Eric relates: " The government sold a record $23 trillion worth in 2023." Wrong. Eric has fallen for the narrative. It is the FRBNY that formulates and auctions the securities ---and any related function which they wish to claim.. Ref. 31 CFR §375.3.
TreasuryDirect Institutional tabulations of auction results must have been received from the Bank. They historically listed amounts for redeeming maturing securities and also included for "new cash." New Cash was listed to foist a narrative that it was the money that went to the government. If money from the auctions actually went to the government for deficit spending, it would be the same cash flow as for taxes; i.e., from the market to the govt. Such a flow would not result in inflation nor would it increase the National Debt. New Cash must disappear to a private entity, such as the owners of the Fed system.
Deficit Spending Treasury Securities [DS] are received by the FRBNY [Bank] from the U.S. Treasury and govt ledgers receive fiat book-entry credit added for the govt to spend. The Bank then walks the securities down the hall to the department that is preparing securities for auctions to redeem the securities that have matured from prior years. The DS securities are divided into components and added to those securities being prepared to roll-over mature securities.
TreasuryDirect Institutional tabulations, as supplied by the Bank, historically identified Redeeming while the DS value is listed as ‘New Cash.’ Redeeming, in large part, involves Primary Dealers who are TBTF New York City banks. The auction funds, which currently amount to >$15 trillion annually, are handled exclusively by the Bank and have never been audited. {They are client accounts --- not operational accounts. Only operational accounts have been audited.] Ref. 31 CFR §375.3.
What happens to the New Cash ? Repeated inquiries to TreasuryDirect are not helpful. There is no documentation as to their destination. They certainly do not appear on any government account. If they disappeared by govt buying securities, it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt and would also negate any inflation. If they do not go to the government, then it appears they must go to a private entity---such as shareholders of a closely held FR Board of Governors, Inc.? But all profit of the Fed legally belongs to the govt. How is this not embezzlement ?
Are these potential recipients of $34 Trillion in New Cash over the past 100 years the same bankers who conspired on Jekyll Island for a week to create the Fed ?
With $34 Trillion as embezzled above, I think I could laundry funds and purchase ownership of all Fortune 500 firms including MSM [via BlackRock, Vanguard, and CFR]; to dominate countless nations using the IMF, CIA, US military and sanctions; to establish the UN and WHO for globalist control, to create international chaos with global pandemics; to overthrow a Constitutional Republic with a Southern invasion; to fund a Soros corrupted political structure; to promote a global Great Reset; among other items.
The supreme nefarious act is to get the taxpayers responsible for the book-entry credit that has been floated by the Bank and spent by Treasury. Using spurious legislation, the credit has been labeled as a legal tender; i.e., the taxpayers are responsible for the fraud that has been perpetuated and can never be paid off. The principal of credit is created by DS but the interest to service the credit is never created. When the Ponzi scheme implodes, the Fed is wanting the deplorables to be liable for the value. This appears to be the method Benjamin Ginsberg describes historic Rothschild banks used to collapsed and bankrupt European nations in his FATAL EMBRACE book.
The GAO has standing authority to audit any handling of government funds upon congressional direction without additional legislation. FOIA is also valid for any official record of any FR bank record. Ref. Bloomberg v Fed, aff'd, 601 F.3d 143 (2d Cir. 2010).
Let's go on a little imagination ride - imagine that we the people can hold the banks impotent. They charge interest on loans but they never issue that amount into the economy. Therefore it is not in the money supply to be able to be paid. Now here's what we can do - stop paying interest. Continue to pay the principle (even though it was just created out of thin air) but it did go into the economy, so there is a case for paying that. But there is no case for paying interest. I bet the banks wouldn't want too many to cotton onto this so they will do nothing abut taking your house away. Get with a buddy to do this and support each other. And let as many people know as possible. And share it around - keep 50% of that saving for yourself and spend it on something you like, and give 50% to someone in your circle or community who needs it. Do it every month and this will boost our communities and you get to enjoy more money for yourself. There should be nothing stopping anyone from doing this except chicken heartedness.
Eric relates: " The government sold a record $23 trillion worth in 2023." Wrong. Eric has fallen for the narrative. It is the FRBNY that formulates and auctions the securities ---and any related function which they wish to claim.. Ref. 31 CFR §375.3.
TreasuryDirect Institutional tabulations of auction results must have been received from the Bank. They historically listed amounts for redeeming maturing securities and also included for "new cash." New Cash was listed to foist a narrative that it was the money that went to the government. If money from the auctions actually went to the government for deficit spending, it would be the same cash flow as for taxes; i.e., from the market to the govt. Such a flow would not result in inflation nor would it increase the National Debt. New Cash must disappear to a private entity, such as the owners of the Fed system.
Deficit Spending Treasury Securities [DS] are received by the FRBNY [Bank] from the U.S. Treasury and govt ledgers receive fiat book-entry credit added for the govt to spend. The Bank then walks the securities down the hall to the department that is preparing securities for auctions to redeem the securities that have matured from prior years. The DS securities are divided into components and added to those securities being prepared to roll-over mature securities.
TreasuryDirect Institutional tabulations, as supplied by the Bank, historically identified Redeeming while the DS value is listed as ‘New Cash.’ Redeeming, in large part, involves Primary Dealers who are TBTF New York City banks. The auction funds, which currently amount to >$15 trillion annually, are handled exclusively by the Bank and have never been audited. {They are client accounts --- not operational accounts. Only operational accounts have been audited.] Ref. 31 CFR §375.3.
What happens to the New Cash ? Repeated inquiries to TreasuryDirect are not helpful. There is no documentation as to their destination. They certainly do not appear on any government account. If they disappeared by govt buying securities, it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt and would also negate any inflation. If they do not go to the government, then it appears they must go to a private entity---such as shareholders of a closely held FR Board of Governors, Inc.? But all profit of the Fed legally belongs to the govt. How is this not embezzlement ?
Are these potential recipients of $34 Trillion in New Cash over the past 100 years the same bankers who conspired on Jekyll Island for a week to create the Fed ?
With $34 Trillion as embezzled above, I think I could laundry funds and purchase ownership of all Fortune 500 firms including MSM [via BlackRock, Vanguard, and CFR]; to dominate countless nations using the IMF, CIA, US military and sanctions; to establish the UN and WHO for globalist control, to create international chaos with global pandemics; to overthrow a Constitutional Republic with a Southern invasion; to fund a Soros corrupted political structure; to promote a global Great Reset; among other items.
The supreme nefarious act is to get the taxpayers responsible for the book-entry credit that has been floated by the Bank and spent by Treasury. Using spurious legislation, the credit has been labeled as a legal tender; i.e., the taxpayers are responsible for the fraud that has been perpetuated and can never be paid off. The principal of credit is created by DS but the interest to service the credit is never created. When the Ponzi scheme implodes, the Fed is wanting the deplorables to be liable for the value. This appears to be the method Benjamin Ginsberg describes historic Rothschild banks used to collapsed and bankrupt European nations in his FATAL EMBRACE book.
The GAO has standing authority to audit any handling of government funds upon congressional direction without additional legislation. FOIA is also valid for any official record of any FR bank record. Ref. Bloomberg v Fed, aff'd, 601 F.3d 143 (2d Cir. 2010).
Let's go on a little imagination ride - imagine that we the people can hold the banks impotent. They charge interest on loans but they never issue that amount into the economy. Therefore it is not in the money supply to be able to be paid. Now here's what we can do - stop paying interest. Continue to pay the principle (even though it was just created out of thin air) but it did go into the economy, so there is a case for paying that. But there is no case for paying interest. I bet the banks wouldn't want too many to cotton onto this so they will do nothing abut taking your house away. Get with a buddy to do this and support each other. And let as many people know as possible. And share it around - keep 50% of that saving for yourself and spend it on something you like, and give 50% to someone in your circle or community who needs it. Do it every month and this will boost our communities and you get to enjoy more money for yourself. There should be nothing stopping anyone from doing this except chicken heartedness.