ALWAYS follow the money-trail ...

And who knows more about money than ...🤔🤔 ???

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I mention this information to people, and they’re absolutely clueless. I don’t even bother anymore. They’re so captured by the media propaganda.

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For Chrissake...the LOOTING just goes on and on.....in your FACE.

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It is absolutely shockingly revolting that ao many people HAD to die to form this delusional impression that Hamas started this war on its own. Of course they worked for Israel to serve this exact purpous of gaining, otherwise why would the border be unattended for that small time period.. same with Lahaina, Pearl Harbour, makes one wonder where these stupid, heartless opportunistic money wolving burocrats get their script that always look the same... if they acted in grace there wouldn't have been proxy wars, but then a proxy wars (like most wars, ukraine and israel included). wouldn't serve their selfish purpose. I am nouseous.

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All good work, but did Jimmy Dore 'discover' something which is common knowledge... the identity of Sunak's wife?

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Thanks for posting this valuable information regarding corruption at the highest levels of uk power.

I suggest gas may be a nice bonus but the basis of the disgusting attacks and genocide is land grabbing. Pure and simple, the chosen bastards take what they can by force and make an art of tricking the public how it’s all in self defence.

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Thank you for posting this. How cynical, dreadful and brutal can it get? The people involved should not be tolerated in public positions or in public life.

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