The Great Ozempic Scam and The Safe Ways to Lose Weight
The Immense Dangers of the GLP-1 drugs and the Scandalous Corruption That Led the FDA to Push Them Upon America
I sincerely apologize for the double email. Substack had a server issue that caused the embedded videos to not be included in the original email. They have been corrected here.
Story at a Glance:
•In early 2023, a private conference attended by heads of the pharmaceutical industry and large investors hosted the head of the FDA as its keynote speaker. That conference promised that anti-obesity drugs and Alzheimer’s drugs would be the most profitable investment opportunities in the years to come. Since that time the FDA has taken numerous questionable actions to push these drugs on the populace.
•The most popular anti-obesity drug is Ozempic. In the last two years, we’ve seen a relentless push for it to be given to everyone (including children) which has involved a number of shockingly appalling marketing tactics. Remarkably, the stampede for Ozempic is almost identical to what happened with fen-phen, a wildly popular weight loss drug that was eventually pulled from the market due to it frequently causing severe heart and lung issues.
•Like fen-phen, the weight loss from Ozempic is temporary and disappears once the drug is stopped (requiring the patient to become a permanent customer). Worse still, Ozempic has a variety of common and severe side effects due to it paralyzing the digestive tract.
•In this article, we will review the common causes of obesity (including many which are rarely if ever discussed) and our preferred methods for safely and effectively losing weight.
In 2006, a satirical movie was made to illustrate the inevitable consequences of dumbing down society. Since then, it’s become a cult classic due to how many things it predicted (which seemed absurd then) that subsequently came true. One of the many themes in the movie was everyone mindlessly endorsing a Gatorade-like drink because its manufacturer had bought out the Federal government:
Sadly, this has also happened in America. More specifically, the majority of food consumed in America comes from a few crops (e.g., corn, wheat, soy, and canola). This is due to nonsensical farming subsidies (which essentially force farmers to mass produce crops and then sell them below cost), making these crops so cheap that for the processed food industry that they are then molded into all the processed foods we consume. This is incredibly problematic because:
•Most of those foods are not good for you to consume and hence create a variety of significant health issues, including diabetes and obesity.
•Since they are not good for you to consume, the body has a natural aversion to them (which makes them hard to sell).
•To overcome that aversion, those foods were mixed with a variety of highly addictive substances. More unfortunately, in the 1980s, Big Tobacco bought out the processed food industry and then, as they had done with cigarettes, prioritized making processed foods as addictive as possible (which is documented here).
•None of the predatory industries have anything to lose from people being hooked on unhealthy foods, which create chronic illnesses, as that simply means more lifelong customers for each industry (e.g., Big Pharma).
Because of this, for years, many activists (myself included) have tried to bring awareness to the importance of natural foods and the critical need to change America’s farming subsidies to something that encourages the availability of healthy foods—but many of these pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Fortunately, the new media climate created by widespread skepticism to the COVID-19 response and the ability for persuasive messages to rapidly disseminate through the independent media (e.g., Twitter) has caused many forgotten sides of medicine to come to the public’s attention, including the systematic failures in our food supply due to it having been bought out by the processed food industry.
In turn, it’s been remarkable and inspiring to watch how a brother and sister duo (which includes a Stanford doctor) has brought an immense degree of attention to this issue. Many of their interviews (e.g., this one and this one) each got millions of views, and they were invited to advise two of the three presidential frontrunners directly.
Two days ago, RFK Jr. announced his decision to support Trump’s election—a move which likely decided the 2024 election. In his speech, he cited his three primary reasons for running—stopping government censorship of free speech, stopping the war in Ukraine, and the catastrophic (but largely invisible) epidemic of chronic illness that is gripping the country. In that speech (which I would highly advise watching), RFK Jr. emphasized that much of our issues are due to the pharmaceutical and processed food industry having bought out our government agencies and that corruption has metastasized to the point that the foundation of our nation is being torn apart:
Note: I’ve done quite a bit to promote RFK Jr’s candidacy (e.g., I worked behind the scenes to help promote his campaign launch). I did this in part because his three reasons for running were also the three most important issues to me. Additionally, due to dynamics at play (e.g., the large number of COVID vaccine injuries), I suspected the presidential race would unfold in a manner where RFK Jr. would gain a platform that would be able to expose the American public to the corporate corruption of government creating an epidemic of chronic illnesses and that a pivotal window could emerge (i.e., now) where he could leverage his influence to address it.
RFK’s endorsement has already made a much larger impact than I could have imagined. For example, recently he was invited on Fox News to discuss the major issues in our food supply (e.g., the seed oils which are creating widespread metabolic dysfunction and dangers of artificial food coloring), both issues I’ve long believed were essential for the public to know about—but never expected to see receive mainstream news coverage.
Note: I believe that most of America’s food problems originate from Earl Butz (Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture), who held the belief America’s farmers needed to switch to cultivating large (chemically intensive) farms instead of the more traditional small farm model which had previously characterized America’s agriculture. Butz’s mantra, "get big or get out" became a dogma within the US Department of Agriculture and is a major reason why locally grown (healthy) food is so unaffordable and inaccessible for much of the country.
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Pharmaceutical Sales
One thing I’ve been immensely curious about is what life is actually like behind the scenes within the pharmaceutical industry. In turn, I’ve shared anonymous accounts of insiders, alongside public testimonials from whistleblowers (e.g., see this article and this article about the sociopathic sales-focused culture within Pfizer).
To some extent, I’ll admit, my impressions are a bit biased by a presentation GlaxoSmithKline gave their sales reps:
Last year, Kim Witczak a pharmaceutical safety advocate, tipped me off about JP Morgan’s annual healthcare conference, a private invitation-only event described by JP Morgan as “the industry’s biggest gathering.” The 41st conference, from January 9-12, 2023, was the first event hosted in person since the pandemic started (it was hosted in San Francisco). Given this event's impact on the year to come (as it’s specifically catered to large investors and hence sets the pharmaceutical industry’s priorities), Kim made a point to glean as much as she could from its website.
Given what she found on public display, I can only imagine what was said behind closed doors (e.g., consider the previous GSK video).
First, consider how enthusiastically they endorsed the profitability of two new types of drugs:
Note: the sound on the second one is a bit off (it sounded more “inspirational” in the actual video), but it can no longer be viewed as Chase deleted it following the publication of the original article on the conference.
In that video, the most important part was Chase’s projections for this new industry:
Note: the GLP-1 drugs include Trulicity, Wegovy, Mounjaro, Byetta, and Ozempic. While there are some distinctions between the drugs, I will henceforth primarily refer to all of them as “Ozempic.”
Second, consider who the keynote speakers at Chase’s conference were:

Note: Califf has long been an incredibly controversial FDA commissioner due to his immense conflicts of interest (e.g., in 2009 he was passed over for the position due to his connections to the pharmaceutical industry, but at the end of Obama’s term and throughout Biden’s tenure, the system became more corrupt he was twice able to secure a nomination).
To repeat—the head of the FDA was a keynote speaker to investors about the incredibly lucrative opportunity they could expect from these new drugs—implying that the FDA would do everything it could to push them through. As it so happened, to quote Witczak:
Interesting to also note, Califf was keynote speaker on opening day and out of the blue, the FDA granted accelerated approval to the second controversial Biogen Alzheimer drug on Friday [three days before the conference] without an Advisory Committee. How great to be able to announce to the healthcare biotech industry that one of their new drugs was just granted accelerated approval.
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"the catastrophic (but largely invisible) epidemic of chronic illness that is gripping the country." Largely invisible to the blind perhaps. The practice I just retired from sees 180 patients a week. 75% of them are obese. 35% are morbidly obese. Why?
Many have struggled with failed gastric bypass, various weight loss strategies including lifestyle changes like exercise and better food selection, and fad diets. Most patients over 60 are on at least 5-6 prescriptions for cholesterol, sugar management, and high blood pressure.
Despite our focus on physical medicine, decent patient care required we lean in on their metabolic health; when our efforts were successful, they were often able to get off several prescriptions. Those who took the advice and found exercise they could tolerate regularly, discovered it to be the missing tonic no drug could provide. Those who eliminated the massive quantities of processed garbage and sugar, and replaced it with healthy whole foods described feeling more alive than they had for decades.
Here in the US our alphabet agencies are captured by the industries they were to oversee. Media is beholding to its advertisers to lie, distort, and gaslight. Many in Congress only write laws to benefit the insurance, pharmaceutical, and banking industries. The great wasteland of cable television oozes trash and advertisements for drugs--a practice that is illegal in much of the world.
We have a lot to fix, and GLP-1 is just another misdirection.