British noozpaper called him a satanist but shows no quote or citation to prove it--might'a made that up too...no other evidence exists, not even Sam in a masonic apron). Again, there's been no fer evidence of hidden bodies, hidden altars, etc. -- not even in Fodor's tour book (which ain't exactly "gospel").

Here's Untermyer park / on the estate property--built on solid schist bedrock where burials would be near-impossible...


(bein' a new yawker I know a bit 'bout this stuff--got no skin in this game or connection to anyone in it)

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The Scofield Reference Bible has made "uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans."

The "Jewish" historic trajectory across centuries is reflected in the architecture and statuary of Untermyer's villa.

Few if any highly successful men are not/were not members of secret societies.

Untermyer probably was not a member of Golden Dawn but rather was linked to Freemasonry:

"Mr. Untermyer urged the members of the Masonic lodges “to take warning from the fate of German Jews and not to repeat the tragic blunder they made.” He spoke of the persecution of the Masonic bodies under the Hitler regime and emphasized that the aversion to Masonry is based on the fact that Masonry teaches equality of all men."


"Jewish" Freemasons in THE US:

"Jewish names appear among the founders of Freemasonry in colonial America, and in fact it is probable that Jews were the first to introduce the movement into the country."




In The Shadow Of Hermes:

Kabbalist Bankers i.e "Freemasons" engineered the Bolshevik Revolution.

Jacob Henry Schiff - Masonic 'brother' to Trotsky

Financed and trained 'Russian Revolutionaries' since 1890 in cooperation with B'nai B'rith

Most prominent Bolsheviks were "Jewish".

“At the time of the first World War, four-fifths of the world's Freemasons lived in the United States.”

Use of "Jew" and Jewish":

"According to Jewish-born Historian Benjamin H. Freedman, author of Facts Are Facts:

“The best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition. The Rheims (Douai) translation of the New Testament into English was first printed in 1582 but the word ‘Jew’ did not appear in it.

“The King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English was begun in 1604 and first published in 1611. The word ‘Jew’ did not appear in it either. The word ‘Jew’ appeared in both these well known editions in their 18th century revised versions for the first times."

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Wow! I have the most amazing audience... Thanks for the value add! I am going to add some of this to the Liberator!

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