Just because a doctor makes an appointment doesn’t mean you have to go. My youngest daughter (11) has never been to a doctor in her life except for an ER visit for a sliver of wood she got in her thumb. No vaccine visits, no well baby visits...nada, nothing. Unless your kid is sick, keep it far far away from MD’s.
This is a lot of work, the average parent has the medical right to refuse on religious grounds in the United States. They don’t have to state what religion they are, or their religious practices. All you have to say is, vaccination it is my against my religious beliefs. I think it’s acts chapter 16, that talks about contaminating the blood, or 1Corinthian 6:19 which talks about your body, being a temple, and to not desecrate it… regardless, you have a religious freedom, that is protected. I have heard of stories where nasty hospital workers try to call children services on parents, that refuse vaccinations, and you have every right to fight those people off because of your religious beliefs. Even if you are not religious, they don’t have to know that.
Just because a doctor makes an appointment doesn’t mean you have to go. My youngest daughter (11) has never been to a doctor in her life except for an ER visit for a sliver of wood she got in her thumb. No vaccine visits, no well baby visits...nada, nothing. Unless your kid is sick, keep it far far away from MD’s.
Thank you for your service!
Why the fuck would you go to a western doc? If your kids arm is broken take him to hospital, not for a vax em , stick em for profit session!
Monopoly AMA doctors are dealers not healers
IMO the only thing western medicine is good at is emergency trauma response. They don’t have a clue about disease.
This is a lot of work, the average parent has the medical right to refuse on religious grounds in the United States. They don’t have to state what religion they are, or their religious practices. All you have to say is, vaccination it is my against my religious beliefs. I think it’s acts chapter 16, that talks about contaminating the blood, or 1Corinthian 6:19 which talks about your body, being a temple, and to not desecrate it… regardless, you have a religious freedom, that is protected. I have heard of stories where nasty hospital workers try to call children services on parents, that refuse vaccinations, and you have every right to fight those people off because of your religious beliefs. Even if you are not religious, they don’t have to know that.