The Moth in the Iron Lung by Forrest Maready is an incredibly detailed body of research about polio. His book includes doctors' patient records from back in the 1800s. Most of the outbreaks happened in summer when people were eating lots of fresh fruit (which had been sprayed with lead arsonate). Children were more affected than adults probably due to body size.
The pesticides -and- the 1st polio vaccine which gave polio to those injected. For those unaware, the "Cutter Incident" caused 40,000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10" NIH & many medical journals have recorded this:
The polio vaccine was "contaminated" with SV40, monkey virus used, now also being found in covid vax, also causes cancer. When will we learn that injecting these horrid ingredients is not right! Some are awakening now, but the pharm cartel has been indoctrinating most for too long.
For those who don't know, true polio can be eradicated by good sanitation. And that there now exists polio in different places in the world DUE to the Polio vaccine. It is called Vaccine Derived Polio Virus or VDPV. An older NIH article here:
My father used what was supposed to be 100% DDT (got from somebody in the army) to get rid of cockroach in our house right after the war. He’d be 28 then. He died of Non Hodgson’s lymphoma at 76 and I always guessed that stored DDT eventually did for him. This is UK
It was used pervasively. If you google, you can find history & pictures of all the spraying which they would use everywhere, including spraying directly on the skin & on food! I'm so sorry re your father. They didn't know then nor question. My grandfather, also ended up towards the end of his life with gnarled arthritic fingers & dying young.
But any poison sprayed or injected into you is bad. The spraying still goes on tho not as much with DDT, yet the WHO was trying to bring it back.
I just responded to another poster re a picture he had posted showing aerially spraying in Central America. But most in America most don't realize the pesticides are sprayed daily in every state. Look up mosquito or bug control for where you live. There's a reason so many are sick with chronic disease & this is def a contributing factor.
Thanks for this article, good to get a few more details about polio and it's causes. T(hanks also for the one on Trumps denial to central banks of CBDCs, with the warning, needed!) that no mention has been made that privately issued digital currencies are just as programable , etc. as central bank CBDCs
The Moth in the Iron Lung by Forrest Maready is an incredibly detailed body of research about polio. His book includes doctors' patient records from back in the 1800s. Most of the outbreaks happened in summer when people were eating lots of fresh fruit (which had been sprayed with lead arsonate). Children were more affected than adults probably due to body size.
Great book for those interested in this topic.
Thanks for the value add!
The pesticides -and- the 1st polio vaccine which gave polio to those injected. For those unaware, the "Cutter Incident" caused 40,000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10" NIH & many medical journals have recorded this:
The polio vaccine was "contaminated" with SV40, monkey virus used, now also being found in covid vax, also causes cancer. When will we learn that injecting these horrid ingredients is not right! Some are awakening now, but the pharm cartel has been indoctrinating most for too long.
For those who don't know, true polio can be eradicated by good sanitation. And that there now exists polio in different places in the world DUE to the Polio vaccine. It is called Vaccine Derived Polio Virus or VDPV. An older NIH article here:
My father used what was supposed to be 100% DDT (got from somebody in the army) to get rid of cockroach in our house right after the war. He’d be 28 then. He died of Non Hodgson’s lymphoma at 76 and I always guessed that stored DDT eventually did for him. This is UK
It was used pervasively. If you google, you can find history & pictures of all the spraying which they would use everywhere, including spraying directly on the skin & on food! I'm so sorry re your father. They didn't know then nor question. My grandfather, also ended up towards the end of his life with gnarled arthritic fingers & dying young.
But any poison sprayed or injected into you is bad. The spraying still goes on tho not as much with DDT, yet the WHO was trying to bring it back.
I just responded to another poster re a picture he had posted showing aerially spraying in Central America. But most in America most don't realize the pesticides are sprayed daily in every state. Look up mosquito or bug control for where you live. There's a reason so many are sick with chronic disease & this is def a contributing factor.
Thanks for this article, good to get a few more details about polio and it's causes. T(hanks also for the one on Trumps denial to central banks of CBDCs, with the warning, needed!) that no mention has been made that privately issued digital currencies are just as programable , etc. as central bank CBDCs