Very interesting but no Gov = Warlords. Look to history.

Utopian visions are great, but humans have 'greed' and 'want' as their baseline - some more than others, and power nearly always corrupts no matter 'the system'.

Most humans also NEED to follow. They can not stand alone. Responsible for their own existence..

'Government' isn't the main issue, although that system is broken and 'owned' around the world - its faceless Corporations and those flawed individuals that wield extreme influence through the hoarding of billions from the exploitation of the planet and fellow man, yet are put on pedestals and worshiped by millions.

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We have warlords in suits that pretend to let us elect them... then they steal 50% of our income in overt taxes, covert taxes and inflation... How could REAL freedom be worse? Plus... if you are advocating for "government" then you are voting to rob your neighbor... the karma you get for trying to impose that system on your friends, family and relatives is tax slavery for yourself...

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":advocating for "government" then you are voting to rob your neighbor."

Before it was called Government it was called community or a tribe - even then they had leaders and boundaries.. People shared. People helped. The Amish for example.

Perceived ownership and 'my precious' - is what separates us from nature, as many take more than they need to survive, unlike nature. That is true karma, trying to hold onto what was never 'owned' in the first place and living in the fear of loss..

Your argument is an all or nothing one - saying that the current looting and billionaire/ corporate run machine is the only one. Ill repeat - most humans follow, and live with greed and/or fear in their heart. Unless that changes, they must have leaders and community and base behavior limits, or those with more power will take from those with less, violently.

Taxes were never mentioned. Income tax is quite a modern invention and shouldn't be necessary. However, for example, putting a house fire out with a garden hose, by yourself, is far less ideal that everyone helping in or with funded experts who live and breath fire control.

"How could real freedom be worse?" Look to revolutionary France - off with their heads - replaced by an even worse bunch of evil. Leading to the suffering and outright slaughter of millions across Europe as Napoleon played Emperor.

Or even closer - look to Maos China and Stalins Russia - off with their heads - leading to the outcome of even more tyrannical overlords.

Very few of those everyday folk who rose up were fighting for those outcomes, they just followed.. so be careful what you wish for.

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