The Dark Side of Antidepressants
SSRI antidepressants are among the most harmful medications on the market, impacting society due to their widespread
SSRI antidepressants are among the most harmful medications on the market, impacting society due to their widespread (and frequently unjustifiable) use
Common side effects of SSRIs (and SNRIs) include sexual dysfunction (which is often permanent), emotional numbness, severe agitation, violent psychosis, cognitive decline, and birth defects
The most concerning SSRI side effect is their tendency to cause grisly suicides and homicidal violence which includes mass shootings
Psychiatry's denial of SSRI-related issues often leads to misinterpretation of side effects as signs of pre-existing mental illness, resulting in more medication and catastrophic consequences
SSRIs, like other stimulant drugs (e.g., cocaine), can create aggressive behaviors and are highly addictive so many SSRI enter severe withdrawals once they stop them. Unfortunately, few resources exist for patients struggling to quit SSRIs
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs and SNRIs) have long been marketed as the magical solution to depression and anxiety, promising relief in a convenient little pill. But behind the glossy pharmaceutical ads and doctor endorsements lies a far more troubling reality. These drugs don’t just alter your brain chemistry — they can hijack your emotions, disrupt your life, and lead to consequences far worse than the conditions they claim to treat.
In fact, there’s a dirty secret of the SSRI antidepressants — they cause psychotic violence which typically results in suicide and sometimes in horrific homicide (e.g., mass shootings). Remarkably, this side effect was discovered throughout their clinical trials, covered up by the drug companies, and then covered up by the FDA after the agency received a deluge of complaints1 (39,000 in the first nine years2) once the first SSRI, Prozac, hit the market.
Initially, the media would report on the prescriptions (SSRIs) mass shooters took. However, a gag order went out, it became impossible to know what medications shooters were on, and the topic became taboo to discuss. Fortunately, that recently changed (e.g., after an article I wrote compiling the evidence they cause mass shootings went viral, Tucker Carlson did a 2022 segment on it and prominent conservatives gradually began speaking openly about SSRI mass shootings3).
Note: I recently learned through a CDC official that the CDC has been silently tracking what mass shooters are on and found the SSRI link continues but has not disclosed it due to political earthquakes this admission would cause.
The Toxicology Bell Curve
In toxicology, you will typically see severe and extreme reactions occur much less frequently than moderate reactions:
ecause of this, when a very concerning and unmistakable adverse reaction occurs (e.g., the COVID-19 vaccines causing sudden deaths in young healthy athletes), that suggests you’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg and far less severe injuries are also occurring much more frequently.
For example, one estimate4 found that of those vaccinated for COVID, 18% were injured, 0.93% were disabled, and 0.05% to 0.1% died, while another survey5 found 41% of those vaccinated were injured, with 7% being severely injured.
In the case of the SSRIs, the psychotic violence they can create, sadly, is also just the tip of a very large iceberg, and there are many less severe ways they warp your mind, body, and emotions.
The Hidden Side Effects of SSRIs
Many datasets show the harm SSRIs cause greatly outweighs any benefits. For example, in a survey of 1,829 patients6 on antidepressants in New Zealand:
In that survey, other less common reported side effects (in order of decreasing frequency) included: insomnia, nightmares, "fuzzy"/"zombie," jaw grinding, sweating, blurred vision, constipation, disturbed/restless sleep, anxiety, heart palpitations, difficulty thinking, fatigue/exhaustion, strange/vivid dreams, stiff muscles/joints, "brain zaps," mania, excessive yawning, panic attacks, memory loss, decreased motivation, night sweats, and decreased appetite.
This list matches what I’ve seen in many other datasets7 (although others like feeling agitated, shaky, or anxious, indigestion, stomach aches, and diarrhea are also commonly reported).
Note: Another major issue with SSRIs (which is unlikely to be detected on a symptom-based survey) is that SSRIs frequently cause bipolar disorder.
Psychotic Violence — A Suppressed Truth
When Prozac was first brought to market in the mid-1980s, the pharmaceutical industry had not yet convinced the world that everyone was depressed and needed an antidepressant. So, instead (given that SSRIs work in a similar manner to a stimulant like Cocaine8) Prozac was initially marketed as a "mood-lifter."
Likewise, in 1985 when the FDA’s safety reviewer scrutinized Eli Lily’s Prozac application, they realized Lily had "failed" to report psychotic episodes of people on the drug and that Prozac’s adverse effects resembled that of a stimulant drug.
In turn, the warnings on the labels for SSRIs,9 such as anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia, hypomania, and mania, match the effects commonly observed with stimulant street drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine.
Note: A large survey of found 44% stopped a psych med because of side effects, a quarter of which were due to SSRI agitation.10
In light of this, and SSRI violence commonly being blamed on a "pre-existing mental illness" I thus compiled numerous studies (including ones industry tried to bury) showing the drugs themselves cause violence. For example:
•A Cochrane review11 assessed 150 studies where healthy volunteers were given SSRIs and found approximately one-third of them deliberately omitted discussing SSRI side effects, and about half of the studies were never made publicly available (presumably to hide their concerning data).
Ultimately, 14 of the 150 studies were eligible for meta-analysis (since enough information existed in them for the researchers to know what actually happened), and in these 14 studies, SSRIs were found to double the risk of suicide.
•In 2000, David Healy published a study12 he had carried out with 20 healthy volunteers — all with no history of depression or other mental illness — and to his big surprise two (10%) of them became suicidal when they received Zoloft. One of them was on her way out the door to kill herself in front of a train or a car when a phone call saved her.
Both volunteers remained disturbed several months later and seriously questioned the stability of their personalities.
•Eli Lilly showed in 197813 that cats who had been friendly for years began to growl and hiss on Prozac and became distinctly unfriendly. Once Prozac was stopped, the cats returned to their usual friendly behavior in a week or two.
Note: The FDA hypothesized that SSRIs could reduce violence in some but cause an increase in violence in others.14 Likewise a review of 84 animal studies showed that reduced aggression upon treatment with SSRI was most commonly observed, but sometimes the animals instead became more aggressive.15
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I have been on antidepressants for most of the last 30 years and on anti-anxiety meds for 10 plus years. I have to say there were a few harrowing experiences finding the right combination for me. On one, I would clutch myself tight and rock. On another, I tried to run in front of a car. Another one was the final blow to my gallbladder by upsetting my digestion. However, I have been prescribed 40 mg of citalopram a day and 30 mg of buspirone twice a day and do quite well on it. I am happy. I still worry but it doesn't paralyze me like it used to. I enjoy life. I hope and wish the same for all people who are suffering from depression and anxiety.