I concur but....how do we get 8 billion sheeple to join the fight? And, how do we fight this? It's easy to say just boycott them by using gold and silver to buy local or maybe to distill alcohol to use as fuel in your car - the good old drop out and unplug type of silent protest but....how does that work for the 7.9 billion who can't do anything without watching a YouTube video first? We are going to have to fight them in small increments and we need more than a handful of awakened thinkers to even get started. It may be time for someone in the know, like you perhaps, to write a guide book or manual others can refer too for suggestions. "Rules for Radicals" by Sal Alinsky, for example, worked to a great degree for leftest radicals over the long haul so perhaps start there. Re-write it with a liberty and freedom goal as opposed to a socialist agenda. Our complaining and gnashing of teeth within the silo without presenting a game plan is futile. I'll be traveling this weekend and have Webb's "The Great Taking" book packed for some light reading and have a suspicion I will come to a similar conclusion as you but hopefully it will get my wheels turning.

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I think that anything we've tried before is not going to work as it has proved not to work due to the state we are in today. We need totally new thinking. Eight billion people are not going to change, it doesn't work like that. We have to look at nature, something like mycelium where small groups of the like-minded join together and network with other small groups. Everything must be brought back to local. Decentralization is key and small groups can do this. Relying on each other rather than industry. And keep connected through networks. And as others see our progress, they will want to hop onboard too. Some of us are already starting this kind of structure we call "hub and spoke" rather than hierarchical. This changes the very fabric of society in a good way, bringing everything back to local so we can know each other better and work with trusted relationships. This has the potential to go exponential and exponential growth happens in a blink however it is slow to get traction. Those of us who see what is going on then are kind of obligated to do something and this is how we can exercise our power.

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Look at the history of millions upon millions of men fighting and dying in wars created by Bankers and their owners for profit. Look at the many wars to come for the same reason. Look at the incomprehensible theft of our labor and ingenuity over centuries by them. Just eliminate10K of them, take everything they own and free the world of this scourge.

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Excellent article. This should be shared everywhere. I was astounded too when David Webb ended without giving any solutions except changing the already existing systems. It would be good to have a discussion with him. It shows that when in the system is difficult to see outside of it. I notice this too with Ronald Bernard, the ex banker who wants to see change but really is setting up the same systems. I deal with new systems that decentralize. This doesn't have to be difficult. Thanks again for the incisive way you explained this dilemma.

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