I agree, betting on the bullshit Bond Market rather than individual businesses and their stocks has been a trap, which I’ve repeated over and over for about a decade now.
Abandoning bonds and believing in the strength of the legitimate evolution of technology, including AI, as well as small & medium business and their stocks, has and always will be a better bet, unless the War-Profiteering Money Junkies who own the criminal petro-dollar-backed private Private Federal Reserve, Central-World banks get their way with CBDC’s & other digital ID/vaccine tracking & controls systems.
The American people have a natural-born-right to free themselves of the criminal businesses of war-profiteering and all of “their” imposed hundreds of trillions of fraudulent debt. That debt is indeed an illegal and unconstitutional fraud, and freeing ourselves of it is an imperative and major, positive boost to the American people, productivity and prosperity for the majority of individuals who still believe in freedom, choice and free enterprise.
We the People must conscientiously-object to the fraud of war, the War Industries and all of their war-debt. If we don’t, and if we keep believing in the greater-rights of the criminal war-bankers and their bought politicians and media, everyone is dead, with the exception of the criminal ultra-wealthy debt-managers, who will profit off all of our losses, just like what happened leading up to WWI and WWII.
I agree, betting on the bullshit Bond Market rather than individual businesses and their stocks has been a trap, which I’ve repeated over and over for about a decade now.
Abandoning bonds and believing in the strength of the legitimate evolution of technology, including AI, as well as small & medium business and their stocks, has and always will be a better bet, unless the War-Profiteering Money Junkies who own the criminal petro-dollar-backed private Private Federal Reserve, Central-World banks get their way with CBDC’s & other digital ID/vaccine tracking & controls systems.
The American people have a natural-born-right to free themselves of the criminal businesses of war-profiteering and all of “their” imposed hundreds of trillions of fraudulent debt. That debt is indeed an illegal and unconstitutional fraud, and freeing ourselves of it is an imperative and major, positive boost to the American people, productivity and prosperity for the majority of individuals who still believe in freedom, choice and free enterprise.
We the People must conscientiously-object to the fraud of war, the War Industries and all of their war-debt. If we don’t, and if we keep believing in the greater-rights of the criminal war-bankers and their bought politicians and media, everyone is dead, with the exception of the criminal ultra-wealthy debt-managers, who will profit off all of our losses, just like what happened leading up to WWI and WWII.