The current "scientists" tinkering with the basic fabric of Nature remind me of the brat trying to repair his dad's watch with a sledgehammer ...

To quote A. Einstein: "Most probably, there's a boundary to the universe, but what I know for sure, is that man's stupidity has none" ...

Scientists of the 17th to 19th century were mainly of aristocratic origin, had undergone a one-to-one tuition and researched for knowledge, not profit, backed by their family wealth only. This lead to enormous discoveries to the benefit of most of humanity.

Scientists from the 20th century were mainly backed by state-institutions in order to advance nationalistic goals and current ones are mainly funded by global corporations or obscure entities for entirely selfish and private (shareholder) purposes.

With VERY few exemptions, current scientists have morphed into 24/7/365 money-whores. Most probably I should include also the health/medical professions into this category ...

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Thank you for this, Sasha - a bit of sanity that I definitely needed today <3

Thanks for the Sheldrake talk too, it's brilliant - I know Rupert - he's a genius and also a really nice man, very cool, with a lovely wife, and two sons made in his image!

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Excellent article! The leaf analogy was brilliant.

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