I couldn't carry on reading how utterly stupid these war mongers are...some operating from delusions of grandeur, some from misplaced patriotism, some out of pure lust for profit or power...they cannot see other paths, they are so blinkered by their brainwashed mindsets they cannot imagine any other way of confronting perceived problems than by the use of threat, coercion and violence. One calls such children in school, Bullies! Yet those who suffer such mindsets are supposed adults? How long will all of humanity suffer, collude, kowtow to the dreams and misconceptions of the few who bring us all constant dis-ease, war instead of dialogue about issues, pollution for profit, etc.? How much longer will our patience last in the face of the ever increasing dangers they are creating for life on earth. Let us see them for the misguided, damaged souls they are and STOP following their foolish dreams and imaginings...we are more able than that, we can imagine and bring into being anything we desire if we put our minds and will towards our own dreams and imaginings.
I couldn't carry on reading how utterly stupid these war mongers are...some operating from delusions of grandeur, some from misplaced patriotism, some out of pure lust for profit or power...they cannot see other paths, they are so blinkered by their brainwashed mindsets they cannot imagine any other way of confronting perceived problems than by the use of threat, coercion and violence. One calls such children in school, Bullies! Yet those who suffer such mindsets are supposed adults? How long will all of humanity suffer, collude, kowtow to the dreams and misconceptions of the few who bring us all constant dis-ease, war instead of dialogue about issues, pollution for profit, etc.? How much longer will our patience last in the face of the ever increasing dangers they are creating for life on earth. Let us see them for the misguided, damaged souls they are and STOP following their foolish dreams and imaginings...we are more able than that, we can imagine and bring into being anything we desire if we put our minds and will towards our own dreams and imaginings.