People need to remain CALM! We aren't even thru the scamdemic and now the US is itching to take more of your rights away!

Wake TF Up!!! Do not let them play you like puppets. This is preprogramming you to accept HARSHER Patriot Act-like laws. Its all so insane.

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A clip on the drones, <3min


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Man arrested for shooting a drone over his property… the real threat to our right to bear arms is that we can be arrested if we use them.


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It is a natural thing to fire at something that threatens us. A drone hovering over our houses is a threat. People who fly drones need to know this.

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Dont do it anything in AIRSPACE is under FED CONTROL and its not very high up either you will get in serious trouble , not saying I like this situation but that is what it is .

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And yes, totally natural.

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I was just on a drone forum and they are concerned about these things. But the people who don’t care about laws are not going to obey them. The best thing is to allow property occupants and owners to shoot them down without repercussions if they are being flown over your property… whether a home or business. Whether renting or owning. Passing a law for drone owners to not do this, won’t do a dang thing to stop it. Unless of course people can shoot em down. In the mean time, I recommend everyone shoot the drones every chance they get. Then dip them in cement and throw them in the nearest uranium mine waste lake.

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Yes I'm with you on this. If people fly drones over houses then they need to know there are consequences and it is at their risk. If we don't do that now, then the sky will be filled with drones. We need to nip this in the bud.

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It’s so disturbing. Like how they allow for squatters to take over your property while you are on vacation and such… when the original intent of the squatter laws applied to circumstances when there is no evidence of ownership or right to occupy a property.

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Very bad idea though I understand your sentiments, this is FED CONTROLLED AIRSPACE you will have a big problem

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Someone has to take the stand and this behavior should be encouraged. However, the destruction of mankind is upon us and it can’t be stopped.

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The only thing to do is get out of their way to preserve a few of us.

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No its that we have LOST the right to control airspace above us its under FED CONTROL and not very high up either dont shoot unless your really threatened , big trouble will result

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Why give credence to illegitimate power?

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Well I certainly understand that sentiment ,, and yes they are illegitimate power and criminal cartels , but they do still have a monopoly on that power and the ability to prosecute , which they love to do for stupid stuff like shooting at some drone that is NOT really threatening. We dont yet have sheriffs or enough people saying NO to these criminal cartels to be effective against their tyranny. As someone who has lived outside that system and skirted the edges of this illegitimacy and fought lots of battles , we need to choose them wisely , I just did not want people to get into unproductive trouble and huge fines without knowing about FED AIR SPACE right above your home and property.

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A slingshot is much better than a pistol to bring them down...oh, by the way, don’t talk to fucking cops!

Please repeat after me: When cops ask questions, repeat, “I don’t answer questions.”

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Will do. And yes, I love sling shots, bows and air soft guns too. I’ve been practicing the bow. Blow darts… I really want to get into those. Thanks for the reminder.

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Although I’m not sure the blow farts would be effective drone destroyers. But, a good skill nonetheless.

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I saw something on YT about a month ago. Apparently someone was arrested because he shot down a drone that was flying over his backyard. Maybe it was staged. I might go see if I can find it again.

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This is my podcast on drone development update in the battlefield in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. This my 3rd update. Essential to know if you do not know already:


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My impression or gut instinct (based on some research of the “players” in the drone market—-our tech overlords) is that these drone incidents are meant to result in a call for the government to invest in drone technology. You know….the old trick of define or identify a problem so as to sell a solution.

Have a few links for you to look at:

Start with this in 2017….


Then look at this following the Hamas attack….



Then of course, we see where sales go up….



Not hard to see who is going to get our hard earned tax money to develop technology to “protect” us….



And here’s the thing….once this technology is developed along AI and systems can use digital and real life identifying systems like facial recognition, patterns of behavior, heat seeking tech, infra red, etc…..

Well, not too hard to see how such drone technology could be used on a population or citizenry….for example, in enforcing martial law, quarantines, etc.

So, as much as people may want answers to these sightings….careful what you wish for and who you trust.

Sure feels like this is a fleecing of the American public that is underway designed to aid (or rather enrich) TPTB in justifying technology that ultimately gives them more power to possibly surveil and control the population.

Just like with healthcare and the Covid jab…they will sell it to us as for our protection (at our expense—-financially and otherwise) and people will beg for them to provide “protection.”

Again, look at who the players are at the forefront of this market….Roux (Gates bed fellow and a former Silver Lakes Partner), Microsoft, BlueRun Ventures China is in the mix, former COO of Facebook and Google, and Israeli former CEO of Waze.

Go figure.

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