Factually wrong: "who has both male and female chromosomes", nope he doesn't.

He is a male born with Y chronosome (always male) without a penis and probably has testicles in his belly (that's why Reduxx says he has 'both genitalia) because of DSD they haven't descendend and the doctors always subscribe to the societal notion that a person without a penis is a female.

This is done to protect such makes and therefore he has an ID card that says female while genetically he is a male.

This practice should be abandoned. A man without a penis is still a man.

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It would be funny if the Trump shooter was intersex too. In fact, that may explain why they were hesitating about shooting at him first. A satirical glimpse at the inner dialogue of the police snipers: "wait, is that guy on the roof a tranny? is it legal to shoot a transsexual who is about to attempt to kill another person? Man,I don't want no more maoist reeducation torture sessions, man! I better let this pass. They told me after high school the torture would end and life would get better, but they lied! aarghhh! now i really wanna shoot at something!"

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I thought the same thing myself.

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This is very deserved.

I’ve been seeing situations on TV for 40 years where women have been beating up men

This has made women so smug so falsely smug

I’ve been waiting for this day all my life

Finally !!!!!

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The Algerian fighter, why is that person considered a woman? All that I see is a man there.

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