Bayer did the same with its nonsensical purchase of monsanto, while the glyphosate mess was splashed across the media. Now Bayer has tied up the market on garden seeds for personal use. They own or control ALL of it. We appear to be in another corporate consolidation phase as they gear up for central control.

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Thanks for the value add! Have you seen our White Rose Mucho Grande poster on monopoly seed consolidation? https://artofliberty.org/white-rose/poster7/ You might like the whole series!

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It’s like owning a medical practice handing out prescriptions for opioids and owning the pharmacy - and then having a treatment center that also hands out opioids for “opiate replacement therapy” to treat addiction. Oh wait...that’s been happening for decades. Carry on.

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-- S A T A N I C --


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they just have good business sense... Good medicine is bad for business... Bad medicine good!!

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