Jun 11Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Humans killing humans 💣 https://youtu.be/x2JJ7JPgQ9E?si=yTFAE4PQwTodOwTj

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I'm going to syndicate that video tomorrow! Thanks for the value add!

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Important article, thank you Etienne. As Tucker Carlson recently said in an interview, America's main export is death. Friendly reminder to Americans and Canadians, the deployment of the "Covid" jabs was a military op. Also, the post-911 behemoth security/surveillance apparatus is a noose on all our necks. For many reasons, including the rivers of blood of innocents, the MIC/NATO needs to be dismantled. Interesting point by John Spritzler ""The point (as I discuss further below) is that warmongering against bogeyman enemies is not something that ONLY arms manufacturers want; it is something that the billionaire class in general wants.​" https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-us-ukraine-proxy-war-on-russia?publication_id=1943022&post_id=145419460&isFreemail=true&r=18ngxp&triedRedirect=true&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1v8W7ToUGHlHWiWTBnTQQl6zKwAm4j73xw3sEr_Pm6AkAmERMd37USWdA_aem_Adk22ms-vMGZq--5rBzpRzKGaOmFALSa5a6m7l5AJJbrakDnx4uWwC3BgdFniB6-pfZqCxEG_Mrh4f8FjOo-pVT3

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The whole idea of killing your own species and using weapons to do it is cowardly and pretty much deranged. But why no ideas on how to dismantle the MIC? Everyone wants things to change but they don't want to make any changes in their lives. One suggestion which I think is beautiful is for people who have loans with banks to stop paying the interest. It makes no sense to pay interest because that portion of the issuance is never issued! Therefore the interest amounts are not available in the economy leaving a massive shortfall. Get with at least one friend and do it - I think the banks wouldn't do anything about it because they wouldn't want this to catch on (the knowledge of the creation of money) Keep 50% of it for yourself - and give 50% of it away to someone locally so you can see how it is helping someone. This is something you would do every month so it can sustain your life and someone else's. Nothing can be done if people are too chicken to go outside of the drawn lines.

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