Supposedly confirmational evidence that Malaysian flight MH-370 was rescued using secret technology
My name is Ashton Forbes and I am currently disclosing the most important videos in the history of the world.
My Letter to Congress Dear Congress, My name is Ashton Forbes and I am currently disclosing the most important videos in the history of the world. All of this information is publicly available. I would like to state that I have a Top Secret US Government clearance as part of my job as a contractor. My job has nothing to do with advanced technology, I am only stating this to establish my credibility. I am not bound by an NDA. This is not a hoax, disinformation, or misinformation. You don't need to believe me because everything is verifiable. I am requesting a public hearing. I am willing to testify in front of congress as to the authenticity of these videos and explain every aspect of them. I would also invite physics experts to validate the science on display. The videos in question are that of the true fate of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, on March 7th, 2014 at 18:40UTC at the Nicobar Islands. One is of an MQ-1C Gray Eagle with a thermal layer added by the leaker, and the other is a 3D battlespace produced by the SBIRS (Space Based Infrared System), via SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) using data from Spy Satellite USA-229 which has a sister satellite next to it classified as debris. This allows for the proven 3D stereoscopic imagery we see in the Satellite video. The oldest archived versions of the videos we could find come from "RegicideAnon" a UFO video uploader, who uploaded unrelated videos previously, indicating they are not the source. Higher quality versions were released by other UFO uploaders on youtube later on, indicating neither is the original source. The dates are damning. Satellite Video (Received: March 12, 2014, Uploaded May 19, 2014) -
MQ-1C Gray Eagle (Received: June 5, 2014, Uploaded June 13, 2014) -
So why now, many ask? Because only in 2023 do we have the basis to understand these videos to be real. We needed the 2017 DoD Navy UAP videos to understand what FLIR footage looks like, the 2019 Trump satellite leak to understand those capabilities, 2020 scientific papers that show 'wormholes' are humanely traversable, LK-99 that shows the emergence of superconductivity and finally AI in daily use as ChatGPT. Without all these things the MH370 videos seem like magic. We know the location of the videos because the investigative group I started, MH370x, satellite experts used amateur historical trajectories to identify the correct satellite in the correct position to take the 3D stereoscopic video we see. We can see six sets of coordinates in the satellite video which we had incorrectly thought were in the South Indian Ocean, until we were able to realize the only possible location was the Nicobar Islands because the plane is turning left in both videos and due to the coordinate shifts. This means the plane is turning south and to the east. The satellite and witness (Katherine Tee) indicate the time is 18:40UTC, March 7th, 2014. Proof the Satellite video is 3D Stereoscopic -… SBIRS -… USA-229, the smoking gun -… The Witness -…
I have been investigating and writing about these videos as a Citizen Journalist for the past 10 weeks. My X Corp (Twitter) following has gone from 30 followers to 8500+ of multidisciplinary backgrounds from the strength of the evidence alone. My handle is
. We have definitively proved every aspect of the videos to be authentic. We know the assets, the time, the location, we have a witness, we know that there was a fire on the plane likely from the lithium ion batteries which broke containment, causing the Halon gas to permeate throughout the plane. Lithium Ion Battery Fire -… There was no debris field, which is impossible for a 777 crashing into the ocean. The small amounts of debris found are consistent with the fire scenario, and some debris had burn marks. A fire suppression device from a B777 washed up in the Maldives and was not investigated despite having visible serial numbers. The Maldives were intentionally excluded from the search, despite witnesses on one of the small islands seeing the plane flying low and identifying the red/blue stripe of Malaysian Airlines early in the morning on March 8, 2014.
The Art of Liberty Foundation will be co-sponsoring a conference in Sedona, Arizona on November 3rd, 4th and 5th entitled: Liberty on the Rocks!
The conference brings together some of the leading lights in Liberty to discuss our current political situation and SOLUTIONS, including how to create local Liberty groups and Freedom Cells and how to move yourself out of organized crime’s crooked admiralty law system by correcting your status and standing. Friday night, there will be a VIP Dinner and concert Featuring Grant Prezence. Saturday we are at the Global Center for Christ Consciousness in Sedona for talks, workshops and a panel. There will be a Liberty expo with the ability to table. It is free for all on Saturday after 3:00 PM. Sunday we are taking folks for yoga and hiking in the most beautiful place on the planet. Get the details at